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Plastered walls of drywall under the wallpaper

After the cladding sheets GCR their surface is obtained smooth and flat. Therefore, those, who alone makes repairs in the apartment or house is often the question arises: Do you need to putty drywall under the wallpaper (here you can here you can). It would seem that, sufficient to seal the seams and cap screws from the, and the paper to the paper and glued so beautiful. But, as well as any work, preparation for wallpapering plasterboard has its own characteristics, that affect the quality of the final wall decor.

Why putty drywall under the wallpaper

Do I need to putty drywall under the wallpaper? Exists, at least, two important reasons to perform this operation:

  1. If the wallpaper is made in bright colors or have slight thickness, then through them, will clearly shine through the joints and any irregularities in the surface of the GCR. The result is the impression of carelessness, avoidable, Stopper drywall entirely.
  2. But the main reason that it is necessary to putty drywall under the wallpaper lies in the fact, that any decoration on the walls over time, can get bored. This means, old wallpaper have to be removed, it is not so easy to do, if there is no filler layer underneath. Removing the old coating can be to such an extent to damage the plasterboard sheets, otherwise you'll have to level or even change. So doubt about whether you need to fully putty drywall under the wallpaper should not occur at least, to avoid unnecessary work in the future for replacement.

Completely fine if the wallpaper should be used putty walls under the wallpaper or the surface poorly prepared.

How to choose the putty

There are no policy recommendations What better putty for drywall under the wallpaper. Special quality mixtures, eg, fire resistance or frost, in this case does not play any role, is more important to pay attention to the appointment of putty and then, in what room it will be ispolzovatsya.Tak, gypsum plaster is more suitable for dry rooms, because it is afraid of the big changes in humidity and can crack. Therefore, for a bathroom or kitchen is better to use putty, cement-base.plaster under the wallpaper

Leveling compound is good for joints, cracks and dents. It has a coarse texture, Consequently, like finish suitable only, if the wallpaper has a greater material thickness and density.

Universal polymer filler can be used for planarizing, and for the final finish. It is suitable for facilities with any moisture. And its consumption is less than that of other types of fillers.

Choosing a putty putty drywall under the wallpaper is better to give preference to the dry mixture, because it lasts longer and can be used in doses, kneading much, how much do you need. Usually putty manufacturer indicates on the package instructions for working with the mixture and the required proportions, thus it is necessary to pay attention,Some fillers must insist. For smooth, it is desirable to use a mixer construction, but if it is not, then fit a special attachment on a drill.

surface preparation

Before starting putty plasterboard, it must be cleaned of dirt and dust, and carefully inspect for scratches, deep dents and protruding screws. This can help a regular spatula. Leading them on a plane plaster is easy to detect various defects.

Underturned screws should pull your screwdriver, slightly sinking their heads into the top layer of plasterboard. If there are screws, hats which were included in the body of the GCR too deep (more than half of the sheet thickness), they must be removed and spin in a new location, at least 50 mm from the old point of attachment. A smaller distance is not recommended, since the holes can be formed crack, which is likely to spread further, and therefore, This list will need to be replaced.

If gypsum boards at the joints do not have a factory chamfer, their edges are cut at an angle necessary to 45 degrees. This is necessary in order, to putty deeply penetrated deep into the seam. Besides, at the edges of the sheets should not be peeling paper from gypsum. Upon detection of such a defect, who quit need cardboard neatly trimmed with a knife, a place primed. In details, how and what to gloss over the drywall joints.

After a visual inspection and detection of all flaws plasterboard wall must be primed. As a primer is better to use a mixture of a water-based, since they are impregnated cardboard layer only and do not cause its deformation. The primer should be applied uniformly over the entire surface of the plasterboard, thin layer. When it is completely dry, you are ready to advance Shpatlevanie.


Pre Shpatlevanie

Preliminary plaster drywall under the wallpaper with your own hands is aimed at leveling the surface and includes:

Putty seams and joints between the sheets of plaster to walls, ceiling and floor should begin with the reinforcement tape stickers - serpyanku. It is important to stick it so, to close up the slot was in the middle of the tape. Now it is possible to apply filler. The work is conducted from top to bottom, it is convenient to use two spatula - narrow and wide. The first seam can be filled with a mixture of, a second align it over the surface of the longitudinal movements. Putty does not need to be sorry, since when drying it gives a significant shrinkage. The result should be completely filled with a seam, without gaps and visible indentations. It is better if there is a slight excess putty - then it is possible to remove abrasive mesh.

Putty is applied on the screws crosswise. So it fills the recesses of the fixing caps and hides its head.

When a plaster walls of drywall under the wallpaper, perhaps, the most complex operation - it Shpatlevanie angles. often used perforated area of ​​aluminum for the outer corner or, if the angle of the curved or arched, plasty. Get this profile is quite simple. To do this, you need to make to the corner of the place, in which it is mounted. Make a pencil mark, and then make an incision along the lines of plasterboard, spaced about 3 mm pometok, when viewed from ugla.Posle it with a chisel to remove the cardboard to a depth slightly greater, than the thickness of the corner. The resulting recesses are filled with putty, and then pressed into a corner profile in them so, to be slightly deeper relative to the plane through the perforations putty sten.Vystupivshaya smoothed wide spatula with addition of a mixture, to get aligned with the plane of the sheet surface. Video of the puttying of walls and ceilings.

Inside corners shpaklyuyut little harder. First of all, They as well as the seams are reinforced serpyanku. Secondly, to evenly bring the two adjacent sides, they shpatljujut turns - first one side, then, after complete drying of the first, second. It facilitates the work of a special trowel for corners, which can be easily found.

dents, deep scratches and other imperfections are sealed standard method. In this case, if the filler will need to be applied in several layers, each subsequent layer is applied only, when dry previous. To evaluate, how exactly it puttied wall,You can use the usual spirit level.

After finishing preliminary Shpatlevanie walls of plasterboard, must overwrite their sand mesh, cleaned and re-coat primer.


Final putty plasterboard

The finish coat of drywall under the wallpaper will provide flawless surface for further finishing. This stage approach wide spatula, and the mixture itself of the density should be comparable with sour cream.

Putty is applied to broad sweeping movements, So, that it was a layer as evenly as possible and thinner. If you still can not avoid minor sagging, them later aligned sandpaper. The main thing here - accuracy, slowness and thoroughness.

After complete drying of the finishing layer, surface is cleaned from dust and again primed. This will eliminate possible minor defects and prepare the walls of plasterboard pasting wallpaper.


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