To calculate the number of drywall, Profile and related materials in the headliner recommend using the online calculator.
It allows you to not only select the right amount of material and associated components, save money, but also to tell the assembly technology.
You will not need to think, how much and what do you want to buy, to sheathe sheets of plasterboard the required surface. All this will do the calculator online.
Online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of gypsum boards, Profile number, screws, dowels and related materials.
From modern facing materials the most popular in recent years is considered drywall.

It can be used on their own to get the surface, which does not require additional training for further finishing.
But, Getting facing any surface, you must make the correct calculations in need of the desired material, to avoid overspending of funds.
Proposed online calculator describes the principle of calculating the plasterboard facing surface in a single layer.
As a facing material applied Knauf sheets.
Beginning of work
Online calculator is a program, which allows you to make the necessary calculations consumables, Knowing the size of the surface, which must be oblitsevat.
Enter the required parameters, you get all the basic needs of calculation and related materials, providing Headliner.

For, program to start calculations, in its field it is necessary to enter two parameters: length and height of the surface. When plating the ceiling surface it is necessary to measure the length and width of the room ceiling.
Calculating the number of Drywall, Profile begins with measuring the length and width of the room ceiling, which it is scheduled headlining.
The obtained values translate to meters and insert the corresponding field.
Do not forget, that the values must be converted to meters with parts, separated by commas.
Filling in the fields with surface dimensions, left click on "Calculate".
The result is issued immediately.
In the table, you will be given the required number of gypsum boards in m², number of linear meters of profiles, number of anchors, screws, various related materials.
To clarify the number of sheets, profiles you need to know the sizes of materials, that you plan to buy.

If you are using gypsum plasterboard Knauf, do not forget, that the sheets are produced size 1.2 × 2.5 m. The area of each sheet is respectively 3,0 m².
Knowing the surface area, be lined, divide it by leaf area, purchased for. We obtain the required number of sheets.
Applying online calculator to calculate the amount of gypsum board and profile will tell you, how much money should be spent, to acquire the necessary materials.
Calculator specifies all necessary materials, which are required for high-quality trim of any area. But to take advantage of tips online calculator or calculate yourself, you'll have to decide for themselves.
I wish you success.