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Online calculator to calculate the plasterboard partitions

Producing alterations indoors, often resort to the use of partitions as the material of gypsum boards.

But how much to buy drywall, various collateral materials man does not know. And to make accurate calculations manually, thing laborious and requires the knowledge of the assembly process technology.

baffle of the sheet
That's where you come in handy calculator offered online, allowing not only to calculate the necessary materials, but their number and range to perform the required work.
The following online calculator calculates material requirements for double skin walls.

You will not have to think, the material from which to manufacture the frame, what and how much is required fasteners, any accompanying materials for this work need.
Online calculator not only calculate the number of sheets of drywall, but also prompt steps and related materials, required to perform this type of work.

Beginning of work
It all starts with the measurement of your future partition area.
Measure the height and width of the wall, insert the results given in the respective fields, and press calculator "Calculate".
The proposed online calculator is a program, specially designed to calculate plating walls of plasterboard.
its primary goal is to operationally performing calculations necessary materials on the proposed assembly technology and walls lining.

Do not forget!
- size according to the calculator window entered in meters;
- a calculator designed to calculate using standard sheets KNAUF-GKL(gypsum plasterboard).

The calculator will show you the general area (in square meters) baffle surface, which must be oblitsevat. Calculate the number of sheets just enough. It is necessary to divide the area obtained in the area of ​​one sheet.
The area of ​​the sheet depends on the size of the sheet used you.

The calculator will give the need for applicable galvanized profile, indicate its sizes.

The results of the online calculator to find the number of calculations can be required self-tapping screws, Profile fixing dowels, other, required accompanying materials.

Name consumption U. measurement
1 Sheet gypsum plasterboard Knauf(gypsum plasterboard) m
2. Profile Guide Mon 50/40 (75/40, 100/40)
running m
3 Profile Rack PS 50/50 (75/50, 100/50)
running m
4 Screw samonarezayuschyy TN25
5. Caulking "Фугенфюллер" ("Unflot")
6 reinforcing tape
running m
7 dowel "TO" 6/35
8. tape sealing
pog. m.
9. Primers, deep universal Knauf Tifengrund
10 Mineral wool slab
11profile corner
according to customer needs
running m

The advantage of the above calculator online is, you not only get the right amount of material calculations, but prompt process baffle assembly.

Find out how many pieces of screws per kilogram can be here. Use the services offered online calculators materials. Save time and money!
I wish you success!

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