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Plastic windows Satels – excellent quality and reasonable price

When it comes to buying products with a long useful life, of course, I want to buy a well made product, which will operate reliably for the entire service life. This fully applies to the plastic windows. Residents of the capital in this respect fortunate - to have firm works Satels, which has been 18 years produces and installs plastic windows in the Moscow region. Over the years many customers have appreciated the excellent quality products and high level of service, provided by the company.

Windows to suit every taste and purse

All products are made of the best modern metal-profile Veka group and produce windows Satels Optimum, providing a high degree of energy saving, the variety of shapes and colors, durability and vandal resistance, as well as an attractive appearance and durability.Satels

Whatever skeptics say that, that the profiles of all the producers are exactly the same characteristics and differ only in the number of funds, invested in advertising, Veka products - it is a guarantee of high quality plastic, unconditional compliance with all the modern technology, sustainability and reliability. Company «Satels» is one of the few companies , working directly with the manufacturer. Company Satels officially certified partner Veka, that is a special reason for pride and a direct proof of the quality of products. Together with Veka regularly develop and launch new products into production. It has a VIP-client status, which provides the maximum possible discount on all purchased raw materials and allows us to offer plastic windows in Moscow of the highest quality at the best prices.

Complete production cycle. At the company's plants are not just going to made-ups from supplied semi-finished products, and produced a full range of production of all the necessary components: reinforcement Profile, welding of window frames, glass cutting and manufacturing insulating glass.

ghjbpdjlcndj All operations are performed on the assembly lines, using the latest equipment, computer controlled. Manufacturing companies Satels located in Ryazan. All the workshops are equipped with the latest equipment Tronzado MG, MACOTEC, Urban, Fimtek, BTS, Marval, Belfortglass, Silemeccani by, Belfortglass, Pertici. The total area of ​​shops is over 5 000 square metrov.Chetko streamlined production process, completely eliminating any errors or marriage, fully loaded power and a large amount of orders allow you to organize mass production and to minimize the cost of.

High build quality

In the production uses only the best materials: Veka profile , Satels and accessories ROTO FRANK, glass, seals, etc.. d.

In the design, special attention was paid to the design, rounded glazing bead and gray seal allowed a fresh look at the window design and build the surrounding area. It is worth noting, that the window Satels Optimum is a good option for creating SunRoom, this space, maximum open outside world.

All components are tested Input control service, build quality is assessed at all stages of the production process. The company produces the best plastic windows in Moscow, because streamlined checkout process completely eliminates the negative impact of human factors and the use of defective materials.

Individual approach to every client. The company can not only order the production of windows, but also their professional installation in any area of ​​Moscow and region. Zamerschika in a very short time will remove all of the required dimensions and order in production, and after a few days by a qualified installer will bring and install the finished products. installation quality and high level of service guaranteed by many years of experience of each employee - any deformation, gaps or cracks in the operation process is completely eliminated. At each site is required to conduct individual quality control installation: specialist service center is required to call upon completion of works and find out if there are any comments.

High quality «Satels» products appreciated by the huge number of diplomas and certificates of honor, received over the years of work. For seven consecutive years, the company ranked first in the traditional competition "People's Brand". But the most important and valuable evidence of the recognition of this brand are hundreds and thousands of appreciative reviews yet, which established new windows and transmit the kindest words to the management and employees for the warmth and comfort of their homes.


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