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Suspended split-level ceiling of plasterboard with backlight

Many familiar with the expression: "Repair never ends!"This is especially significant for the expression, who all his life living in his house. But residents of apartments at least once in their lives have to deal with this thankless task. There's no getting around it - no one wants to "live in a tent," or pass for a retrograde. And in the construction and decoration of new materials are appearing every day, design and solutions. It makes sense to consider in detail, how to make himself a two-level ceiling of plasterboard with lighting, and deliver the original design of the apartment.

finishing the ceiling plasterboard - it is profitable

There are many modern ways to turn a ceiling into a work of art. This suspension system, ceilings, and special plastic panels, and ceiling tiles made of foamed polystyrene, and metal structures. Yet plasterboard is still in demand. Why?

The first and main reason - the relative cheapness of this method. Many construction and maintenance have to count every penny. And the ceiling of gypsum sheets will allow to save a little.

Another positive point: Suspended design allows to hide all the flaws of the old ceiling, and wires, ventilation casings, pipes, etc.. objects, spoiling the design of the room.

The third advantage can be considered uniform texture, wall and ceiling. If the walls are finished GKL, sheathe their logical and ceiling. We just need to buy a little more material. In addition, the ceiling can be as simple as, and unique. The flight of imagination in this method, nothing restrains, except for the contents of your wallet.

Also important is the fact, that any man, able to use the building level and screwdriver, It is able to mount a two-level ceiling of plasterboard backlit own. Of course, have seriously bury the Internet in search of information, ask for help from friends and find a few free days from work. But the result is worth it.

First you need to draw a picture or find pleasing ceiling in the Internet. Measure the ceiling and draw some drawings. Trey ceilings plasterboard with lighting - a rather complex structure and make it "by eye" will not work. Separately draw layout of the main and spotlights, determine the type of illumination levels between. The most common LED Strip Light, but you can use other light sources.

Photo of the beautiful two-level ceilings

Doing sophisticated ceiling with his hands

If you have experience in the construction industry, tools and spare time, you can try yourself as a professional finisher. Make a two-level ceiling of plasterboard backlit own hands hard, but are quite capable of every master, who is not afraid to do the dirty work. In the sense - dusty, because gypsum leaves a lot of dust.

Calculate in advance and buy all the necessary tools and finishing materials. Their range is selected according to the quality and amount of the, which decided to spend on repairs.

Take better "just enough": in any settlement of such materials for the ceiling of the roof and to purchase them, if not enough, at any time. But what to do with the remains after repair in a small apartment - a big question! And throw a pity - the money on the road do not roll, and nowhere to put. However, everyone must decide that question.

There are several leaders in the production of products and materials made of gypsum:

  • Knauf. The company occupies a leading position in our market, and all over the world. Drywall and finishes for all this stuff. Quality, time-tested. Among the assortment - arched GCR thickness 6.5 mm. The perfect choice for creating curved lines a two-level ceiling.
  • The company from Scandinavia, "Bonkers" for sustainability. Their products are in great demand all over the world. Many more articles, than her German rival.
  • Lafarge Group. Polish company has scattered its plants around the world. European quality products at quite democratic prices. Our market is not so well known, how Knauf. First started producing the GCR with a semicircular chamfered on all four sides of the sheet.
  • OAO «Plaster». The only Russian company, whose product quality in line with European drop it, and the product range is wide and varied. Based in Volgograd. Products with "Volma" logo can be seen on all the construction sites of our country.

As for accessories. The most famous and expensive in our market - the companies Knauf and Gyproc. Most of the other manufacturers - small private domestic small factory. So that problems with the acquisition will not have. A rich selection of accessories - from expensive to luxurious - lighting installation.

Materials and tools, which will be useful during installation

Trey ceilings of GCR own hands backlit require a lot of materials and tools. If there are drawings with dimensions, approximate quantity of a material easy to calculate. Needed sheets of drywall ceiling 9,5 mm, letter Arch drywall 6,5 mm for finishing winding levels transfer lines. If the 2nd level will be a direct, buy arched drywall does not make sense.

In addition, we need a primer and putty for plaster, samoklejushchajasja Tape (serpyanka) Caulking, Damper tape for sound. Metal frame mounted from the ceiling guide profiles (PNP), ceiling profiles (PP), arch profiles, direct hangers, sibling suspensions (crab). For mounting use dowel-nails, anchor-wedges, screws metal 3,5 on 9,5 black ("Seeds" in the jargon of the masters) white or PN, and drywall screws for black.

All this is not to mount a hammer and screwdriver. Because you need to cook or buy the necessary tools. Besides the above required laser and bubble levels, Metal shears, hacksaw with fine teeth, coloring cord (otbivka), roulette, stationery knife for cutting drywall, plane, emery cloth or mesh Paint, Cordless, drill, spatulas of different widths for putty finished ceiling.

Do not forget about lighting. Duplex plasterboard ceilings with lighting in addition to the central chandelier, They must be equipped with LED tape, Rope light or neon lamps. In addition, you can add spotlights voltage 220 V as the first, and on the second level of the ceiling. Their selection is huge and simple enumeration will not work. Everything can be solved specific choice style and design of the ceiling structure.

Mounting frame two-level ceiling - not an easy task for a beginner

There are two ways of mounting the two-level ceiling of plasterboard with backlight. The first way is easier and more understandable for the layman. The second a longer time and more time-consuming. But everyone has the freedom of choice. Consider the first method in more detail ...

With this method bilevel device from the ceiling GVL first frame mounted first level. It is a horizontal metal profile of the batten, which will be attached drywall.

hectoliters ceiling frame
Something like this should look like a crate of the first level of the ceiling

Drawing is done the carcass, Dimensions. Standard plasterboard sheet having a width 1200 mm. To create a design with good rigidity enough 3 ceiling profiles on sheet, ie. the longitudinal distance between the centers of the same PP 60 cm.

First guide profiles are installed (PNP). On the walls with a laser level put the mark at a distance 6-7 cm from the ceiling. These marks are connected by a line with a long string rules or paint (Sideways). Be sure to stick to the back side of the profile damper strip; it will serve as an additional soundproofing for the room. Top line puts a profile, marked holes for securing it. Holes are drilled in the wall of the perforator, then the profile is fixed on the dowel-nails. The easiest part of the stage mounting ready.

Then applied to the ceiling line of longitudinal ceiling profiles (PP). Try to maintain a clear distance 60 cm. The width of the rooms rarely fold 60, therefore, the indentation is calculated from the opposite walls about the same; each room has his own. On the lines applied every 60 see doing perpendicular mark. It is the site of attachment of direct suspensions. Suspensions are mounted to the ceiling using dowels, nails or anchor-wedges. The choice depends on the old ceiling construction. The ends of the hanger is pulled down.

The longitudinal profile of one end is inserted into the guide. The second end is fixed via adjacent direct suspension. fixing the correctness of controlled laser level or long rule. To fix the parts using screws PN, as well as "seeds" - the black screws on metal. After this profile is fixed along the entire length in straight and suspensions guide profile.

This operation is repeated for all longitudinal profiles. If the PP is not long enough, He is elongated by a longitudinal connector and desired length of the segment PP.

Longitudinal PP ceiling

It remains to mount the cross-bars. Their length on 1 see less, than the distance between the longitudinal profiles. They are fixed by means of single-level connectors (crab) at intervals 50 cm. This is done, to edge of the sheet of plasterboard - and its length is a multiple of 50 - came in the middle of the transverse profile for the convenience and reliability of fastening. All connections are fixed with screws. As a result, it should get a design, as in the photo above. Then mounted wiring. Be sure to place the wires into the corrugated pipe nonflammable. Make a loop in the placement spotlights or chandeliers.

To avoid getting banned screws lay inside metal profiles sa!

The resulting crate sheathe plasterboard. For use black fastening screws with fine pitch thread length 4-5 cm. The distance between the screws take equal 20 cm, the distance to the edge of the sheet - 2 cm. This will prevent the sheet from breaking. Cap screws slightly recessed into the surface, later they plaster mask.

If the sheet has to be cut into pieces, at the cut-off portion is the edge of a plane or a sharp knife. Then slice necessarily trimmed sandpaper.

Sutures first level tested using a rough layer of plaster serpyanku. At this first stage of the two-level ceiling installation of plasterboard backlit completed.

The second stage is identical to the beginning of the first. Fall back down the wall 12-15 cm. Why so much? Once done with ceiling illumination, it is just right: rim height, covering to the light source + the opportunity to stick his hand in the niche to replace the burned-out element.

Scheme second ceiling level device with a niche for backlighting

so, below the top of the walls to make notes, We connect lines and install guide profiles. If the second level is planned throughout the perimeter of the room, Guides are on all walls. If this diagonal, mean profile is fixed only in those places, where the second level adjacent to the wall.

The second level is usually a curved ceiling. To create smooth bends is best to apply the arched profile. But most of the "masters" prefer to save. They cut out triangles on the sides of the ceiling or the guide profile as often as possible and bent his drawing. Figure is best applied to the ceiling of the first level. This line is repeated, departing from the future edge of the second level deep to 10-15 cm. This distance may be less than, if used in LED lighting strip or Rope. There will be fixing this level for the first.

mounting frame under the backlight

Cut pieces of ceiling profile length 12-15 cm (level height). These pieces will replace direct suspensions. Internal winding line bending and install the ceiling arched profile or indented guiding profile. To him fasten pieces-hangers. Combine with their lower edge EOR, fixed to the wall, using segments PP. length data segments must be equal to the distance from the wall to the outer, at the winding line of the future level. If the length of the segments longer 60 cm, it is recommended to cross the insertion of single-level connectors and segments of the PP.

frame for ceiling illumination

Try, to design out the most rigid. The finishing touch is PP edging protruding guide profile with cut sidewalls. His bent so, to look at the bottom line of this profile follows the curve of the figure on the ceiling. The resulting fringing fasten screws. frame ready.

Wiring ceiling
Wiring in the ripple on the ceiling

Wiring is installed similarly to the first level. Location spotlights rough notes on the ceiling.

Sheathing received frame plasterboard will be the next step. Flat surface sheathe, as described above for the first level. The edges of saw through a fold line. The problem is to sheathe the end of the second level. For this there are two proven ways:

  1. The strip of drywall on the inside prick needle or the tip of the knife roller. Then the surface is moistened with water using a sponge or cloth. The moisture permeates plaster and applied to the strip profile. Bend it slowly and carefully, fixing screws in stages to profile.
  2. The inner side of the strip is cut to a V-shaped outer cardboard through small gaps. In this case, the strip profile will repeat bending. But this method is good only for small sections along the length.

Next primed drywall, applied roughing and finishing layers putty with a spatula. Cut a hole under the spotlights, fastened in a recess LED strip, other track lights. Contacts are well insulated and hide. The surface is painted in a selected tone. Plasterboard duplex backlit own hands ready.

frame drawings of two-level ceiling with a niche

Details consider various schemes plasterboard flows illumination device in one and two levels.

What you need to remember during operation

Installation of the two-level ceiling of plasterboard with backlight It will not be a daunting task, if you follow a few rules.

  1. You have to believe in yourself :).
  2. Elaborate sketches and drawings of the ceiling of the future, from marking each level frame and ending location of each luminaire. trace, that the lights do not match the crate.
  3. Choosing proven quality materials, that will serve you a decade.
  4. Do not rush. Begin the next phase of work, just ended the previous.
  5. If you have problems, carefully examine all the available material, to choose the most simple and effective way to eliminate it.
  6. Do not hesitate to use the help of friends. One cope with such work, not having experience, almost impossible.
  7. Desirable to work with a charge wiring professional.

If all of the above you will not fear, good luck then! In addition watch the video on the device of ceilings.




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