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Video on how to open the metal door without a key

Details of how to open the entrance doors of metal in a conventional manner or by means of devices. Basic methods of the cylindrical opening and cracking lever locks by drilling. Consider the most common ways to open locks by drilling and fracture.

A simple way to open the cylinder lock

For drilling need a good drill diameter 5.5.Samy optimal size, and the diameter is not very large and at the same time not brittle. Drill need to 8 mm below the keyhole. average turnover, and without stopping until after the bit in the flag void. If Stop drilling and remove the drill drilled locks fall down and have to ream. In general, do not need to drill rods and the springs that push the pins. If the drilling as shown in the video, most often these clips just lick, and hang up. Then you have to drill out a large diameter. larvae kale, APEX, etc.. d. opened for 1.5-2.5 minutes.

ATTENTION ! This information is distributed purely for informational purposes for the people caught in a difficult situation with the keys, any illegal actions with use of this information is punishable according to the laws of the Russian Federation. Make sure the lock is helping owners of apartments!

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