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Aquifer for own use

Planning for an independent water supply, the owner of a house in the Moscow region should learn some features of this business.

Within the Moscow region there are sandy and calcareous aquifers. On the layers of these rocks it is possible to equip 2 type of wells: filter and artesian. Filters are made near the surface of the earth (to 30 m deep) and water is here for a relatively short time (from 5 to 15 years old). But an artesian well is drilled to the level of a calcareous aquifer, depth from 20 to 200 m. The operating life of an artesian well reaches up to 50 years old.

Before you decide, which well to drill, groundwater reserves should be assessed. Based on these results, the owner of the house can choose the best option for himself.. Artesian waters are purified in a natural way, passing through numerous layers of soil. Due to this, silting does not occur.. This is the main reason, why can't you use storage.

Any well with dignity will withstand its warranty period, if drilling is performed by the best modern equipment. Of course, employees must be professionals in their field, then everything will turn out at the highest level, for example company GlavBurVod.

Wells do not need to be licensed to obtain filtered water. But the use of artesian water, below the first aquifer, impossible without proper documents. It is better for land owners to start registration at the same time as drilling, to finish work. Without these documents, it is impossible to conduct a control water intake and launch the entire system..

For large holdings, where is the garden, and house, high water consumption. In such cases, an artesian well is needed, the cost of which is higher than the filter well. This difference arises not only because of the availability of documents. The artesian water artery is tens and hundreds of times more powerful than the filter. Also, the pipe hole diameter is larger and additional casing strings are equipped..

Very important, that the quality of water in these two types is also significantly different. Artesian can be drunk without pre-treatment, and from the filter - except to water the garden. Considering, that an artesian well whose depth can reach several hundred meters, needs a powerful pump, then the price goes up. Such a number of advantages of artesian water is directly proportional to the cost of work..

Of course, no good pipes, reliable adapters and valves, even a properly drilled well will not function.

Auger drilling: what to pay attention to?

Quite often, water wells are built, using auger drilling. It is done with a blade cutter.: the detail grinds and selects the soil. The earthen stronghold destroyed by it is extracted to the surface of the pit, freeing the well. Drilling wells with an auger is like fishermen handling winter ice. In the ice mass, they drill wells with standard fools.

The auger-based equipment is suitable in case, when it is necessary to drill on loamy, clay and sandy loamy soils a shallow well with a height of not more than 80 m and diameter up to 25 cm.

Features of the drilling process

When the screw is turning, the rock under the influence of the drill bit is displaced following the surface of the screw and moves up. Its supply to the top is carried out continuously. Thanks to this, the screw structure is very productive.. During the shift it is possible to drill, usually, to 50-60 m, less often up to 200 m of the earth's thickness. When well drilling is done with an auger, no need to wash them. Therefore, drilling operations are also possible in winter., and waterless areas.

Features of the drilling tool

In the first diagram you can see, how the projectile works. Here are marked: well, screw element, drill bit and soil. Cons of drilling wells with auger is:shallow well depth;restriction in use depending on the soil: it must be soft;extraction of only structurally damaged rock samples. The basis of the auger is steel pipes, to which the tape is also welded from steel in the form of a screw.

To connect pipes, on one side a sleeve with a hexagon hole is pressed onto them, on the other, a shank with six edges is attached by welding. And one, and the second hexagon has holes, that match and into which the fastener is placed. The latch on the spring keeps it from falling out. The screw link varies in size and ranges from 1,3 to 3 m in length, from 12 to 20 cm in diameter. The helix of the screw is performed with a pitch 0,7-0,8 proportion of the screw diameter. The screw crown is used, to loosen the rock. In size it is 2 cm exceeds the diameter of the auger. The crown is made of a three-bladed steel body. Carbide cutters are soldered into it. They are also soldered to the rim outside. This design makes it possible to accurately adhere to the borehole diameter. Crown lock arranged, like the screws (you can see the coronal case in the second diagram, spiral element, fixing detail, carbide inserts). In addition to the bit-adapter, a chisel is often used when drilling with an auger, which among drillers is known as fishtail.

Standard drilling equipment

Off-road, to increase permeability, auger drilling is carried out using the UShB-T rig, which is mounted on a tractor trailer. Portable drilling rig (PBS-110) able to function only in soft earthen rock. For its operation, an autonomous current-carrying generator is needed.: screw drive rotates under the influence of current. When drilling wells with an auger, especially exploration, often use the drilling rig PBS-110 with the possibility of transfer.

so, auger drilling is possible and pays off when drilling in soft ground. They allow you to drill a well up to a depth of 80 m at any time of the year and even there, where the area is devoid of water. Knowing about it, you can appreciate, how auger drilling technology is suitable for your case.

Preparation of wells and filters for water wells for work

After, passing through the aquifer, the well reaches the lower water-resistant layer, it's time to get ready for work.. This matter must be approached very carefully., after all, competent and thorough preparation of wells for work allows you to extract clean water for a long time without problems and repairs.

First of all, before putting the wells into operation, they are thoroughly cleaned with a bailer*. Such preparation will subsequently allow you to freely lower the filter., which any water well should have. After cleaning, it is necessary to measure the distance from the upper deck to the very bottom of the aquifer. Then a filter is lowered into the aquifer on the column of the riser pipe..

note: the filter should go down without twisting, free and easy. Now space, which has formed between the walls of the well and the filter should be covered with coarse-grained cleaned sand or fine-grained gravel. Simultaneously with backfilling, slowly raise the casing string to the height of the filter. Backfill will also take part in water purification.

Over time, any filters for water wells become clogged., and therefore they need to be taken out and washed from time to time.

After you remove the filter, clean the backfill again with the bailer and lower it into place. Don't forget to fill in the free space around the filter again..

Water well filter

certainly, the filter is the most important element of all water wells. Its main task is to protect the water pipe from sand., which is always present in the aquifer.

Direct water filtration is provided by a special metal mesh with cells of the desired size.. The mesh itself rests on the frame, which should protect it from deformation (rubbish).

The water filter structurally looks like a perforated pipe, around which a metal mesh is wound with a certain gap. The gap itself is provided by a rare wire winding.

note, that this is not the only existing filter design.

Water well filter device

1 - a tube;

2 — perforation;

3 - winding for clearance;

4 - metal grid.

*Bailer - a special cylindrical vessel. Serves for scooping liquid and destroyed rock to the surface, sand and mud while drilling a well, but, Besides, for cleaning sand plugs. In addition, with its help, during the development of wells, fluid samples are taken..


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