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Advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floor for reviews

Not for everyone has become accustomed floor filler, capable of performing and decorative role in the apartment. With their help, created different variants of the floor, including draft. They are widely used in a variety of design projects. But not always their properties will manifest itself only on the positive side. There are also disadvantages, which are expressed, who were able to try the fast setting self-leveling floor.


Part self-leveling floor includes such components, as:

  • mineral mixtures;
  • polymers;
  • various synthetic additives.

They can be found in DIY stores separately at different prices. Reviews of the filling the floorWill only buy something, it will be necessary to perform the installation of the floor and mix in full accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The finished mass is very fluid and is able to spread over the surface of the subfloor. With all this it hardens very quickly. For such an option, as a self-leveling floor reviews say, that he received more widespread in the apartments and private home ownership.

drying period depends on external factors, and from the solution, its technical properties. Moreover, such a variant is used for floor leveling, if no other way is not possible to apply. The final solution has the qualities and properties:

  • mechanical strength;
  • plastic;
  • easy flow;
  • a base adhesion.

To get the specific properties of the solution, It should properly combine each other resins and various additives, mineral fillers.

All formulations self-leveling floor will differ among themselves, if applied in a private building or an industrial scale. So, eg, in premises contraindicated combination of liquid rubber in the solution, and polyester resins. Another difference lies in the fact, that protrudes in the industry as a finish coating, and in the apartments - for subsequent finishing.

Types and

All self-leveling floors owners reviews are different from each other. But many say, it turns out not only perfectly smooth coating, but also the ability to serve for a long time. Outwardly, it attracts no less, expensive than floorings.

polymer materials Reviews of the filling the floorcontribute to the creation of quality self-leveling floor, which may be performed independently. Caring for the surface is very simple without joints: sufficient to wet rag wipe. No dirt is not what does not cling.

If you wish to learn and to get more information about the positive and negative qualities of self-leveling floor, should decide to start with the, which exist at their types and kinds. The first classification is based on the composition of (binders and plasticizers). These include:

  1. Acrylic cement floors;
  2. Formulations of epoxies;
  3. polyurethane;
  4. methyl methacrylate.

It is worth noting, that between them they can combine and get something special. If there is no desire to experiment and seek full proportions for components, it is best to choose a ready-mix. Each case is considered individually and steals something suitable for a particular sex device.

Before you start pouring self-leveling floor should carefully consider. If the work is not done qualitatively, remove this layer will be practically impossible. Spend a lot of manpower and resources, that will not meet the expectations of.

Acrylic cement floor

The simplest and most common way a sex device will just cement and acrylic formulation. As part of a plasticizer in addition to the presence of quartz. The most popular in the industry has (factories, warehouses). They are no exception apartment, where he also finds application.

Such self-leveling floor has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be read carefully before choosing. The advantages include:

  1. Moisture pick frozen solution does not take place. This indicates, even in areas with high humidity, they will not break down and lose their properties. Reviews of the filling the floorThese facilities include bathrooms, car washes, etc..
  2. Any category of citizens can apply a floor in the dwelling because of reasonable prices as compared with others self-leveling floor.
  3. The ability to withstand the huge loads.
  4. If you observe the technology to perform such options floor, he is able to last for a long period, more 30 years old.
  5. Work can be carried out by inexperienced masters and owners of apartments. The process will be clear to everyone from the first step,.
  6. The integrity of the surface will remain at the same level in the case of cracking, chipping and other damage due to mechanical impact.

Despite, that apparently do the job of filling it is very easy, labor costs remain high. Cracks appear almost necessarily due to non-elasticity acrylic cement floor. It's just spoils the appearance, but it does not affect the durability of its use.

Such embodiment sex in the apartments or houses acts as a subfloor for flooring planks subsequent. Among the embodiments of floor tile isolated, laminate, parquet and t.d.


The main component is the hardener. The main thing to observe all proportion from producer. Only in this case, the surface will not only smooth, but dense, quality, solid. Reviews of the filling the floorIt has the self-leveling floor in the pros, that they are not afraid of any mechanical effects. Cleaning can be performed using a variety of chemicals.

If there is a great desire to decorate the room, where the installation is performed, to the epoxy floors it's very easy. The solution itself is the transparent. Consequently, on the basis, under the floor is placed next picture, tree, any other material, which will give the room a snap. After filling in all of the mixture turns a work of art.

A huge disadvantage - low elasticity ready mix. It is very important to prepare the base, where Fills. When all the quality, only in this case it is possible to mount the filler floor. For this reason, self-leveling floors owners give feedback cons, since it is not able to perform the work qualitatively.

It is worth noting, that positive qualities include high ecological used to prepare mixtures for grout. This allows you to expand the scope of their application.


If you need a floor, capable of withstanding huge load in terms of mechanical action, suitable base, made of mixtures of, in which the main component consisting of - polyurethane. In this ready solution has elasticity, and after drying - durability. More commonly used in the construction of private homes, since it gives the house a lightness, elegance and duration of use. However, he will not miss moisture down.

After a short period of time after the installation of self-leveling floor can begin ambulation Reviews of the filling the flooron it, not to mention the opportunity to perform the installation of furniture. The smooth texture of the base will not allow to assemble on the surface of microbes and bacteria.

If you read about this floor fillers reviews the pros and cons of owners say that, that it is not ideal, as it might seem at first glance. The main disadvantage - a strong odor included in the components of the mixture immediately after casting. After installation is better to leave the premises, not to get poisoned. In addition, the very high cost of the material due to its high consumption per square meter.

To avoid the crumbling of the material over time use, Special support for this type of floor should be applied. The consequences can also be attributed, and the crumbling of the material on the surface.


Very little popularity for apartments and private home ownership have floors made of methyl methacrylates. Main application - areas with low temperatures, stadiums, parking of vehicles. Still, it should first stop on the positive manifestations of this type of self-leveling floor

  • To become a solid surface, will be sufficient and a few hours.
  • The floors are selected for the design of all rooms due to the huge range of color schemes.
  • Self-leveling floor is not afraid of changes in temperature. It remains intact at subzero temperatures or heat.
  • You can choose to select the floor texture: roughness or smooth surface.
  • Can perform work at all temperatures, even at low.Reviews of the filling the floor
  • The life of the self-leveling floor from methyl methacrylate is 40-50 years old.

We should not forget about the cons of this option sex. Not only to fill the prepared solution is very complex and requires physical effort, but if necessary, dismantling. Also chemicals in the environment issue and strong odors. When compared with the above-described embodiments of the device floor, here the price will be slightly higher.

If desired, you can change the quality of their own forces of the future floor covering. For this purpose, various additives to withstand fire, hardness, the ability to feel great in any environment.


After studying the self-leveling floor for the pros and cons for each type of, you can provide a list of general positive qualities:

  1. Coating obtained infinite and perfectly flat seams.
  2. The ability to create an imitation of natural stone, floor mosaic, to create a so-called 3D floor. Reviews of the filling the floor
  3. Besides them monotony inherent color schemes, which will be of interest to each brand. The color palette helps to pick up the option for design the entire premises.
  4. The wear-resistant final coating, able to serve and show all its qualities for a long time. Furniture legs do not leave scratches on the surface, if the work is made of high quality materials and strict compliance with the installation technology.
  5. easy care. no, even the most aggressive household chemicals it is not terrible. Dirt absorption does not occur, dust does not accumulate anywhere.
  6. Security. materials toxicity occurs only at the time of filling. Once dry floors - they are completely environmentally friendly and harmless to human health. During operation no harmful emissions occurs.
  7. Very popular in areas with high humidity due to the ability to resist it.
  8. The use is not only a final coating apparatus, but also as a sub-floor. installation technology will be clear to everyone, but the surface is perfectly flat.

Perform installation of self-leveling floor is best with two people. Drying time the finished solution may be and 20 minutes, and all surfaces should be poured evenly. We can not allow it dry before the end of work.

Cons self-leveling floor

With all the advantages of such an amount of the sexes, we can not forget about the shortcomings, that may be encountered not only in the installation, but also during its operation. Any self-leveling floor has disadvantages in that, that the coating itself is very cold and it will be hard to walk barefoot. If used at the same time a warm floor, then this becomes a minus not terrible.

It is worth noting, that it does not belong to the cheap pleasures. If this will be a big swings Reviews of the filling the floorthe height of the subfloor, the price of materials will scare. All work is best left to professionals, which subsequently can be to make a complaint. When the installation is done poorly, then spent more than money, but also the strength for the subsequent dismantling.

With long-term and constant sunlight falling on the surface of the self-leveling floor he starts to change color. This is particularly noticeable in the colorful surfaces.

user reviews

About the self-leveling floor pros and cons of the reviews say a lot. More often all correspond to reality on the basis of the positive and negative aspects of such material and most installation technology.

Glossy self-leveling floors with the passage of time will be scratched. Appearance is lost, and lost all his basic qualities, which he liked at first sight. These scratches moreover can become clogged with dirt and dust. Kristina, 36 years old, g. Voronezh.

At independent performance of any color can be mixed with each other. That is a complete flight of fancy. It produces excellent petals, flowers, varying depth drawings. On the downside can be attributed only burn from the sun. Elizabeth, 28 years old, g. Moscow.

To make a really beautiful floor will have to spend huge sums of money. They go for the purchase of material, on the selection of paints, selection of a particular pattern, and the work of specialists during installation. But it is actively used in very damp spaces, and then as if he has no equal. Vladimir, 41 year, g. St. Petersburg.





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