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How to choose a good front door

Current models of metal doors are quite different from their earlier counterparts, made of iron sheets and parts.

The main elements in the metal doors still have not changed, and today, as before, such constructions consist of a body and the box. It may also be present roughing frame, established using welding and steel girders.

Domestic manufacturers of steel doors, but, rarely used the above-mentioned element. Door frame without the rough frame is fastened to the wall with metal pins.

Each element of steel doors, whether lock, box or cloth is of great importance. Because it determines the design of the level of reliability, Strength and quality of products.

Door leaf

The thickness of the steel sheet, Use for the manufacture of door panels, largely determines the reliability of structures. That is why it needs to have a thickness of not less than 2-3 mm.

Using technologies create framing blade steel doors, which may be of two types. The first type - is a product on the basis of hire, made of mild steel. Such webs differ special shock-resistant and load-bearing properties.

The second type of door panels are tight, Lightweight and thin extruded profiles.

Each sample of steel doors durability and reliability of the web defined by the assembly and processing of raw materials. Since the frame on each side is sheathed with steel plates, acting as a reliable barrier to various injuries, the thickness of the outer sheet structure should not be less than 1-2 mm. This figure takes place in the steel doors, intended for ordinary consumer. manufacturers produce designer door model different colors and textures.

If the steel sheet has a thickness of 4-6 mm, that such constructions are called armored. They are able to withstand even a pistol and machine-gun fire. The outer sheet of such a thickness around the porch door will also ensure a snug fit web, which, in turn, It will prevent the entry to the premises of external odors and noise.

locking system

If you choose the right for a steel door locking system, the main component of which is the castle, it is possible to provide not only the efficient functioning of structures, but also protection of the opening.

The lock must be equipped with a high-strength metal pins, the ability to capture and hold the canvas in this form in the frame. To improve the characteristics of burglary steel doors, preference is given to the disk crossbars.The structure of the door

Ease of use of metal doors is also dependent on these elements, the loops. They have a lot of variety, the most popular of which are the handling and pin products, equipped with bearings.

Loop each steel doors must meet certain requirements, eg, in the design of protection plan of dismantling and cutting or the ability to withstand a load, which provides them the door leaf.Regel protivosemnye

To provide a steel door long life and efficient operation, it must be equipped with at least two loops. The distance between them should thus be optimal.

There are models in kotorys hidden hinges (internal) the outer side of the door are not visible, therefore they can not be cut. Many call them even more aesthetic, but their main disadvantage - the likelihood of being zaklininymi.

The obligatory presence of a controlled porch, a perfect seal adjust the door leaf to the box and provides a soft and comfortable closing the heavy iron door. The door keeps tightness throughout the life of the.

Porch - a portion of the web, which comes on the door frame. The controller regulates the porch, close fitting fabric to the box and provides easy and convenient closing of the door. It allows you to maintain a high tightness of the door throughout the service life.

The adjusting screw porch
The adjusting screw porch

Modern doors are complemented by the anti-bolts, which would not allow attackers to disrupt the door. When you close the door crossbars are included in the special holes, made in the profile box, providing anti-burglary in the case of cutting loops.

Availability of system for protection against burglary

doors, manufactured by bending technology, - the most reliable. In this case, a single sheet of steel bent, giving it the shape of leaf and frame. The more bends, the more secure fabric design.

The system of vertical and horizontal stiffeners allows to achieve a high strength of the door leaf. System reinforced stiffeners perfectly resists torsional loads - attempts to bend the upper or lower corner on the lock side webs.

protivosemnye crossbars. When closing the canvas they are firmly in the holes in the door frame and eliminates the possibility of removing the door from its hinges.

Steel plate in the lock area to protect the lock against drilling.

Flush bronenakladkami hardened steel protects the cylinder lock and it is almost impossible to bring down.

frame structure

steel door frames complement, differing with each other mounting means in the opening and the profile type.

There are two types of frames:

  • single;
  • combined.

Important when installing the door has a frame size.

The modern market offers entrance steel doors with standard frames, a fixed-step and standardized sizes. Individually manufactured designs are much more expensive, than their counterparts shoplifting.

The system of protection from drafts and frost

Using MDF-panels with outer and inner side of the door increases the noise insulation doors compared with doors coated.

sealing loops provide sealing doors and shield your apartment from outside noise, odors and drafts. Noise door with 4 loops seal to 2 times better, doors than with 2 outlines. Reliable seal must retain flexibility even at extremely low and high temperatures.

part of the door
Warming in the door

with a window door

Tempered glass or the presence of lattice - safety. Grille - both functional and decorative element of the front door with a window. It protects the door from damage and gives it elegance and grace. Grille harmoniously looks in the classical models of doors. A model of modern design, usually, not decorated bars.

If the front door is not lattice, it should be used tempered glass, which has increased strength and resistance to mechanical stress.

The use of tinted glass provides the effect of a one-way visibility and protect your home from prying eyes. In this case, through a glass, you'll see everything, what's going on outside.

To work correctly, tinted double-glazed window lighting should be brighter than the outside indoors. In order to provide the effect of a one-way visibility in dark time, install night lighting on the porch.

Decorating and decor

Metal doors are available in different design execution. The choice of finishing materials and decorative elements depends primarily on the wishes and requirements of the customer.

production of decorative door panels
Decorative panels on metal doors

For registration of the input metal doors a variety of materials can be used, eg, plastic, glass, MDF and other. The variety of options such designs decorating produces unusual and original of product design with decorative panels.

doors manufacture

Well, finally, do not forget, that the steel doors should be chosen not only in appearance, many of the technical characteristics. This also includes professional installation, Maintenance, serviceability of locking systems and quality certification.



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