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Calculator ceiling plasterboard

gypsum ceiling not for someone is no longer something surprising or luxury goods. Plasterboard is already firmly entrenched in our lives, along with plastic windows. Of distinct advantages over conventional plasterboard ceiling is its evenness and care. Over time, the ceiling may darken in the place of installation of lamps or lamp, but it can be corrected quickly just by painting it with a small layer of paint.

Enter the ceiling area m2
Enter the perimeter of the ceiling m2
gypsum board (m2)
Profile guide PN-28 (rm)
Profile ceiling PP-60 (rm)
Extension for PP-U-profiles 60 (PC.)
connector sibling (PC.)
Suspension for PP-profiles (PC.)
Craving for suspension (PC.)
A screw for joining profiles (PC.)
screw 30mm (for fastening GKL) (PC.)
Tape for the seams (rm)
Filler for joints (kg)
Anchor for ceiling mounting (PC.)
Dowel for securing FN Profile (PC.)


Ease of installation ceiling of plasterboard and his final appearance leads many to make a choice in his favor. But before installation, you must calculate gipokartonnyh sheets and materials for its installation.

Calculator ceiling plasterboard

Calculation of the false ceiling of plasterboard does not lie only in the purchase of the plane of the sheet. For the installation of the ceiling of plasterboard is also necessary to calculate the amount of collateral Matera:

  • profiles;
  • screws;
  • suspensions, etc..

For a quick and easy calculation you can use the online calculator for calculating the ceiling of plasterboard.

This online calculator calculates not only the number of sheets of drywall required, but also the associated consumables.

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