the main / construction Calculators / Calculating the number of bricks and blocks for building a house

Calculating the number of bricks and blocks for building a house

Online calculator for calculating the number of bricks to build a house. Keep the size of the house and number of windows and doors, and the calculator will calculate the silicate blocks, concrete block and other types of bricks. Use the calculator to perform calculation materials and to estimate the approximate cost to build a house.

Calculator counting bricks for construction of house

1. Dimensions residential house

Perimeter (m)
Height (m)

2. architectural features

If the dimensions of the doors are different, in the field "The number of external doors (PC)" enter "1", in the field "The width of one door (m)" - sum of the lengths of all doors, in the field "The height of the one door (m)" - sum of the heights of all doors
The number of external doors (PC)
The width of one door (m)
The height of the one door (m)
If a different window sizes, in the field "Number of windows (PC)" enter "1", in the field "The width of the window (m)" - sum of the lengths of all windows, in the field "The height of the window (m)" - sum of the heights of all the windows
Number of windows (PC)
The width of the window (m)
The height of the window (m)

3. masonry

kind of masonry
The thickness of the masonry (m)
throat thickness (solution) (m)

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