Today the market in addition to traditional metal doors input and presents a special kind of door designs, which have additional features. They are distinguished by specific characteristics and are used to perform certain tasks. It should be noted, input that metal structures are an effective protection against unauthorized intrusion. Also, when a competent installation, they can be operated over a long period of time.
Criterias of choice
When choosing a metal door entrance must first be taken into account, where they will be used. for example, steel products installed in the private country house, in direct contact with the adverse climatic events and, therefore, they must be made of special materials, resistant to increased levels of humidity and temperature. Usually, in this case a reinforced door frame capable of withstanding substantial mechanical action, including using special fasteners anchors.
Setting the input's sake only one assembly foam prohibited!

Entrance doors in the apartments are less prone to cracking gross mean increased noise, which the, undoubtedly, attract the attention of neighbors, and the criminals will be disclosed. In this case a predictive breaking and therefore are used as protection unique locking devices.
Usually, in this case it is best to install two or three locks of different construction, to crack which will take considerable amount of time and, therefore,, probably, attackers will switch to an easier option. Today, to metal doors have been used for a long period of time, should conduct their competent and professional installation. A wide range of metal entrance doors is available at
A variety of models
Widely presented special noise immunity design, which are most often installed in apartment buildings to prevent penetration of ambient noise. They are mostly thicker, than traditional steel entrance doors, and as inner filling the synthetic or natural sound absorbing elements. In addition, to fill the voids formed between the box and the door opening assembly foam using. Inside the blade rubber is located threshold, which falls down when closing and thereby provides an additional level of insulation.
Most often used as fillers:
- corrugated cardboard;
- mineral wool;
- polyurethane foam, etc..
Corrugated cardboard is used in the most low-end models: it does not give a good sound- and thermal insulation, but almost no effect on the weight of the product.

Mineral wool - outdated material, working on the principle of down jackets: eventually it settles and there are voids. Concerning, of the manufacturers moved to fill Rockwool, which retains its shape.
The most modern solution is a polyurethane - more durable foam, which high pressure fill all voids within the web. Thermal insulation polyurethane foam better mineral wool, in addition, its shrinkage is zero. If we talk about soundproofing, the level of absorption of:
- for corrugated cardboard - 10-15 dB;
- minvatы - from 15 to 25 dB;
- polyurethane - up 34 dB.
Chinese doors: deficiencies and particularly
China is the world's leading producer of low-cost, but the quality of the goods. Today, products from China is to compete with many European brands. But if we talk about metal doors, there is not so simple. The advantages of these products include their affordable price and attractive appearance. For all other parameters, the Chinese door heavily losing third party products.
Entrance doors of Chinese production are presented in different price categories. To the lower price segment includes models, constructed of metal sheets not thicker 0,5-0,8 mm. As used herein the seal cardboard and Styrofoam. These doors are not able to protect the room from cold and noise, not to mention the intrusion of unauthorized persons. For this reason, they are recommended to be installed in apartment buildings with a common vestibule.
Models of the middle price segment, too, do not have high strength values and burglary. The thickness of the door leaf which is at no more than 50 mm, and the steel sheet thickness does not exceed 1 mm. As for the finish, the Chinese doors are typically coated on both sides of the hammer enamel or PVC. Complement their simple lock and one sealing loop.
On sale you can also find a robust and reliable model of Chinese entrance doors. At a cost they are at the level of models of economy class and Russian producers hardly inferior to them in quality. They are produced using modern European equipment. Constructions are made of steel sheet thickness of at least 1,5-2 mm. As used herein the seal rockwool.
Experts recommend installing fireproof metal doors, that allow to localize the flame in a limited space and prevent it from spreading in a certain area set amount of time. In this case, the fire-resistant steel doors help contain the required amount of time the flame does not arrive until the first fire, who will be able to take prompt action to respond. According to existing regulations, this time should not be less than thirty minutes.
Steel entrance doors are designed to protect a house or apartment by breaking through the use of a considerable mechanical action. They have a high level of durability and thus protected from the adverse effects of external factors. The most common steel products are mounted together with a special grill member, which opens into the room. In a special latch mechanism is used as a locking device, to protect against hacking which uses two or three additional lock.
When choosing a metal door entrance must first be taken into account, where they will be used. for example, steel products installed in the private country house, in direct contact with the adverse climatic events and, therefore, they must be made of special materials, resistant to increased levels of humidity and temperature. Usually, in this case a reinforced door frame capable of withstanding substantial mechanical action, including with the help of special tools. detail, how to install the door with his own hands.