- Properties of concrete blocks
- Aerated concrete as a building material core
- The choice of binder composition
- How thick should erect partitions
- partition construction technology of concrete blocks
- Substrate preparation
- Mounting block in solution
- apply glue
- Why is it better to use glue
- The process of stacking blocks
- Make a door or window opening
- completion of erection
The baffle is an excellent technical constructive means, which allows one large room to do a lot of small, or even just zoned room, dividing it into some functional parts. Depending on the placement of her different requirements:

- Strength. It must be strong and stable, material for such partitions may be a gas block wall, brick, cam boards and lightweight aggregate blocks.
- It should have good sound insulating properties. Here, preference is given to porous materials and vozduhosoderzhaschim.
But creating a partition in an apartment or a house, It should take into account the strength of the base, where it will be located. On the wall is made from concrete pillars built of brick is not recommended, since due to its heavy weight enough violation may occur in the integrity of the entire building. Not to mention the hardwood floors, where even so light and porous material, as the foam block or aerated concrete, it is not necessary to lay. In such circumstances, then it is better to use a drywall or wood.
Properties of concrete blocks
The best solution both in value, and produced by the load are aerated concrete walls. Material, from which they are constructed, It has the following properties:

- Excellent withstand heavy loads on squeezing. On this property indicates the density of aerated concrete, which is expressed by numerals D200, D300, D400, D500, D600. She points to the hardness of the material and the allowable load, that it can withstand. But at the same time as the density increases thermal insulation properties deteriorate. Interior aerated concrete walls is better to build from the D500 or D600, because the insulation is not relevant in principle, and strength should be high, to the wall could still attach furniture.
- It retains heat well. This feature is provided by the contents of a large number of gas balls (then). They can be formed in two cases. When the catalyst is present (foamer), and the unit thus baked in an oven. And the second way - without the use of blowing agents, and block solidifies under normal conditions, but then this material, though having a similar chemical composition, It called foam. But let's talk about it in the next article. Aerated concrete barrier may be an excellent insulator against cold room warm, making it an optimum microclimate due to porosity.
- Wall made of concrete blocks do not produce toxins, noxious fumes and other hazardous substances. Besides aerated concrete does not burn and does not deform even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures. This implies another property - security.

Aerated concrete as a building material core

Aerated concrete has long been used in the construction of various buildings of any purpose, because it easily undergoes further processing. It is possible to tighten the screw, hammer a nail, planing ordinary chisel or even a hacksaw to saw wood.
But over the elapsed time of manufacturing technology has undergone some changes. Blocks steel ideal geometrical dimensions, identical to each other, in a number of assortment manufactured with grooves and ridges to facilitate their installation and hardening.
If earlier installation of gas-concrete walls was limited to slicing side surfaces, plastering layer to 5 cm, today the wall of aerated concrete is almost ready to plaster and wallpapering after its erection.
The choice of binder composition

Today there are several opinions about, a solution must be used for mounting blocks:
- Some people say, it is better to use the old-fashioned mortar. Maybe this is so, because it is warmer, than just sand and at the same time with the full drying and low content of cement has a white appearance. But he has a downside - it is very fragile. If such a solution is used, the reinforcement of each layer must be performed without fail. He is best suited to build thick walls, instead of partitions.
- Special cement-sand glue. It contains a plasticizer and hardener, what It allows him to smear a thin layer, providing a substantially seamless connection blocks. That is why we consider, How to put glue aerocrete.
But first it is necessary to buy. It is sold in paper bags, It is written with "adhesive gazoblokov". It is also possible to apply the tile adhesive, it has the same properties.
How thick should erect partitions
The partition of the concrete blocks may have the most varying thickness, depending on the properties expected from the. If it should become part of the supporting structure, it is necessary to use the unit for at least 200 mm and a density of D400. For a simple differentiation of space is enough 100 mm.
But in general, Sales are all possible sizes, which can come in handy in construction, possibly via foam blocks and build various constructions beat.
partition construction technology of concrete blocks
Any work must be carried out qualitatively, so we offer you these instructions on, How to put aerocrete, Photo process is before the eyes. Separately recommend to read the article How to plaster concrete blocks and aerocrete correctly.
Substrate preparation
Before considering the technology, As rightly put aerocrete, should prepare the base. It should be cleaned from dust and protruding elements, old solution, zagruntovano, pre-formed, if necessary screed.
Deviations from level more 3 mm may lead to inconveniences for further work.
Although the blocks and made by machine on the automated line, but they will have a deviation from the geometry. Therefore, be sure to get a special grater for aerated concrete. With its help, you can easily get rid of the sag, block and protruding elements protruding corners.
After cleaning the base you can begin the installation of gas concrete walls, but before it is necessary to apply the control layout, on which will be stacking each of the series. You can use the building trace cord, laser level or attach the guide bars to the walls and the floor. Thanks to them, will be maintained the ideal geometry of the edges of the walls, and with the help of lace - and in the middle.
When installing the first and subsequent rows of monolithically cast slit septum and the main wall docking is not recommended to improve the acoustic properties. Its better later repaired with foam.
Mounting block in solution
Now we talk a little bit about, how laying blocks on solution. In this method, there are advantages. Due to the thick first layer can not equalize completely flat surface together with the blocks already.
But subsequently the mixture was spread on all surfaces with a thin contactee, no more 2 cm, bed, periodically obscuring the seams on both sides.
apply glue
Now take a closer look, How to put glue aerocrete. It represents the same mixture of sand and cement, but it contains a special plasticizer and sticking agent, It is allowing the next day to put a significant load on the wall. To work with the adhesive would require a special trowel with teeth and block sizes. This will not only faster and better execute work obmazochnye, but it will help save the glue on losses.

Armed with a trowel, spatula, float and level, you can start working. Stack blocks starting from the wall or partition of the angle of twisting. If the surface is flat, it is enough to apply a thin layer of glue. Gazoblokov masonry should be carried out smoothly and efficiently, so after the installation of each of them should be carefully measured on all sides and to monitor the gathering with an indicative lace.
Why is it better to use glue
Masonry concrete blocks adhesive provides greater strength and stability of the walls due to deep penetration of the adhesive mixture, thereby forming a monolithic seam. A thin, virtually no seam solves this problem, as a cold islet, making the wall more warm.
The process of stacking blocks
Installation of partitions of concrete blocks is carried out as follows::
Step back a little from the wall (about 5 mm), disposing the first unit, Exactly it thoroughly on fixed rails and tracer braid on previously smeared uniformly thin layer of adhesive.
Masonry walls of concrete blocks should be qualitatively, For this purpose the casing unit in place. This can be done using a rubber mallet or lining it. Tool on all sides, and cased the block level is controlled by its place of purchase.
It is also possible to mount partitions of aerated concrete slabs with grooves and ridges. They are available the same sizes, and that the gypsum boards, but they have a little different from their properties.
Stacking more repeats of concrete blocks or up to the opening at the wall is indented from it in 5 mm in order to improve acoustic properties.
Each row of the septum thickness 100 mm should be reinforced and communicating with load-bearing walls or other partitions. This can be done using pieces of rebar diameter 6 mm and more. For this purpose in the wall at the level prior to its installation in place is drilled hole on the unit angle 1/2 fitting length. She herself may be 15-20 cm. The aerated concrete blocks for partitions using chisels or manual wall chaser selected corresponding slot for free ingress of armature.
When mounting in an opening in the wall and the groove overlaps the same solution for masonry walling gazoblokov and it ligament. Such a wired connection will provide the necessary strength partition, regardless of its thickness. When using blocks 150-200 mm stapling to the walls can be done through a series of. It is also necessary to take into account the dressing between the blocks themselves, shifting the subsequent rows on 1/2 block thickness.
Also, as a binder, you can use perforated angle, bus and self-tapping screws or nails to fix it to both surfaces. But this method is less strong compared with the first.
Make a door or window opening

Dividing wall of concrete blocks has a small weight (1 monolithic block sizes 600h300h100 mm and weighing 10,5 kg replaces 8 bricks weighing 24 kg) due to the porosity of the materials used in masonry, however doorways and arch widths up 80 cm can be carried out without jumpers. To do this, put enough blocks to overlap on the wall 20 cm, stykuya tightly together in the center of the opening. For their temporary support, you can use a framework of wooden beams, screws screwed to the blocks at the level of their laying.
Apparatus gazoblochnyh partitions with openings wider than 80 See require the use of jumpers. As they can be reinforced monolith of concrete, two corner edges and even the wooden beam, pretreated antiseptic composition.
Installing gas-concrete walls, their installation must be carried out not to the ceiling. It is recommended to leave a space in 1-1,5 cm. It is better to fill with foam. This is done, to avoid cracking of the walls at the edges of the ceiling vibration and provide better sound insulation properties. read more, how to plaster concrete blocks.
completion of erection
After the erection of walls of concrete blocks should carefully check it for any gaps in the joints and using the same glue them repaired spatula. After complete solidification of the adhesive (not less than one day) and before further processing aerocrete block walls must be treated with antiseptic, hindering the development in them of fungi and other pests. wall can be and build from gipsoblokov, more details can be found on the website under walls.

"With the construction of walls of buildings from cellular concrete is a problem of different thermal conductivity of the walls themselves and the adhesive solution. After laying the joints are significant losses of thermal energy, (to 10% using thin-layer adhesives, to 30% using cement-sand mortar), resulting in an increase in heating 'costs. One solution for improving the insulating properties of masonry concrete blocks is to use an adhesive for the heat-insulating cellular concrete brand Gemisch. The main difference between the adhesive for aerated concrete thermal insulation brand Gemisch of conventionally used adhesives is its high thermal efficiency, glue only thermal conductivity Gemisch 0,202 W /(m * K), which practically corresponds to the thermal conductivity of the blocks themselves, t. it is. as a result of the use of glue Gemisch we get almost monolithic wall, and the lack of "thermal bridges"