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Why are popular frame houses gaining

Modern frame houses are easily constructed structures, that, usually, have one or two floors. Such technology has been used for the construction of not only dwellings for five centuries., but other, multi-functional buildings. Since frame houses are very popular, there are many myths, related to their construction and operation.

Myths about frame houses

The most common frame design myths are as follows.:

1. Flammability material. Since the basis of the structure is wood, many people think, that it easily ignites. but, such an opinion is erroneous. The fact, that before, how to use wood in the construction process, it is treated with special impregnations, which are practically 100 % make the material non-combustible.

Besides, in many cases use drywall sheets, which in turn are non-combustible. comes, that frame house, like any other, has high fire resistance and provides the highest level of safety for residents.

2. Instability of a design to strong wind. Unlike brick buildings, timber frame houses are very light, However, it does not make them less stable. It is worth noting, that light weight is a design advantage, as it facilitates the process of transporting materials and their installation.

The frame of the house distributes the load and transfers it to the foundation, so, the house easily withstands not only wind, but also snow, temperature changes and much more.

3. It’s cold in frame houses. Most people think, what time the walls of frame houses are thin, then they easily miss the cold, unlike the usual thick brick walls. However, it's the other way around, is another advantage of homes, since the room is set to a stable temperature. One-story frame house can be heated in less than an hour.

4. Frame houses have a high cost. The manufacturers themselves are to blame for this myth. Desiring to give its products uniqueness and exclusivity, they thereby increase the price of products. Among the main reasons for the low cost of frame houses, it is worth noting the ease of transportation and installation, as well as the, that buyers can choose that material for themselves, which satisfies for the price. Find out in detail the cost of building a frame house on the site

5. Prefab houses cannot be sold. Usually, new frame houses are sold on the market, there no less, no one forbids to sell the structure again. Such buildings will be an excellent house for a summer residence or housing for another family., since there are all the necessary communications and the like.

6. For wooden houses use non-environmental insulation. A variety of materials can be used as a heat insulator for frame housing. Customers can choose for themselves, what is best to apply in a particular case.

7. frame houses have no aesthetic appearance. Exterior finish of structures can be very diverse, so, the client chooses, what shape to give your home. Many use brick, trying to strengthen the house, although it’s not necessary at all.

The advantages of frame houses

Frame houses have the following positive qualities: low price; the opportunity to choose the layout of the house and create a great architectural solution; no need to hire many workers; the house does not sit down; housing construction is carried out in the shortest possible time; you can carry out the construction of the house at any time of the year; variety of interior and exterior finishes; high level of resistance to environmental conditions; easy dismantling if necessary.

The main decisive features and criteria for choosing

  • The cost of building a frame house.
  • Price and equipment frame house.
  • Completeness.
  • price for 1 m2 total floor area.

Energy efficiency - for this indicator, frame construction technology is the undisputed leader among all possible technologies. The wall cake of the frame house has a heterogeneous multilayer structure, which is headed by high-quality insulation with high-tech insulation based on natural basalt rocks. This type of insulation demonstrates the highest levels of thermal insulation throughout the life of the frame house., he does not settle over time, does not spoil, does not pick up moisture and is environmentally friendly, good air permeability, letting the house "breathe". Reliable heat preservation inside the house, high energy efficiency - save on heating.

Building speed - a unique technology for the construction of frame houses according to the Scandinavian, Finnish, North American or Canadian technology allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time, while the speed of construction does not affect the quality of the frame house. For example, take the most popular frame house size with a total area of ​​about 160 m2, linear dimensions of the house 9x9 m in two full floors or one and a half floor, turnkey frame house is being built in three months!

Durability - the construction of modern frame houses provides for the use of high-quality sawn timber with high-quality processing, which suggests, like a high-quality stitch, for perfect joining of frame parts, and processing with special wood compounds using a special technology that prolongs the safety of lumber, thereby extending the life of the house to 100 years and more.

Environmentally friendly - during the construction of a frame house, environmentally friendly and safe materials are used, it concerns, as the most supporting spatial frame, and insulation, facade decoration, interior decoration and even applied coatings

Versatility - frame technology allows for a flexible and imaginative approach to the design of a frame house, You can choose any architectural style., any design solution can be brought to life. The design of the frame house is a flexible material in the hands of a competent builder and designer!

Frequently asked Questions

Is it worth it to build a frame house manually, if I am not very experienced in this matter?

- Although the construction of a frame house does not require a lot of knowledge and skills, yet, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is worth entrusting this business to professionals.

What is the maximum number of storeys of a frame house?

- According to professionals, the most optimal number of floors of a frame house is two floors.

What material is best used as a heater for a frame house?

- A wide variety of materials are used to insulate a frame house, there no less, think, what is the best option is wood and mineral wool.

Reviews of frame house owners

Yaroslav: Built a frame house in the country. So happy, since the inside is always cool in the summer, and in winter there is no need to warm it, the roof can withstand any amount of snow.

Rita: My husband and I have long built a frame house. Although I myself did not take part in the construction, yet, I want to note, I'm happy with, that I can change the external and internal design of the home at my discretion, without the help of experts.

Nikolai: Built a house in winter, or rather an extension to the brick structure, as there was a catastrophic lack of space. Did the job really fast. We thought, that in the frame of the house will be cool, However, heat is also stored well, as in a brick house.

Advantages and disadvantages are in any design or material and, choosing the type of future home, you need to weigh everything well, but you should still rely on reliable facts, not rumor, living among ignorant people.


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