the main / construction Calculators / Calculating the number of pieces of planks or parquet lamnata

Calculating the number of pieces of planks or parquet lamnata

Flooring, as part of the interior, It must be in harmony with the room and at the same time be durable. For each particular room with its features selected concrete floorings. Calculate the number of pieces of tiles, laminate helps online calculator flooring, quickly see the number of tiles on the floor in the kitchen with the help of service. Laminate and the park is more suitable for rooms gives more comfort and warm atmosphere. How to read a number of tiles depending on the size of the coverage area of ​​the premises and for this it is necessary to conduct size and calculator respects the right number of pieces of tile and laminate for the purchase.

Whatever the material has not been used before, how to get started you need to know exactly how much material will be needed to cover floors in the room. Online calculator calculating the floor covering with a maximum accuracy of the entered values ​​calculates the required amount of material.

How to calculate

  1. Select the type of flooring in meters.
  2. Lineups Length x Breadth tiles or laminate.
  3. Set the width and length of the room.
  4. click to calculate.

cover type
Length of coverage(m.)
The width of the cover(m.)
floor Length (m.)
The width of the floor (m.)
minimum flow : 0

The calculation takes into account all the necessary data for an accurate calculation of material. Simply select a floor covering, enter all the required data and online flooring calculator will calculate.

Find out the right amount of packaging laminate can be here.

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