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Methods of alignment angles plaster room

Question smooth walls is one of the most important, when it comes to decorating. But it is equally important, angles when smokers are at 90 ° in neat. So the question, how to align the angle of the wall plaster solution, One of the most common in the construction forum page. The rooms are always present as the inner corners, and external. Therefore it is necessary to understand two alignment processes, that between a little different.

note, that the alignment of the plaster is best done, if the deviation from the size is not very large (87°-92°). If this figure exceeds standards, then it is best to use for aligning drywall.

Alignment outer corner
Alignment outer corner

Align the external angle

Let's start with a question, how to align the corners of the walls (external)? Typically, they are located at the door, rarely present in the room column or projection architectural. But in any case they must fit under the direct.

  • Primarily determined deviation. To this end, the corner angle is applied. The long part of the tool should lie on the main wall, which has to be plastered. Normally it is adjusted under the lip.
  • If the acute angle, the adjacent surface must be leveled.
  • At first set plaster beacons - evenly over the entire height.
  • Then applied plaster the adjacent wall. I.e, simultaneously aligned and the outer wall surface angle.

Probably, slight variations still remain. Therefore it is necessary to wait, when the plaster layer dries, then the angle should be primed. When it is dry and, possible final align spending putty (thin layer), Using corner trowel.

Aligning internal angle
Aligning internal angle

Align the internal angle

Solution of the problem, how to align the inner wall corner, more complex. The sequence of work:

  • On one of the walls in the region of angular width trowel blades mounted metal profile, which three metal dowels attached to the wall. Installation must be carried out vertically, Why you should use the.
  • In flat wall adjacent small spatula applied plaster solution. The plaster is applied in small strokes on the entire height of the aligned corner.
  • Now the necessary angular spatula to level the solution thus, the gap between the tool and the wall surfaces of the blades completely filled with plaster.
  • dismantled profile, wait, When the applied layer is dry, then the angle must be primed and conduct additional alignment with a thin layer of putty.

How view, plaster wall corners with their hands - not the easiest process. But if you understand it, the, is, that alone do not a problem.


The modern way

Construction technology today to quickly mutate, turning into "easy-to-design" category. So the question, as a plaster wall corners, It can be solved more easily in a modern way. To do this you need a special detail - metal kontrashults. In fact, a direct corner, made of aluminum, to which is attached a grid. Konrashults used to form angles.

In order to install it, must be directly applied to the corner with a thick layer of plaster. It is better, if it is thick. Then on top of not dried plaster set the mesh area. note, that the vertical installation konrashultsa - the basic requirement. Himself metal corner - piece soft, so that its pridavlivaniya to the corner of a room it is best to use a long rule.

Thus from the squeezed out part of the alignment tool of plaster, to be removed. Now time is needed, to a solution of well dried out. Rest angle alignment process is carried out by standard techniques. In fact, this is a common alignment of the walls, adjacent to each other. I.e, first leveled one wall, then another. Thus konrashultsa mesh would be deposited within the layer of plaster, that is made of durable solution. A metal angle provide 90º.

Conclusion Related

so, in this article we have been given answers to the question, how to make a smooth corner of the wall plaster (external and internal)? To completely understand this question, offer watch video, posted on this page.

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