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Choose the best glue for non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper basis is popular with artists, professional performing finishing work, and among the people, decided to carry out repairs on their own. The choice is not accidental, because such a framework is much stronger than plain paper. For, to finish is flat, it is recommended to select only high-quality adhesive composition. Before choosing the best adhesive for non-woven wallpaper, you need to find a list of popular brands, as well as learn more about the properties of substances.

non-woven wallpaper

Glue Feature wallpaper Non-woven

As known, Wallpaper - person room, that is why, the important role played by the moment, as well as with the help of staff, they will be glued. Wallpaper paste for non-woven wallpaper has certain properties, making it particularly applicable to this type of fabric:

  • fast glue adhesive behavior;
  • ease of application to the wall;
  • no reaction by reacting with the paint or other substances;

The best glue for non-woven wallpaper should be of high quality and when applied not to leave stains on the wallpaper press on canvas. Besides, consumption of substances must be economical.

Properly prepared composition for wallpapering should not contain lumps and be too thin. The consistency of the best glue for wallpaper on non-woven backing should not be too thin and watery, therefore important to keep the proportion Mixing solution. When the glue is applied to the wall, it does not drip and does not undertake clots, but on the contrary, evenly distributed around the panels using a broad brush.

After dilution of a good wallpaper paste should be insisted okolo10 minutes. When the work is completed, and the adhesive is still left, it can be stored in a closed container for 10 days.

Glue for wallpaper

Review of popular manufacturers

Choosing the best wallpaper paste for non-woven wallpaper is always dependent on the technical characteristics of the composition, specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. The composition of the substance directly depends on the quality and strength of the surface finish pasting. In the table provided, you can see the main manufacturers of adhesives for non-woven wallpaper, as well as their consumption and the value of.

Title consumption cost of Complete drying time The amount of water to adhesive pack
Exclusive(Exclusive) 283 g 40 m 230-270 rubles 1-2 day 7 l
Metylan(methyl) 250 g 30-32 m 190-240 rubles 24-36 hours 5 l
Quelyd (Kelid) 300 g 35 m 180-250 rubles 1-2 day 5 l
Pufas (Pufas) 200 g 37-42 m 140-160 rubles 1-2 day 6 l
Kleo(kleo) 250 g 30 m 120-160 rubles 24-36 hours 6 l

It is necessary to consider more non-woven wallpaper adhesive to each manufacturer.

Клей Exclusive

Adhesives of the manufacturer made in England and are distinguished by high quality. In particular, for non-woven wallpaper with a basis suitable adhesive ExclusiveNonWoven, which glues paper as well, vinyl, textile wallpaper and screen printing. If the question arises: some wallpaper paste is better for non-woven wallpaper luxury type, the answer is not long in coming - choose Exclusive glue.

Clay Exclusive

To glue Exclusive advantages include ease of deposition and excellent propensity to slip, so that the joints are glued wallpaper perfectly. This compound is endowed with special antifungal additives, and is completely safe for humans.

Adhesive Metylan

This adhesive is manufactured in Germany and using applied directly to the wall, like most of the other compositions for non-woven wallpaper. Apply adhesive wallpaper can metylan with calcareous cementitious surfaces and walls.

Adhesive Metylan

Wallpaper with non-woven backing adhesive suitable MetilanFlizelin Ultra Premium, which can be purchased at almost any home improvement store. Due to the presence in the composition of the additional polymer additives, adhesive sets very quickly. Among the products to other types of wallpaper manufacturer has a color display, here it is missing.

Stored for a wallpaper adhesive non-woven wallpaper can undiluted 3 year from the date of production, and when diluted adhesive is best to follow the instructions on the pack. According to the manufacturer, Bromide for non-woven wallpaper ready in 5 minutes after mixing.

Clay Quelyd

Adhesive French origin mark Kelid characterized by their efficiency in consumption. After drying, which occurs during 2 day, Wallpaper paste kelid becomes colorless color. The presence of anti-bacterial properties of the adhesive allows this to be absolutely harmless to humans.

Clay Quelyd

QuelydSpetsFlizelin glue for wallpapers any width, due to the rapid breeding, laminating speed walls significantly increases. Besides, already stirred solution may be stored in a bucket up to one week. The main condition for storage - safeguard composition frost.

Clay Pufas

Glue the German manufacturer for non-woven wallpaper Euro Pufas 3000 It has color indicator, which greatly helps with work. Blue light has been added to the composition initially, and helps control the amount of adhesive.

Clay Pufas

Through 5 minutes after mixing the solution is ready, thanks to this speed this part can be called the best glue for non-woven wallpaper, which is diluted in minutes.

Antiseptic additives Pufas glue prevent occurrence of fungus and insects under wallpaper. If the adhesive is applied directly to the wallpaper, its consumption is reduced, and water for dilution of one pack of need 7.5 liters.

Clay Kleo

This adhesive is considered one of the best professional compositions for gluing non-woven wallpaper. French manufacturer offers a line of products for the wallpaper on non-woven backing KleoLine.

Clay Kleo

The main product is KleoExtraFlizelinovyyLineProfessionalv pack weight 250 city, for the preparation of which will need 5 minutes.

Wallpaper paste for non-woven wallpaper kleoimeet antifungal additives, and the finished composition can be stored for 10 days. Very profitable advantage of the glue - the ability to hide some defects of the walls.

What is the best glue (customer reviews)

According to customer reviews, who have used these types of glue, following conclusions:

  1. Quelyd wallpaper glue for non-woven wallpaper is odorless, available, resistant to humidity, and simple to prepare. Consumers recommend it as a reliable and durable adhesive composition. Among the disadvantages of isolated only the absence of plastic packaging for glue - he immediately packed in cardboard;
  2. The consistency and density, users prefer wholemeal glue for non-woven wallpaper kleo, who is well bred, without forming lumps;
  3. Methyl glue marked by consumers as an easy-to-use and fast setting adhesive composition;
  4. Mark Pufasne is due approval from the majority of the masters of decoration, in connection with the formation of lumps and low tack;
  5. adhesive manufacturer Exclusive consumers called good composition for gluing heavy wallpapers, but noted, that light from the wallpaper glue spots remain.

By bringing together all of the opinions of experts and people, own pokleit wallpaper, we can conclude, that is the best brand of glue Quelyd and Kleo manufacturers, have proven themselves on the positive side.


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