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The installation height of sockets and switches, GOST and Evrostandart

clear, that the installation of sockets and switches in the room in most cases determines the degree of comfort. Not less important, to their optimum height distance from the point of view of convenience assumed normal operation available. In this case, would not breach their functional purpose, Interior features existing in the home location elektropriborov.Standartnost installation sockets and switches comprises 100 centimeter or 50 centimeter away from the floor of the device. In this model convenient use sockets and switches do not have to call. It is for this reason that most of the owners own apartment trying to replace the old wiring on a new one with a different installation of sockets and switches. Changing the distance, you can increase the usability of sockets and switches.

Installing a evrostandartu, Guests or convenience

Install sockets and switches to European standards, good idea. But at the same time, it is limited to general requirements, who so successfully replaced the Soviet standard installation sockets and switches, on new, so to speak European standard.

According to the European standard sockets are installed at a height 0,3 m, and switch the unit must be at a height of not less than and not less than, than 0,9 meters from the subfloor. Besides, in different parts of our country set standard height may be slightly, but still differ. The height of installation of sockets and switches here can be both less than the total distance for the European standard and greater.

But, But seriously. that while, that there is no set of European standards in relation to the installation height of sockets and switches.

Rules Electrical Installations, drawn up requirements in accordance with IEC standards just mentioned about the possibility of installing plug sockets at a convenient distance from the floor, that can be read in gl.6.6.30 Rules for Electrical Installations.

It is for this reason that during the installation work on the installation of instruments have to be guided by the operation of facilities. But it does not violate height restrictions designed and approved in conformity with generally accepted normative documents. That is the norm, are associated not only with the location of outlets and switches, but with safety and with regard to the installation of wiring and wiring devices. (SEP-7 Domestic electrical gl.7.1.48-7.1.54).

mounting height of switches and sockets
mounting height of switches and sockets

Recommendations for the installation of wiring devices

But in regard to the Soviet standard, easy installation of sockets and switches is quite doubtful. As experience has shown, previously used standard, does not meet the terms of user-friendly operation, which is not the notorious European standards, which was more appropriate for us, than the old Soviet GOST.

A convenience outlets and switches installed at the entrance to the room must be no higher than, than at the level of the lowered arms of the adult user of average height. And it is directly mounted sockets and switches standard distance at the entrance to the room. This is to ensure, To be able to quickly find the device, even in the dark.

Of course, It should be noted, that the established point-mounted electrical installations according to the standards in accordance with the convenience of their use. Only, adhere fully to take the distance and height 0,3 meter for the outlet and,9 meter for switches, as a necessary and true standard height should not be.

Besides, a large area of ​​the room, to control its lighting, better to install sockets and switches at different points in the room. For these purposes bushing switches. understandably, it is very difficult to get into the room in the dark, to, for example, find the switch and turn on the light.location of switches and sockets boards

Perfect option, installation of switches and plug sockets

Therefore, the most appropriate option is to install the sockets to the absence disables leakage current device, ie difavtomami devices, OUZO, that is directly related to smokers with bathrooms. In this case, all electrical devices, this applies to both sockets, and switches for household appliances such, as washing machines, where there is the need for their removal out, for example, on the wall in the hallway.

Besides, should pay special attention to the places in the kitchen, where there are the largest number of electrical appliances. It refers to, sockets installation, at the table in the kitchen, where it is possible and it is necessary to install a pair of spare sockets. In this case, the most common one, is the distance in the area 10-15 centimeters from the countertop of the kitchen table. The number of outlets should be installed on a maximum polzovanie.Eto provide a convenient means, projecting that the repair should take into account ease of use, common sense and the requirements in accordance with the regulations,.

What to look for when choosing a socket

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One comment on the record "The installation height of sockets and switches, GOST and Evrostandart

  1. Who do repairs in the apartment, I had to change the wiring and switches and sockets, respectively. That's decided to change the location at their own discretion. On norms so much and did not know. Now, of course, We will adjust for greater safety, but not to the detriment of their own convenience. Of course, should change the obsolete outlet, tk. is now probably no longer make devices with plugs suitable for them.

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