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Using the grid for self-leveling floor

Poured floors are becoming increasingly popular due to the excellent quality and the provision of in-service strength characteristics. They are able to serve for a long time without repair and recovery. But to do this in the first place must be respected casting technology solution prepared. In addition, considerable importance and will play a selection of specific materials for, among which stands out the grid for floor screed. The right choice of a particular kind of its effect on the final result, whether topcoat or base layer self-leveling floor.

kinds of grids

If there is a need for strengthening the base, It should be applied to the reinforced grid floor screed. strength of the coating would be much better. The most commonly used metal mesh. But technology does not stand still. Now there is an alternative to it - the polymer version, able to satisfy any tie. There are two versions of the mesh device:

  1. welded.
  2. knitted.reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor

At the same time their cell various sizes, depending on the destination. This can be 10*10 or, eg 15*15 mm. Besides self-leveling floor grids are applicable for the protection of the device on the sports field. In addition to this function, strengthening, reinforcing mesh floor screed helps protect against any kind of mechanical influence from the outside.

If the grid is used for floor screed, coating will withstand heavy loads, than those established by the manufacturer. And all this despite the fact, that the appearance will be exactly the same attractive. Buying grid cut costs, generally, at the inlet floor device. Its cost is small and can be used to perform various types of work. Suitable not only for new buildings, apartment in a house or in a private home ownership.

To quality of sex was at the height of the fill, grid must be laid before the application solution. Apply the grid can be in the case, if cracked floor screed. But there is its own peculiarities and subtleties, to be followed.

Right choice

When you select a grid for self-leveling floor should focus on some of the indicators:

  • cell size.
  • Mode of production (welded, knitted).
  • The thickness of the wire.reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor

It is the last point in the ground and is selected when the device self-leveling floor. It also determines the assignment of the product during installation. After all, no one will take the tie with a thick metallic or polymeric element, to create a high layer screed. This applies only to large height differences in the room.

For apartments grid thickness is excellent with minimal indicator 3-4 mm. Coverage will be strong and will be able to withstand all conditions. layer of concrete there may be up to 40-50 mm. Thicker versions of mesh for reinforcement suitable for warehouses, shops, etc.. But this increase significantly until the tie layer 150 mm. In this case, the screed will be complemented heaters, layers of sound and waterproofing. This indicates, the mesh for reinforcing the floor screed has a great purpose.reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor

As for the floor heating device, the situation is somewhat different. Grid tie warm floor can be laid and a whole system. This is necessary in order, to pipes and elements can be firmly fixed and held in the same position after pouring. In other cases it will depend on the required surface hardness and requirements. The quality of work will avoid cracks in the screed floor heating. But especially novice builders can face such a problem, when I cracked floor screed. Will have to carry out complex resuscitation.

Application grid

reinforcement ties underfloor heating necessary in those areas, where there is a sufficient number of loads. Communicating rooms can not do without it. Strengthening of the need to make up to the mark, so that in the future there were no problems with damage to the underfloor heating system.

applying reinforcement, coupler will be able to withstand vibration and dynamic loads.

If you run a reinforcing floor screed, practically will not be afraid of progress (particularly evident in new buildings) building components during operation.

Strengthening concrete ties can be done in several ways:

  1. Using the grid for reinforcement.
  2. Creating a thicker layer.

Fastening ties made with dowels to the plate. On the basis of her stack in no case be. I.e, net should "float" in the air. It is even, in some cases, to avoid cracks in the floor screed later. No heat or mechanical impact loads are not afraid.

reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor
1. ground.
2. baluster.
3. Grid.
4. self-leveling floor.

If there are cracks in the screed after casting, the corresponding grid will have to be used for repairs. Such problems occur in violation of temperature conditions when mixing the solution and subsequent filling.


Floor technology underfloor heating, and pouring the filling the floor must be maintained at all stages of. No exceptions should not be. Otherwise, problems may occur, who will have to decide, wasting manpower and resources. This is especially true pouring self-leveling floor on a warm floor, when the whole system should not function. If floor heating actuated prematurely, the solution will not dry evenly and qualitatively. As a result, defects begin to appear, namely, the cracks in the screed floor heating. reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floorCrack screed floor heating and many other reasons,, associated with the fill procedure.

Not everyone knows, how to proceed, If there are cracks in the floor screed, what to do and who to call. If the home is not possible to perform a recovery, it is best to pay a certain amount of skill.

To eliminate such negative manifestations instructions violations, You need to fill the grid floor. All will depend on the thickness of repairs. When a new layer is arranged over the inlet floor, it is best to take a job in the net for plastering facades. It is small in thickness and has excellent qualities and characteristics.

Repair casting Ties must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. In place there will be cracks smeared with a special glue. The most popular is the tile adhesive, has excellent binding properties. Apply for work trowel with teeth. The glue should be imposed uniformly across the entire surface.reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor
  2. fit mesh, and the entire secreted adhesive is smoothed over the surface. The layer obtained insignificant, but still more used in the subsequent flooring flooring. But before laying should wait a certain time to dry completely.

May appear in the finish version cracks in screed floor heating and that do not know many in this situation,. There is best to arrange an additional layer self-leveling floor. The surface is mandatory to be primed, to improve the adhesion level. Major defects "embroidered", also processed primer.

possible difficulties

The most basic question, arising during the repair - than fill the cracks in the floor? For this purpose the repair compound. But it is not uncommon for kneading the mixture for self-leveling floor. It all depends on the thickness and cracking conditions. They can be repaired even tile adhesive. But in such a situation would have to be laid floor covering, as its a topcoat will not be applied.reinforcing mesh for self-leveling floor

If the cracked screed floor heating, the most basic - check all tie in the presence of buhteny. When tapping sounds may appear deaf, indicating an error in the performance of work. Probably, will have to disassemble the tie to the ground, to eliminate defects. true, after floorings perform it will be problematic.

After reviewing all the subtleties should be no questions about, why cracked floor screed after casting. This indicates, that screed technology and the most self-leveling floor has not been observed. This applies not only to surface preparation, but also mixing solution, Compliance proportions adding water. To screed is not cracked floor heating, the entire system must be in a disabled state until the surface is completely dry. It may take time for 7-10 days.

Filling the cracks of the screed must be performed qualitatively, using appropriate mixture to perform work. It is important to observe the nuances of surface preparation, elimination of debris and dust, using certain equipment.

Grid floor for filler can be used not only as a reinforcing agent, to improve the surface strength, but also for recovery in the event of damage.






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