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How to prepare for wallpapering plasterboard

Application to the wall wallpaper - practically the only one last way to decorate the walls of his house or apartment. Currently, opportunities for the walls and ceiling of a variety of materials increased significantly. But sticking to the walls of wallpaper has not lost its appeal and popularity due to the relative cheapness and ease of execution. Also greatly expanded assortment, quality and variety of the materials, making up the wallpaper.

The order of providence works

Changed and the method of preparation of the walls and the ceiling for finishing. If previously knew only rough plastering of the walls of sand-cement mixture, now comes to the fore alignment walls using plasterboards. Such walls are perfectly flat surface, which without any problems lay down any kinds of wallpaper and colors. Preparing walls of plasterboard to wallpapering is possible without the involvement of professionals in the process.

Alignment of walls and ceiling using a GCR It is known in our country relatively recently, but it has already managed to acquire a well-deserved popularity. The essence of this method creating a framework of metal sheets followed by attachment thereto of sheets of plasterboard. This method allows you to create almost perfectly smooth walls and ceilings, hide them all sorts of pipe, wire, ventilation systems and other facilities. Besides gypsum board has a number of positive factors, making use of the GCR in the interior design simply irreplaceable.

It looks like a plaster board wall before finishing

But to sheathe the walls and ceiling plasterboard little, still need to prepare them properly for subsequent glueing wallpaper. Then, your wallpaper will hold tight, look good and be easy to remove before the next repair. C handle this task easy, because all the necessary materials for work are in any building supermarkets. The only thing, what you need - not to neglect the job sequence. About tom, how to prepare a wall of plasterboard to wallpapering, we discuss below.

Do I need to be primed drywall before pasting wallpaper?

Basically, any surface primer is a must. It serves to strengthen the surface to be treated and improve adhesion with other materials during the subsequent finishing. For processing before drywall wallpaper glue penetrating typically selected primer, which will not only strengthen the fragile plaster, but also to enhance its properties agdezionnye. In addition, many coats prevent the formation of mold and rot, good breathable, after drying are not afraid of moisture.

options primers
Variants quality primers

Recently, widespread acrylic-based primer. Preference is given typically European firms, such as products which are known all over the world.

Do not try to save on the little things. If you want a high-quality repairs - choose quality materials.

Question: what primed drywall before pasting wallpaper? In principle, it does not matter what kind of company to use a primer, carefully handle the main surface. Rest, as the saying goes, trick.

Apply primer very easy, to deal with that even a child. Need to work:

  • paint roller;
  • Brush for processing narrow joints;
  • tray for composition.

First primed angles, cap screws and joints sheets gypsum. after drying, (Drying time is usually written on the packaging) the roller is applied a new layer on the entire surface of the walls.

Be particularly careful to handle the chamfer at the junction of the sheets, corners and cap screws

Primer consumption is usually low, but forget about it not worth it. The remaining part can be used again, before pokleykoy oboev. It is very well suited principle: "Many - not little!»

How to prepare the wall for wallpapering

so, the primer has dried up and it's time to close up all the irregularities, scratches and cracks between the sheets. It's worth to buy special compositions, bearing the common name of "putty". For GCR produced mixture based on gypsum, which are divided into dry and ready, starting and finishing. For those, who have not dealt with these earlier works, preferably a mixture of dry fly. Finished plaster usually quickly grasped, and an inexperienced person does not have time to use it fully. A dry mix can be diluted with small portions.

Wallpapering on gypsum board without putty is not desirable. In the case of a new repair the old wallpaper have to be removed. Often in such cases together with the wallpaper off paper layer GCR. This threatens the replacement of the damaged sheet of plasterboard and, Consequently, increasing the time and cost of repairs. Therefore, experienced customers do not take the time and money to complete finishing of the walls of the FCL, than once to perform pasting wallpaper on drywall without fillers, and then tortured when removing the wallpaper on the wall.

For the work you need to buy comfortable spatula different widths. One small, 5-7 cm, It is used for typesetting putty from a container, seal small injuries cardboard and other ancillary works. Special mixture is applied to drywall joints.

Usually plastered walls of drywall under the wallpaper is starting putty. the finish applied in the case, when the walls are painted with latex paint and a variety of needs is very clean and smooth surface. To process the entire surface of one sheet of a thin layer will be sufficient. Ready-mix finishing cost more, so often use the dry compositions.

The dry mixture was diluted necessary quantity of water in a small clean, plastic bucket. It is desirable for this purpose to have a drill and a special nozzle mixer. The ratio of water and fillings are usually written on the packaging or in the instructions for use.

First and foremost are sealed:

  • deepening of the caps screws;
  • cuts and dents on the surface of assembled sheets;
  • slit at the junction of GCR.

The recesses are sealed by screw caps narrow spatula crosswise. Gap junctions require more attention. First of hammer shpaklevkoj, then placing a reinforcement tape (serpyanku), gently pushing it in its mixture. Surplus leveled wide spatula, the remains are removed with a spatula. As a result, the wall will be a kind of, as in the photo below.

Sealing of joints and grooves from GCR caps screws putty composition

After that, as a layer of putty has dried, you can embed the entire surface of the walls. The mixture layer should not be thicker than 1 – 2 mm. He applied to a wide spatula long circular motion. Keep, to the surface contained as little as possible irregularities.

Do not try to make the wall perfectly flat and smooth. All bumps and roughness are removed after drying layer.

After that, as a layer of putty has dried, you can apply a second, adjustment layer. detail, how to drywall putty and the intricacies of work.

If you think the finish is done properly, can proceed to final surface treatment. It is sanding the walls to remove small irregularities. Thus a large amount of fine dust, so that the application of remedies in the form of points, respirators or cotton-gauze bandages necessarily!

For such operations in the sale is a grater with holders, which fastens fine sandpaper or abrasive mesh. Perhaps, this is the most embarrassing moment in preparation for wallpapering Drywall.

Grout layer of putty special float with holders for the abrasive mesh

And the final touch - to handle drywall primer before gluing wallpaper. To many, this step may seem odd. But actually penetrating acrylic impregnation after drying will reduce adhesive consumption, will provide a strong connection with the wall of wallpaper and wallpaper allow subsequently dismantled without any consequences for the wall. In addition, read, how to prepare the usual wall-to-wall-paper.

Select a wallpaper for the walls

so, passed all stages of the processing of plasterboard wall. Ahead of the final test - Wallpapering on gypsum board. The technology of this process is as old, how the world. Changed only materials, of construction for this type of decoration, but expanded the range of colors and patterns. Appeared washable wallpaper, wallpaper with embossed pattern, Fabric and wallpapers.

In the method of manufacturing Wallpapers are divided into views:

  • paper;
  • flizelinovye;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • textile.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages in relation to other. But whatever you choose wallpaper, they are very easily and naturally fall on the carefully prepared surface Drywall. And then, All the works have not been in vain. Further it is possible to start directly pasting wallpaper.



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