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How to deal with mold and mildew on the walls of the apartment, removal tools

Как избавиться от грибка и плесени на стенах квартиры фото
The fight against mold and mildew on the walls in the apartment. Effective Removal Tool.

Plaster and wallpaper appeared black spots, from the walls bears, both from the school doormat, and look to the other side just disgusting. What, it's time to declare war; tuck your sleeves and move furniture. Fighting fungus and mold in the apartment is not a matter of minutes and rarely occurs without disturbing the usual order of things.

How to get rid of mold and mildew on the walls - the causes of

The first step is to determine the possible causes of the fungus. For, knowing the source of the problem, you can subsequently prevent the occurrence of mold. The first likely cause of the fungus - is excessive humidity. This is especially important during the cold period of time, when the windows going to the condensate. moisture, accumulating on the window sill, fills cracks and joints, and evaporating - get on the slopes and the edges of the walls. Besides, the emergence of the fungus may contribute to uneven heating, poor ventilation, and even an excessive amount of domestic plants or aquarium. In this way, you must first provide a set of measures to address the above shortcomings, and then to fight mold and mildew on the walls and ceilings of the apartment or house. And the first, you need to do - ensure unobstructed air circulation in places, where there was mold: to start to push the furniture away from the walls and regularly ventilate the room. It is advisable to open the windows several times a day for five minutes. This is especially important after hand washing or long cooking. In the winter-autumn period is necessary to ensure that, so that the heat from the radiator to freely flow to the windows. maybe, it will have to make a small grille in the window sills. If the mold appeared in the kitchen or bathroom, the first thing you should check the functioning brownies extracts and do not leave permanently closed the bathroom door. As for the electric hood, then in the presence of such extracts, it is strongly recommended to organize additional ventilation.

We begin to deal with mold in the apartment

Грибковая плесень фотоFighting fungus on the walls is complicated, heavy and not always ends with the unconditional surrender. However, not so bad. Only need to carefully find out the possible causes of fungal mold and outline further plan of action. First we need to determine the size of the "kill zone". If it is a small section of the wall or window slopes, it is possible to restrict treatment with hydrogen peroxide or bite. As an inexpensive method of controlling can be applied to all known "whiteness" or «Domestos». This is the most simple folk funds from the mold on the walls. Besides, popular water-soluble compounds and antiseptics, with white spirit or turpentine as a diluent. Sometimes producing fungus removal from the walls using creosote or copper sulfate solution, but recently, these methods are considered to be ineffective. If all else fails, and the fungus appeared again, so, needs more decisive action. Here it is a simple treatment can not do.

Effective means of removing the mildew on the walls:

Одно из средств удаления плесени на стенах фотоThe first step is to carry out drying of the affected section of the wall. With a large lesion focus, possibly, You need to dry the wall. To do this, remove wallpaper. Then stiff brush, or brush for cleaning metal, remove the mold in all places, where she appeared. Must be carefully cleaned, so you do not repeat the whole process again. If a plaster sometimes loosen or fall off - there will have to clear the wall to the ground, Walking across the affected area. Only you can start drying of the wall after a thorough cleaning process. To do this, it will fit any blowtorch (should be aware of fire safety), or hair dryer building. Then you can begin to process antiseptic walls or other special structure, which kills fungi and bacteria, the good choice is now very wide range of. If the walls are cleaned from stucco completely, it is possible to carry out a wider range of works to eliminate the fungus. First, the wall must be applied for removing mold. Then primed with a primer deep penetration with antiseptic properties. Then prepare a waterproofing composition (waterproofing mixture is prepared from) and brush or roller, put it on the wall, providing, in this way, protection against dampness. Then it is necessary primed wall again, using a primer of deep penetration, and only then proceed to plastering. As can be seen from the above,, combating fungal mold - it, inherently, range of activities and events, the realization of which allows one to successfully deal with this nuisance.



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8 Comments to the post "How to deal with mold and mildew on the walls of the apartment, removal tools

  1. There are also traditional methods to deal with mold, but still it then grows. Whatever it does not appear necessary to regulate the humidity. Then I can advise drying multicomplex Ballou. Fairly compact unit, with air ionization function and drying )

  2. I found magazinepreparat”Ambulance against mold” – it is ready for use 5% Biopag disinfectant solution in a convenient 450 ml packing with a spray nozzle. After processing means prevents the growth of mildew on surfaces for 4 – 6 months. The drug has no odor, safe for people and pets. Well in areas with high humidity (fish processing production, pools). The cost of one bottle 260 rub.

  3. “Ambulance against mold” – very good drug, without smell. Russian Manufacturing, DEZpomosch. acts 6 months.

  4. I bought in the store means for the removal of mold. Brand HG. Well cleaned the black on the balcony. It is true there was not too much running version, but nonetheless…

  5. We struggled with a fungus common salt. We made a very strong solution and sprayed . And salt is sprinkled along the walls to the ground directly beneath the floor. Years old 10-12 no longer climbs nothing.

  6. Hello. It helped me here it means – Tinedol. Before him, I tried a lot of different and expensive and folk remedies – nothing helped. And generally speaking, as a friend told me the dermatologist, the fungus is not treated, You can only translate in remission. Due Tinedolu for several months the fungus does not bother me. The effect is very fast. Recommend.

  7. Traces of stroke at the corners consequence of freezing, the temperature in the room and on the wall should differ by no more than 3 degrees, if more then it is necessary to remove insulation wall or facade. Then spend a disinfectant action. In my case, I called the experts who have tried imager my apartment for the 3000r., We make a report. With him I went to the developer and to make a complaint, after which the developer has appointed its review, He adopted the cause of freezing and sent climbers to eliminate (facade insulation) Volodya, mold as had happened.

  8. Hello! Due to the high humidity and windy side in the corner of the room darkened wallpaper, under the wallpaper sprawl began mold process. Angle detection until the mold was closed nightstand. Now the angle moved the furniture, was treated with manganese solution darkened area, to disinfect. Since the room is not properly selected window and constantly going to the condensate, and there is a risk again overgrown with mold, so, First of all, electric heater set at this angle and occasionally, especially if severe cold and wind on the street, dried for angle, Secondly, cleaning your room, I treat emotional angle is usually white. The smell quickly erode and mold no longer appears. Tips: buy good windows, no need to barricade the corners of furniture, if there are prerequisites to the high humidity, it is not necessary to teach a lot of flowers in pots and vases.

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