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How to choose the right mirror with light in the bathroom

Among plumbing fixtures and stylish decoration in the bathroom, important detail is the mirror. This item is multifunctional, practical, and if matched in tone to the design of the bathroom, it also performs and decorative function. Gained wide popularity bathroom mirrors with integrated lighting. These models do not require the use of additional lighting devices, Consequently, there is no need to think about, where to hang the lamp.

What should be a mirror for the bathroom

on, How to choose a mirror in the bathroom depends on many factors. for example, women use this item for hair styling or the imposition of makeup in the morning. Men also perform many hygiene using a mirror.

The main nuance in the selection of illuminated mirrors is located right lamps. From the place of its localization will depend on the quality of reflection, shadows and colors. Besides, in a mirror will reflect a part of the bathroom interior, which also plays a role. Included lighting determines the appearance of the mirror and its compatibility with the design of the room.

The main objective of bulbs in the backlight is the correct transfer of all the reflection parts: man must see himself without eyestrain. Illumination should not be diluted or vice versa to make a reflection of too sharp. As the heating lamps, Light quality can easily remove the condensation appeared when temperature drops.

According to statistics, man holds the sixth part of his life in the bathroom: relaxing after a hard day, I am giving myself up in the morning; It is therefore advisable to make it the most comfortable pastime.

Types of light for a mirror

Among the large variety of mirror products divide them on the same principle, according to the type of illumination. models are:

  • with external illumination;
  • with internal illumination;
  • with mood lighting.

Mirrors with external illumination or outdoor lights are the most popular today. This success among consumers due to the possibility of using remote lighting. Mirrors are equipped with connectors for various sidebar videos, lamps and sconces, or they may be mounting a lighting arrangement in the vicinity of the mirror. This type of illumination allows to highlight not only the mirror, but also placed near the other subjects: cabinet, shelves.

Variant outer mirror backlight most good shaving, makeup, If the lamp will be located on three sides. Optimum directional lighting will be the presence of point lights on the sides of the products, and one long in the middle. Do not forget about the color scheme of the backlight: Such a model will not be able to fulfill its main purpose.

Next backlight type - internal, which is provided by the LED ribbons or blocks. Such lamps usually have a frosted glass for, so that the light does not hurt his eyes. The advantage of such illumination - detailing reflection. Besides, such an option mirroring the product will look spectacular in the room bathroom.

The latter type of lighting - decorative, which is designed to perform only the function of style bathroom design additions. With this illumination to achieve high-quality lighting is unlikely to happen, but in the bathroom, you can add a touch of romance. LEDs are placed around the perimeter of the rim of the mirror. They may have different color. Important, to a backlight can be switched off at any time, to avoid distortion of reflection.

What illumination prefer?

When choosing a product with lighting for bathroom, It will not be superfluous to draw attention to the type of lamps used in the model. For today, mirror manufacturers equip the following types of light bulbs:

  • halogen lamps;
  • neon and gas discharge light sources;
  • LEDs.

Halogen light bulb on the principle of operation is similar to conventional incandescent lamps, however, the inner space of the bulb is filled with gas. Such devices are durable and effective, though, that consume a reduced amount of electric energy. Halogen bulbs are ideal for rooms with high humidity.

And neon gas discharge lamps have a high luminous type. There are also fluorescent lamps, having a diffused light, but in their work need special scheme, preventing flicker, which is harmful to the eyes.

The most popular type of lamps to illuminate the mirror - LED. This coverage is relatively new and has become a success thanks to the bright glow and the lowest power consumption. It is durable and efficient, and also has excellent aesthetic parameters. Spending money on once a backlight, you can forget about the potential problems in the specular lighting.

Accent lighting and color

Each mirror reflects in its own way, This fact must be taken into account when selecting a product. Does not always so, that the mirror reflects, was intended. This also applies to illuminated mirrors, which can distort the image.

Before choosing is very important to define the purpose of future products: whether it is necessary for hygienic personal care procedures or to emphasize the general style of the room. If the mirror will perform only a decorative function, it may be small, but it will focus on lighting.

Do not forget about the direction of the light: for daily procedures suitable lamp, looking to the center. If the goal is simply to highlight some articles elements, you can buy a mirror with spot illumination.

Another important point is the choice of color lighting. If you do not talk about the colored lights, which are intended only for decoration, it was mostly the light sources will be divided into:

  • lamps warm light;
  • Lamp cold light.

The first type - warm, It will create a feeling of coziness and comfort, however, it may seem dull to many. Bulbs cold light, conversely, characterized sharpness, so the reflection may be too detailed.

The best option will be to use dimmers on your vehicle. Thank them, can easily be brought to the desired backlight illumination Temperature.

A variety of mirrors

As an added specular products, You can also buy cosmetic mirror. for example, if the primary mirror will perform a decorative function with color highlights, the mirror for shaving and applying makeup is the way. Such models are often hung around the main mirror, they have a sliding leg, that allows you to position the mirror at a desired distance.

Cosmetic mirrors can also be made with built-in lighting, but it is worth considering here, Do you need a supplement. In the opinion of the owners, we can conclude, that the main illumination mirror is enough. Although, if you still have the desire to add a bit of light in reflection, luchshevospolzovatsya LED Strip.

Besides, come into use model mirrors heated, which it is very convenient. Taking a shower or bath, indoors often condensation due to differential temperature. Moisture settles everywhere: semi, ceiling, walls and mirror. Heated Model relieve owner from constant rubbing of the mirror surface from water droplets. A thin layer of the heating elements will help maintain the required temperature in order, so that condensation does not enter the mirror. This feature greatly extends the service mirrors.

Criteria for selection of a mirror with illumination

To the chosen model mirrors served reserved functions, to the choice of products should be taken carefully. Do not choose the first favorite model, only because, she looks cute in appearance. Do not always cover the product contains high-quality stuffing. Before visiting the store to become better acquainted with the basic selection criteria:

  1. The size of the mirror. It is necessary to decide in advance: the purposes for which purchased the mirror. Today mirrors the market offers for sale a model length 120 cm, designed to reflect the review to the knee; 60 see - to be able to see themselves on the belt and 40 cm - products, where we will see the face and chest. If we consider a model with a practical point of view,, wins option 120 cm, but it is unlikely you will need on a daily basis to see his reflection in the bathroom is practically a full-length. Therefore, the best option will be the model backlit in 60 and 40 cm. Last thing, by the way, It allows to carefully consider the details of the person.
  2. Optional accessories. This criterion depends on the personal preferences of the owner. Today, you can find a mirror, consisting of a single leaf, as well as models with lockers and shelves, equipped with backlit. The latter option is more practical because of the possibility to fit the necessary accessories for the bathroom, though sometimes it looks bulky. Model, consisting of whole mirror sheet outwardly more attractive, but, I have to think, where to place toothbrushes and other items.
  3. Material mirror. Pay attention to product, coated with silver or aluminum. Such models are appropriate value, but they are durable. Due to the constant change of temperature is the coating will not resist corrosion.
  4. Frame and fastening. Frame, which enshrines the mirror, It must be water-resistant, Consequently, made of plastic or, or stainless steel. Plastic in the product can be transparent, and located beneath the backlight will further illuminate the wall, creating a beautiful effect.

Frame under the weight of the mirror can withstand heavy loads and must be fixed firmly. Pay attention to the fasteners, reaching complete. If they are not very reliable, better immediately replace them.

  1. Design. Choose a mirror with light, suitable for the style of the interior bathroom. It also depends on the shape of the product. for example, round mirror more suitable for classical interiors, and products of square or rectangular shape perfectly fit into modern interiors.
  2. lamp type. The article has already been considered types of lamps, used to illuminate the mirrors, concluding, it is worth noting, that the best option would be the use of LED backlight.
  3. light switch. Is an important detail when choosing a product. The type of the switch depends on the convenience and quick access to the light. Today, mirrors with illumination are fitted with switches such as a button, sensor or remote. The first option is the most common, Though becoming obsolete. Sensors of movement and touch are the most popular today, they can easily help turn the backlight in one motion. control panels usually come with goods, equipped with various emission.

Tips for self-assembly

Self-installation and connection of the mirror is not difficult, if the house has the necessary tools: a drill for making holes, Cordless, Voltage testers, isolation of tenant, pliers or wire cutters.

Self installation process consists of the steps in a specific sequence:

  • With mounting location is marked pencil Mirrors wall, holes are marked as points;
  • Make holes in the wall using a drill with appropriate drill, as well as the screws are screwed;
  • Hang a mirror on the attachment, checking the evenness of the installation using a spirit level;
  • illumination wires are connected to the power supply and ground;
  • Check the operation of the backlight is the final stage.

If in addition to the mirror are shelves, they are mounted in the least.

A reasonable approach to the selection and installation of the light mirror will appreciate result and practicality, you can feel every day to brush up in the morning, and enjoying a relaxing evening.



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One comment on the record "How to choose the right mirror with light in the bathroom

  1. About mirror with lighting in the bath I dream for a long time. After all, as far as practical thing, you can easily apply makeup, with additional lighting it will be easier to 100 time. The same men would be better to have a shave, because visibility is 100%.
    To date, I select an external illumination, in the form of several sconces, on the sides of the mirror, such as, the second photo. Once I had a rest in the hotel and it was just such an external light on the mirror and that's when I lit it and.
    Although the interior lighting is also not bad looks, but more practical still I believe foreign. I saw it, I enjoyed it, so I can say with confidence, such that the light in the bathroom just super!

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