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How to make a niche for drywall curtains

The ideal interior design of a room depends on the totality of elements, who are in their place, and at the same time each one fits exactly into the style content of the room space. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to find something suitable, therefore, some accessories and functional items have to be hidden from view. This fully applies to the cornices., on which curtains are hung. Few options to hide them, one of them is most often used in the process of repair. This is a niche for drywall curtains.

In fact, niche is space, separated from the room by a box (septum), which covers part of the ceiling near the window. A plastic tire is installed in it and attached to the base ceiling surface, string or any other inexpensive cornice. This version of the cornice is simple, cheap, but there are many complaints about his appearance. Therefore, it is optimal to make a box for him, and better from drywall, as the easiest material to work with.

Types of ceiling niches

This design does not shine with diversity. There are two or three options, although the essence of the structure in all cases is the same. First option, it is the simplest - to build a two-tier ceiling indented from the wall, which will hang the curtain. A cornice is installed in this niche. It should be noted, that the suspended ceiling structure is not an easy construction. And when talking about the simplicity of this type of niche, they mean, that it is formed due to the second tier. I.e, no need to assemble a separate partition.

Curtain niche option

The second option is a box, built along the same wall, as a separate structure. And the third option is a niche for a drywall cornice, assembled along two adjacent walls.

If the task is to assemble a drywall niche for curtains with your own hands, and you are not the most experienced master in this matter, it is better to accept the second option. Although it is necessary to take into account the task in terms of the design of the room.

Box dimensions

Drywall niche for curtains has different sizes and configurations. And there are no strict restrictions.. Again, it all depends on the design.. But there are certain rules, which denote the minimum and maximum parameters, suggested as recommended. So the minimum width of the box should not be less 15 cm. This is understandable, because a smaller design on the ceiling will look awkward. Max Width - 1,5 m. It's a fairly large box., in which you can, for example, install spotlights or beat in other ways. Although for small rooms the best option 25-30 cm.

Niche size for cornice

There is one exact size, which must be adhered to. This is the distance of the curtain from the wall, and, accordingly, the distance of the box itself from the wall surface. This takes into account the tightness of the curtains to the ledges, namely: or to the edge of the window sill, or to the plane of the heating radiator. And in the, and in another case, the minimum distance of the curtain from the ledges is 5 cm. Given the width of the plastic cornice, you have to calculate the distance from the curtain to the edge of the niche: 5 cm plus tire width. And this is the minimum. If we talk about the distance from the wall to the niche for the drywall curtains, then the width of the protrusion must be added to the resulting indicator.

If the outer plane of the box under construction will be finished with a ceiling plinth, then the height of the structure is taken equal to the height of the baguette. In other cases, this size is taken taking into account the design..

Rules for the construction of drywall boxes for curtains

Like all building processes, assembly drywall niches under the eaves carried out in several stages:

  • preparation,
  • ceiling markings,
  • frame structure assembly,
  • plasterboard lining,
  • decoration.

Preparatory stage

Before making a niche for drywall curtains, it is necessary to prepare all the required materials and tools. From the materials you will need the GKL sheets themselves with a thickness 9 -12 mm, perforated paper tape or sickle tape, putty, screws, two types of profiles: guide (PN) and a ceiling (PP).

As for tools, then the work will require: drill, a sharp knife, building level, 2 spatula (wide and narrow), measuring tape and a pencil, Cordless.


If a drywall niche is being built for curtains near one wall (second option), then from the surface it is necessary to postpone the distance along the ceiling in the corners of the room, equal to the width of the protrusion, a plus 10-15 cm. Then the two points are connected by a line, which will be parallel to the wall. It needs to be drawn on the ceiling with a pencil, using as a ruler or a prepared metal profile, or strong thread. After that, from the applied line, it is necessary to postpone the width of the box and also draw a line.

We fix the starting profile

The main task of marking a niche for plasterboard curtains is precisely applied dimensions of the structure..

Frame assembly

  1. PN profiles are laid along the lines applied to the ceiling.
  2. Through them, holes are drilled in the ceiling surface with a puncher every 50-60 cm, starting from any wall.
  3. Dowels are inserted into the hole.
  4. The profile is re-applied to the ceiling and fastened to it with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.
  5. Then from the same profile it is necessary to make four L-shaped structures with a side length 7-10 cm. The size of one of the sides depends on the height of the box, this side of the device will be attached to the wall.
  6. Manufactured L-shaped parts are installed along the edges of the profiles, attached to the ceiling, So, so that one side enters the profile and becomes its continuation, and the other one hit the wall, located perpendicular to the ceiling element. I.e, eventually two U-shaped structures should form. Installed elements are also attached to the ceiling, and to the walls.
  7. There is another option, which uses two L-shaped parts. To do this, one end of the profile itself must be bent at 90 °, To do this, one end of the profile itself must be bent at 90 °, To do this, one end of the profile itself must be bent at 90 °. When manufacturing an L-shaped element, it is necessary to take into account the distance of the second end of the profile to the opposite wall, taking into account the entry of the first into the second at a distance 5-10 cm. A plus, of course, When manufacturing an L-shaped element, it is necessary to take into account the distance of the second end of the profile to the opposite wall, taking into account the entry of the first into the second at a distance.

On the ceiling you should get something like this, as in the photo below. It's just that there should be two such elements with a distance between them., equal to the width of the box.


Now you need to cut several segments from the ceiling profile, Now you need to cut several segments from the ceiling profile, Now you need to cut several segments from the ceiling profile. Now you need to cut several segments from the ceiling profile. For example, if the profile length is 3 m (300 cm), if the profile length is 60 cm, if the profile length is. if the profile length is

if the profile length is, to which are fastened with self-tapping screws on both sides. Further, the lower free ends of the segments are interconnected by a profile (PN). There are two metal structures on the ceiling, which must be connected to each other for rigidity. which must be connected to each other for rigidity, which must be connected to each other for rigidity.

Drywall niche design drawings

Consider other options for the manufacture of drywall niches using LED backlighting.

Consider other options for the manufacture of drywall niches using LED backlighting

narrow frame

There is another design of a drywall box for curtains, There is another design of a drywall box for curtains. There is another design of a drywall box for curtains, There is another design of a drywall box for curtains 60 mm. There is another design of a drywall box for curtains, that the box will be sheathed with plasterboard with a thickness 9 mm, then the width of the whole structure will be - 78 mm. It's a fairly wide building., although in the category of drywall boxes for curtains, this is the narrowest option.

Practically, the assembly of a niche is done in exactly the same way., as in the previous version. Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP. Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP, Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP, Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP, Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP, Only instead of PN profiles it uses PP. Additionally, you need to add, Additionally, you need to add. Additionally, you need to add.

It is possible to assemble a frame for a hidden drywall cornice for curtains from the PN profile, It is possible to assemble a frame for a hidden drywall cornice for curtains from the PN profile 27 mm, It is possible to assemble a frame for a hidden drywall cornice for curtains from the PN profile. It is possible to assemble a frame for a hidden drywall cornice for curtains from the PN profile, it may not always fit into the interior of the room. it may not always fit into the interior of the room 50/40 it may not always fit into the interior of the room.


it may not always fit into the interior of the room. It remains only to sheathe it with the GKL sheets themselves. To do this, cut out segments from the sheet with dimensions, equal to the dimensions of the frame assembled on the ceiling, which are attached to the finished structure.

There are certain requirements for fixing drywall sheets:

  • distance between screws 10-15 cm;
  • distance from the edge of the segment to the place where the fastener is screwed in 1-2 cm;
  • screw head depth 0,5 cm.


Usually any drywall construction is puttied, leveling the plane. Drywall niche for curtains is no exception. Therefore, it is pre-coated with a primer, Therefore, it is pre-coated with a primer.

Therefore, it is pre-coated with a primer Therefore, it is pre-coated with a primer between themselves, what is serpyanka tape used for. what is serpyanka tape used for, what is serpyanka tape used for, what is serpyanka tape used for. Drywall joints, located in different planes, closed with special perforated corners, made of galvanized metal, or plastic, or aluminum. The installation process is exactly the same, like with tape.

After the putty has dried, the planes of the box are ground with fine-grained sandpaper., thereby removing spatula marks and minor defects. Re-apply primer. As for the design, then usually the box and the drywall niche itself for the cornice are painted in the same direction, to avoid glare on the ceiling .

helpful hints

  1. Drywall niches for curtains - structures, which are practically impossible to modify during operation. which are practically impossible to modify during operation. I.e, which are practically impossible to modify during operation, covering a cornice, covering a cornice. For example, covering a cornice. In this regard, it is difficult to beat a narrow niche for a plasterboard cornice with point light sources., In this regard, it is difficult to beat a narrow niche for a plasterboard cornice with point light sources..
  2. In this regard, it is difficult to beat a narrow niche for a plasterboard cornice with point light sources.. A niche for a drywall curtain does not have to be a straight-line structure. A niche for a drywall curtain does not have to be a straight-line structure, A niche for a drywall curtain does not have to be a straight-line structure. A niche for a drywall curtain does not have to be a straight-line structure, constructing a two-tier structure. For example, as below picture.
  3. The wider the drywall niche itself under the curtain, the easier it is to get the job done. A narrow opening is the inability to insert a screwdriver into it to tighten self-tapping screws. A narrow opening is the inability to insert a screwdriver into it to tighten self-tapping screws, A narrow opening is the inability to insert a screwdriver into it to tighten self-tapping screws.
  4. Based on the renovation budget, you can choose the design of the eaves for drywall curtains, which will be cheap, aesthetic and practical. The main thing is to prioritize.
  5. If the ceiling is sheathed with a suspended plasterboard structure, then you must immediately take into account the place for installing the cornice in a niche.
  6. If the drywall niche for curtains is not sheathed inside, that doesn't mean, that doesn't mean, that doesn't mean. that doesn't mean: that doesn't mean. The reason is that the exfoliated particles of the concrete structure do not fall from above. The reason is that the exfoliated particles of the concrete structure do not fall from above, in order to avoid distortions.


Responding to a question, how to make a drywall niche for a cornice, how to make a drywall niche for a cornice, how to make a drywall niche for a cornice, as a string, how to make a drywall niche for a cornice, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. I.e, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. We recommend watching a video of different ways of making ceiling niches.





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