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How to choose a self-leveling floor correctly and what

A very popular flooring in recent years become a self-leveling flooring. This unique self-leveling compounds, which allows you to quickly get an ideal floor surface. It is noted that such compositions there are a large number of, and therefore it is necessary to understand what types of self-leveling floor there, and what better to choose. It is with this question we will consider further.range of self-leveling floor

Types mixtures

First and foremost it is worth noting that just the type of mixture, ie. Its composition will depend on both the appearance of the coating, and its operating characteristics.

Directly to the main varieties of choice depends on the purpose, which is placed before the coating. All these species there are two:

  1. On the basis of cement. Used for this type of planarizing.
  2. And the second polymeric compositions becomes. Such used directly as a decorative coating.

In turn, the polymeric systems are divided into three subgroups:

  1. polyurethane
  2. epoxy
  3. methyl methacrylate

And for a full understanding, what kind is best suitable to consider each in more detail.

cement mixtures

Concrete floor filler is only used as a leveling layer, it is a kind of alternative to the standard cement screed.

The only difference from the standard coupler can be noted is the ability samovyravnivatsya. It causes more liquid texture composition. This is what allows it to flow over the surface of the floor, creating a perfectly smooth coating.

Such a system is applied in the preparation of the base under the topcoat.cement self-leveling floor

Release compounds of this kind carried out in bags, such as cement and. It represents a dry mix composition, which requires prior mixing with water. The composition of the mixture are: Cement, various plasticizers, sand and lime.

Among the advantages of such a structure is marked:

  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Good leveling ability.
  3. The high level of strength.
  4. Long operational period.
  5. Versatility.
  6. Thermal shock resistance.

Do not forget about the shortcomings, that only two:

  1. Low chemical resistance
  2. Lack of the ability to apply a finishing coating in.

polyurethane floors

The next type of observed polyurethane floors, or as they are called differently - liquid linoleum. This kind of a mixture of different special elasticity, which helped them gain more popularity. Due to this property, the coating hardly susceptible to deformation as a result of mechanical action. When it is such a high level of properties can not boast of even a standard screed or concrete.

such a coating, of course, It has its pros and cons. And if you draw a parallel between the PVC - linoleum, laminate, ceramic tiles liquid and linoleum, the advantages of the latter over! This durability, moisture resistance, unpretentiousness in climatic conditions, higher strength and no seams eliminates the possibility of such a coating on bacteria and parasites.

The main disadvantages - obsolescence, deformation and external changes caused by ultraviolet glow, difficulties Bay, training base, major difficulty, if necessary, to remove linoleum from the base, artificial material and climate control base.polyurethane self-leveling floor

Liquid linoleum sold "on the kilos". The average market price of self-leveling floor in Russia - 10-17 dollars, Abroad - 20-30 dollars, in the CIS countries - 13-15 dollars. Such different price schedule is set because, that abroad this kind of small distributed, than, eg, in Eastern Europe. Also it depends on the product supplier and price standards of each country.

another, it is worth noting that it becomes resistant to any attack by.


  1. The polyurethane filler field has a high level of strength and elasticity.
  2. Impervious to chemical compositions, as well as temperature changes, and an abrupt change microclimate.
  3. Wear-resistant and durable.
  4. It has good aesthetic qualities. In the market represented a huge range of different variations of colors and the ability to create patterns.
  5. Easy to maintain and operate.
  6. Additionally creates heat and sound insulation layer.

Among the shortcomings should be noted a relatively high cost, as well as a rather complex mounting technology.

Epoxy self-leveling floor

This composition can be called unique, in itself it contains special hardeners and epoxy resins. Because of its unique structure, it perfectly leveled floor surface, and in addition it receives a predetermined decorative appearance.

Mark is also the, that the material is completely insensitive to aggressive media. Because of this arrangement is often used in swimming pools, as well as areas with strong pollution and chemical exposure.

Besides, flooring of this type are safe, in connection with which they are recommended to be used in homes and institutions for to choose self-leveling floor

But at the same time, even though its hardness of this type of flooring is fragile, drop any heavy object can cause cracking. It is this coating is therefore not recommended to use in premises which suggest the impact load on the floor.

Among the advantages noted:

  1. The high level of strength.
  2. wearing qualities.
  3. Immunity to acids, alkalis and household chemicals.
  4. damp-proof.
  5. Good decorative qualities.

Among the shortcomings noted only the fragility and fairly high cost.

Methyl methacrylate self-leveling floors

This kind of mixture is quite Vasya. Used in the regeneration of the floor in industrial premises. Compared with other compounds, they have a high level of strength, wear resistance and resistance to chemical attack.

Besides, coating can withstand greater mechanical stress enough, in particular travel on such floors Car.

Also of note, that such pokoytielostatoyaro dries quickly, This allows the installation of the floor, without stopping the production process in the shops. In particular, complete hardening takes place within an hour, and a full range of strength in just two hours. The only drawback is getting, that dries the composition highlights certain gases, harmless to the body, but having sufficiently sharp unpleasant odor. But this disadvantage can be eliminated at the expense of good ventilation in the room.metalmetakrilatny self-leveling floor

Looking more compressed material, you can highlight the following advantages:

  1. Ease of installation and low curing period.
  2. The high level of strength and durability.
  3. Resistance to chemical attack.
  4. moisture resistance

Among the drawbacks noted unpleasant odor when zatvedevanii.

Design solutions self-leveling floor

Directly in the selection part of a large number of buyers paying attention not only on the performance of, and more on the decorative qualities. Immediately it is worth noting, that cement floors and methyl methacrylate are not any frills and presented in standard variations. But polyurethane and epoxy provide a fairly large selection.range of self-leveling floor

Today, the market can find a variety of colors and compositions, even patterns. But also offered and ways to make the coating of some design features. Consider the most popular ones.

decorative chips

It means adding a mixture of separate particles of different size and color. By themselves, they resemble pieces of potato chips, but it is thanks to them that finished surface acquires a unique look, In some cases, copying the texture of natural materials (granite or marble e.g.).self-leveling floor with decorative chips

The use of polymeric dyes

It is also a good one for the decoration becomes use of polymeric dyes, are applied to the base surface and then covered with a varnish layer, view of the floor you can see in the photo below.self-leveling floor with dyes

Transparent floor with decorations

Also quite popular reception. This tapping is used, epoxy glass floor, which is filled with various objects, such coins.

Effect 3d floor

Such an embodiment is the floor arrangement interesting, because it allows you to create a realistic picture on the floor.

Performed this type of coverage by placing pictures on the floor and subsequently pouring it transparent self-leveling flooring based on epoxy resins.3D self-leveling floor

Safety precautions when working with self-leveling floor:

Works by pouring polyurethane self-leveling floor should be done in the room, where possible airing. Also, you should be wary of getting a solution to exposed skin. It is recommended to use gloves and goggles.

Now let's talk about the prevalence of liquid floor, what it is. Usually it is applied in a cafe, airports and facilities at the stadiums. These are the most common sites of application of liquid linoleum. Of course, there are many other places, not so famous, as the above, so judge the popularity of liquid floor, looking at the data, must not, because there is taken into account only the most numerous and large objects.

It is important to know, that such coating is sold as one-component and two component. The first is on sale in the solution, the second consists of a hardener and filler. Many people recommend the second option, as it allows you to mix the components in place, and it allows you to save the excess of the solution for the future! You must comply with only one condition - they only need to store in an airtight container, since even the slightest air access the substance hardens.

The cover its floor, Of course you decide. But in my opinion, liquid linoleum - the best solution for your apartment or premises!


It is very important when choosing self-leveling floor to pay attention not only on the aesthetic appearance, but also on the performance of. On this basis we offer guide the choice of the following tips and tricks:

  1. Suitable for industrial premises floor methyl methacrylate.
  2. For premises as a decorative coating suitable epoxy and polyurethane.
  3. When, when necessary to create a smooth coating for further folding the lining material should be chosen cement formulations.

In conclusion, we offer you to view several videos about each of the options presented by the compositions and their registration.



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One comment on the record "How to choose a self-leveling floor correctly and what

  1. Self-leveling floor is very convenient and simple. I've bought myself self-leveling floor Younis himself made mixture, and he poured, without the use of beacons. very comfortably

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