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Diverse world of plasterboard ceilings in the hall

Whether you build your house, We bought an apartment for finishing, or just want to make candy out of the old house, always comes the same question: Where to start finishing in the apartment? Stucco walls and ceiling of sand-lime, and a sand-cement mixture remained only in the remote villages, which has not yet entered commercial building network.

For more advanced people of our vast country, there are many ways of finishing materials and facilities maintenance. Special and even a leading position in this list is the system metal frame. To it are attached drywall sheets (GKL), a thin layer of plaster - and perfectly smooth surface ready. Its appearance can be changed by any known at the moment of environmentally friendly materials.

Decorating the walls and ceiling sheets of drywall

This method has many excellent properties. Let's count:

  1. Widespread, proven methodology.
  2. It has long been used, there and experienced construction teams, and experienced designers in this area.
  3. launched production accessories for plasterboard walls and ceilings.
  4. In our country and abroad, produces a wide range GCR different purposes. desired type of sheet can be selected for any room.
  5. Material eco-friendly, what is important to the whole world, not just for allergy sufferers.
  6. Improved fire protection - plasterboard not subject to burning.
  7. In the space between the wall and the frame can be hidden wires, communication and other facilities.
  8. With proper installation design improves sound insulation premises.
  9. Ability to create not just a flat surface, and layered masterpiece. This is especially true of ceilings. Curly plasterboard ceilings in the hall and other rooms have long turned into a work of art.
  10. Large selection of lighting. The ceiling in the hall of backlit drywall using LED strip would create a romantic evening and a cozy atmosphere.

This list is not everyone can complement another item.

It can not be silent about the shortcomings of finishing drywall. In this list:

  1. space Cubature somewhat reduced. And if the wall is not particularly critical, the opportunity to furnish plasterboard ceiling should be planned in advance.
  2. Work plasterboard involves large amounts of dust during the stripping putty. If you hire from workers, worth knowing about the presence in their company building cleaner.
  3. Wall or ceiling can pierce a sharp hard object.
  4. On the wall is not recommended to fasten heavy objects. Gypsum sheet - rather fragile material.

But these shortcomings are more than overlap its benefits!

The ceiling in the room - not just a white surface. This is the battlefield of ideas

all agree, that the main room in any house and the apartment is a hall. In it, people spend a large part of his time off work. In it are hosting, celebrate birthdays, gather the whole family to watch your favorite TV show or just kill time with friends. It reminded Hall, when you hear the phrase "home". Beautiful ceiling plasterboard hall, embodied in the life of their own hands or the hands of professionals, It gives a feeling of warmth, comfort and convenience.

For many repairs done seriously, once and for a long time. Because it should also seriously approach the decoration of the walls and the ceiling in the main room, to link it with the style of the rest of the premises. With the development of technology and the Internet to select your style for the soul it is very simple.

There are several trends in interior design. And the ceiling design plays an important role here. This is a great space, which will not put furniture, to hide flaws and highlight the merits. The ceiling must meet the general concept of the chosen design of the hall and at the same time to be a work of art.

Currently in vogue simplicity and conciseness in interior design, but without compromising on comfort and functionality. This trend is called - minimalism. Design ceiling plasterboard in the hall in the style usually just white at one level or duplex with sharp corners and straight lines.

possible insertion spotlights and even LED illumination levels between. White color, playing a major role in the design of the ceiling, visually expand the boundaries of the room, will give the environment a touch of solemnity. All this at a relatively low cost, good quality and will give the impression of wealth.

High-tech close in spirit and style of design minimalism. But this area enables you to make the situation in the element of surprise, futuristic and unexpected objects, how it would come in our time from the future. The design of the ceiling plasterboard in the hall at the same time takes on the additional elements in the form of a reflecting mirror plates, collected in a certain composition. lighting lamps are hidden in the ceiling of a niche or have a severe and unusual form. The chandelier in the middle repeats the general concept of design of the hall. For all its freedom of space, this style is quite expensive. All of the furnishings should be of high quality and unique.curved ceiling

Demand not only contemporary trends. Still in the price classic styles in the design of the house. several of them, but they all return to the past. Empire, baroque, classicism, modern, Renaissance - this splendor and variety of forms, moldings flow, large crystal chandeliers. Room in this style should be large enough, with a height of not less than 3 m.modern

The ceiling for the hall of plasterboard are usually constructed in several levels. The first level - a round, centered around the chandelier, from small to very wide. The second and third levels absorb curved line of the central circle and a rectangular pattern of walls. All this is complemented by murals, stucco and other decorative ornaments. lot of gilding, pastel colors, other colors of solemnity and rich decoration of past centuries. It creates a feeling of luxury, solemnity and well-being.


All these solutions are just great for country houses and cottages with spacious rooms. Their development and implementation are best left to professional designers and construction crews.

Choose between single-level and multilevel plasterboard ceilings

And what do the residents of urban multi-storey apartments? Here, too, there are many opportunities to create interesting and cozy interior. Beautiful plasterboard ceilings in the hall and can be single-level, and duplex. Much depends on the height of the room.

Important to remember! The distance from the head to the ceiling should be 0.8m - 1,0 m. Decreasing this distance can change for the worse climate and normal circulation of air currents in the room.

Therefore, for the height of the hall 2,6 m makes sense to do sibling ceiling. Despite the seeming simplicity of this solution design of the ceiling in the hall of plasterboard can get very impressive. for example, a combination of two or more colors by staining, application of LED strips on the perimeter of the ceiling. Properly arranged spotlights together with the main Modern ice chandelier create a very cozy and unique atmosphere of your room. More modern solution to use track fixtures. Besides produce gypsum ceiling fully able to make their own hands, that will help to save your money.

If the ceiling in the apartment 2,8 m and above, it makes sense to create a two-tiered ceiling. This ceiling plasterboard hall has several variants.

Variants of registration of two-level ceiling of plasterboard

versions of the forms ceilings of GCR

Popular options ceiling forms of GKLTakie schemes may be many. Conventionally, they can be grouped in four areas:

  1. Frame. Level difference repeats ceiling contour. Use a straight or curved line. Often applied about the central oval chandeliers (positions 4, 5 and 7 Fig.).
  2. Diagonal. Usually it is a wavy line across the room diagonally. Or release any angle. Often these lines two (positions 2 and 3 Fig.). An interesting solution may be a combination of straight and wavy lines of the ceiling drops.
  3. Highlight zone. It is used as a direct, and a broken line (position 6). Nice and appropriate to look a ceiling in the hall of the drywall when combined with a dining room. To underscore this zoning drop ceiling line can be projected on the floor (the floor line is highlighted by different colors and character of finishing materials).
  4. Sophisticated design solutions. Combine several directions. They are used for accent lighting zones, to create a unique and ceiling beauty. If all this does not require special costs of implementing (position 8 picture).

In all these areas, along with the main widely used auxiliary ceiling lighting. Today, the market presents a large number of goods of different types of lighting point type. A special place in the design of ceilings in the hall of plasterboard recently took LED lights differential between ceiling levels.

Multilevel ceiling with lighting - a perfect solution for any style

Lighting in our time is no longer just a source of light. The development of technology allows you to use a variety of lighting fixtures create a festive atmosphere in every single room. Multilevel plasterboard in the hall illuminated will be the perfect complement to natural light and a traditional chandelier. Highlighting between the levels perfectly fit into any style and any design decision.

The circle on the ceiling with lighting and chandeliers

Plasterboard ceilings allow to arrange in the hall and other rooms like open, and hidden lighting is such as soaring ceiling.

The first is from the center of the ceiling chandeliers and along the perimeter of LED or fluorescent spotlights. They are grouped in zones, where you need to enhance the illumination, while fulfilling a decorative function. Such an embodiment is possible illumination and for peer to peer, and multi-level ceilings. Moreover, this type of lighting can be done to.resunka intersection

Concealed lighting installed along the lines of transition from one level to another. Everything for this type of light is used Rope, flexible neon or LED ribbon. The last element is used quite often, and justifiably earned high confidence. Soft and slightly diffused light does not irritate the eyes and creates a romantic and cozy atmosphere. Coupled with the ability to change the color of this element of the decor is a must. And variants of the ceiling drywall in the room with light you can think of an infinite number.

Neon Ceiling

Interesting and unusual can be a combination of drywall ceilings and the tension in the room with light. Stretch inserts are usually located on the ground, the highest level. Excellent will look in the light or neon Rope stretch insert with mirror reflection. They are usually performed in the dark, contrasting with light colors levels gipsokartonnymi.stylish ceilingstylish ceiling 2multicolored ceiling

If you have decided to make their homes unique and unrepeatable, the design of the ceiling plasterboard will give you the opportunity. Variants planned endless. Something you can do with your hands, something to require the involvement of designers and professional installers of drywall. But the result is always very stylish and unusually beautiful. dare, succeed!




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