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heating system the apartment in an apartment house

The constant increase in tariffs for housing and communal services is the natural tendency of the residents of apartment buildings to the device independent of individual heating systems. Modern building provides the design stage and zoned per floor, Further, per-apartment heating.

The original decision of the wiring in the floor heating in the apartment hiding system distributing pipes, to maintain the aesthetic appearance of rooms. Independence schemes mounting of technological pipe at individual sites provides the possibility to create an individual design scheme of heat supply, installation of various heating devices.

Ways to connect to the central heating

District heating block of flats priori implies timely delivery during the cold periods of the year the volume of coolant required with certain SNIP 41-01-2003 P. 6.1.6 parameters of temperature and pressure. each building, connected to the line is equipped with a distribution of elevator unit with control - regulating equipment, providing:

  • pressure reduction in the system to design parameters;
  • automatic control of the flow volume, entering the risers;
  • required to decrease the temperature +90 — +95 0With mixing hot coolant line with the cooled water from the return risers;
  • filtering to reduce the total oxygen content in the coolant.

The riser pipe heating system
The riser pipe heating system balancing valve

Scheme, which are used to ensure uninterrupted heat supply of apartment buildings, are divided into vertical and horizontal. Monotube and twin-tube. Each has its own characteristics, a number of advantages or disadvantages.

one-pipe heating system circuit
Single-pipe heating system diagram of a balancing valve

Refusal of a typical construction method, the transition to individual projects, It involves changing the heating circuit, its specificity. In this case, taking into account the characteristics of system, compiled apartment heating project in a block of flats individually, with all the necessary calculations.

The requirements of the Federal Law №261-FZ directly say, that 1 January 2012 year any new buildings must be equipped with individual (pokvartirnymi) accounting systems of thermal energy. Moscow Government also developed a guide for the design of energy-efficient automated devices every apartment heating (order №61-REM).

vertical scheme

Vertical distribution of the coolant circuit is also called stoyakovoy. This type of wiring is divided into the system from the top or bottom coolant supply. Most often, the project lays the lower location of highways in basements or technical floors with a scheme with vertical risers and dead-end coolant flow. It applies single tube or two open layout of heating in the apartment on the floor along the baseboards of the separate risers.

The system is widely used in the construction of typical brick, prefabricated houses. Application stoyakovoy scheme involves several drawbacks:

  1. position n. SNIP expressly prohibits unauthorized changes to the heating circuit and the replacement of equipment. These actions lead to total or partial unbalancing the heating system in the risers. To obtain permission from the management company will require heating the apartment project, indicating the number of devices and their nominal data on hydraulic resistance.
  2. The scheme involves common house coolant consumption counter and, respectively, payment is distributed evenly among all the tenants depending on the size of the apartment.
  3. In case of repair process pipelines, clogging, replacing the current heating radiators require disabling of all apartments, powered from the riser.

horizontal circuit

Implementation of a floor horizontal zoning centralized heating system of an apartment building can partially overcome the drawbacks vertical schema, a number of advantages in the design of the apartment Heating. Inclusion in the horizontal Floor circuit balancing valves pair leads to formation of a separate independent subsystems with adjustable hydraulic resistance.DIA system

Here at the feed line set valve ASV-M and ASV-I, of obratku - ASV-P or ASV-PV. Communicating via the control line, form a pair of flaps, Allows you to adjust the pressure drop in the system, make it possible to limit the water flow.

balancing valves
Diagram with balancing valves ASV

For the installation of the necessary valves and control valves, distributing chaser project provides on each floor device group heat points. Further zoning of the heating system in the floor leads to a door-subsystems coolant distribution.

The piping arrangement storey group substation included:

  1. Ball regulating flow and return valves.
  2. pressure gauges, installed on the inlet and outlet of the coolant to, after balancing valves.
  3. The strainer on the supply area.
  4. Balancing automatic valve.
  5. Manual adjustable shut-off valve.
  6. Drain cocks on the water supply, workpieces.
  7. Heat meters for each apartment.

balancing valves
The types of balancing valves

Important! You can not even try to independently change settings balancing valves group substation.

Heating System apartments

Individual heating apartments project provides total independence. From the story of the group through the substation combs supplied with hot water to heating the part in every single apartment. Installation manual balancing valve ASV pipe turns per-apartment heating subsystem with an independent manual adjustment of pressure and coolant flow.

DIA with a comb in an apartment
1 - ball valve; 2 - strainer; 3 - a complete heat meter; 4 - complete ball valve for installation of the thermal converter; 5 - automatic balancing valve; 6 - manual balancing valve; 7 - manifold; 8 - Drain cock; 9 - the vent device.

In the case where the apartments on the floor a little, Manifold installed in the group heat points. If the installation site is not enough, directly in the apartment project provides thermal unit or cabinet.

The circuit includes strapping heating apartments:

  1. Ball Valves, regulating water flow to comb flow and return. Each individual wiring of the heating system in the floor has a control valve.
  2. Automatic Air Release Valve.
  3. Manual balancing valve.
  4. Drain cock.
  5. The temperature sensor on the pitch, workpieces.
  6. Flow meters on each comb input.
  7. The filter - strainer on the return pipe.

Some advantages of every apartment heating

The applied heating system on the floor of the apartment as a subsystem of a floor zoned distribution of coolant - a promising direction in the construction of multi-family or multi-functional buildings. This scheme makes it easy to service any portion of its employee management organization, significantly reduces the time of repair, preventive work.

distribution point

Residents will have unlimited possibilities of any schema changes, the full independence of the total apartment building heating systems.

Here are a number of advantages, who will be the owners of apartments:

  • pokvartirnaâ system, where wiring is used for floor heating, It provides the ability to disable any heater separately from the rest or adjusting;
  • supported comfortable living conditions;
  • payment is made by the meter, even if it is part of the building where the apartment is not populated;
  • nothing prevents to make a warm floor, connect it to the system.

types of wiring

according to point 6.3.3 SP 60.13330 a door-heating pipes are allowed from polymeric materials when the coolant should not exceed the parameters: temperature - +90 0WITH, pressure - 1.0 MPa.

Important! Pipeline laying method should provide easy replacement of them during repair.

according to paragraph 6.3.3 SP 60.13330 - heating the wiring under the floor of the polymers is recommended to perform hidden in corrugated pipe. Open laying is allowed for plinths, screens which excludes mechanical damage and direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

We recommend using these types of wiring, as:

  • two-pipe radial;
  • double-pipe perimeter;
  • mixed.


Two-pipe beam wiring to be connected to the device separately located control cabinet apartments. Fill the floor is performed only after the bellows assembly, Installation Floor mounting, compensation loop device, allowable pressure on crimping.

According to the building regulations, under floor heating in the apartment is laid without joints. Product line PE-X issued by enterprises bays, It recommended to pre-calculate the necessary yardage.

distributing pipe system on the floor of the comb

The best option is radiation wiring, in which each device is connected to the distribution manifold individually. On the way from the reservoir to the appliance no intermediates, which ensures high reliability. Besides the change in the flow through one of the devices does not affect the work of others.

perimeter, mixed

Beam code layout in the middle of the floor is not desirable from any consideration, used two-pipe perimeter layout. It is laid along the baseboards or under the floor is open, but with fencing screens.

When installing skirting, consider the location of the perimeter layout, not to damage the thermal conductivity. When several separate radiators located along the far wall of the control cabinet, It applies radiation to the nearest routing device, then perimeter between other devices.

Laying underfloor heating pipes in a flat unnoticeable, It does not affect the appearance of the room, It does not require opening for repair or replacement pipe.

Choosing a pipe

The modern design of heating systems 95% based on the use of plastic, polyethylene, corrugated stainless steel pipes. Each of them has its drawbacks, dignity.

metal, copper pipes also have a right to exist, but in view of the propensity to corrosion, the high cost, installation complexity, their use is reduced. Preference is given to not inferior in performance plastic products. Detailed recommendations for the selection of the heating pipes Watch the video.


metal and plastic, polypropylene tubes

Plastic tubes generally applies when installing plumbing, heating, underfloor heating. They are well bent, easy to install, can withstand large temperature, pressure, have budgetary costs.Metal pipes

Metal-plastic consists of heterogeneous layers with different coefficients of thermal expansion. Experience shows application, that when using the metal plastic in the hot water supply is separated layers, Pipe breaks down in 5-7 years. Such a layout of heating pipes in the floor is not recommended.

polypropylene tubes
polypropylene tubes

Polypropylene has layers, safely support the guaranteed service life manufacturer. The main drawback - the need to comply strictly with the temperature, heating time for mounting soldering. Polypropylene has a low thermal conductivity, It can not be used for underfloor.

Corrugated stainless pipe

Corrugated stainless pipe, developed by innovative technologies, It recommended for the construction of heating networks. In the application of such a product is easily accomplished by heating the floor wiring in new buildings or the replacement of old pipes.

stainless pipe
Corrugated stainless pipe

Here are some advantages of its application:

  • easily bent;
  • It provides a simple connection fittings, eases, accelerates the installation process;
  • corrugated design compensates fluctuations linear dimensions, water hammer;
  • durability;
  • It does not corrode, no residue on the walls.

PE-X tube

PE-X - the product of cross-linked polyethylene. Cross-linking - the process of imparting strength polyethylene molecular compound, obtaining product round shape. On the tube is labeled (GOST 52134-2003 for Russian producers) indicating the method of cross-linking:

  • PE-Mail,
  • PE-Xb,
  • PE-Xc.

PE-Xa molecules are crosslinked with peroxides. This road, time-consuming process. PE-Xb - stitching on a pair. simple process, therefore it is the cheapest product in a line of PE. PE-Xc - crosslinking by radioactive isotopes.PE-X tube

Polyethylene is well passes oxygen, It is allowing the bacteria to grow inside the heating elements. That oxygen is not passed to the coolant, the product is a multi-layer. Inside the inserted layer EVOH.

Innovative developments led to the creation of polyethylene, more resistant to high temperatures - PE-RT. In modern construction layout of heating pipes in the apartment on the floor is made PE-RT.

Important! It is recommended to choose the tube labeled PE-RT / EVOH / PE-RT, it is a five-layer, do not miss oxygen molecules to the coolant.

Name. Diameter,



wall, mm.


rub. / meter.

PE-Xb 16.0 2 59
PE-X / EVOH 16.0 2 28
Elsen PE-Xa 25 3,5 208.6
PexPenta PE-Xc 16 2 50
Stainless steel pipe Corrugated S9 304 15 95
housing, IPA under corrugated polyethylene 16 mm 25 12

simple, but tips

A few useful tips for those, who alone makes the apartments heating pad:

  1. To drag the plastic tube through a corrugated sheath, carefully remove the chamfer at the end of, she freely inserted, even when the corrugation has bends.
  2. To corrugation not slid off the sleeve during installation, zadelke indent solution, strapped her tape.
  3. Consider the plan of the apartment, heating will heat the floor in places laying. Montiruyte a passage.
  4. Mount the radiator on top, bottom for stiffness, full circulation.
  5. Be sure to do each long stretch of collector loop self-compensation.
  6. install converters, they are expensive, but it is much more efficient.

Important! For mounting PE-X line of polymer require a special hydraulic tool. Set you can rent or buy from 16500 rubles.

Be heating an apartment project, apply the system every apartment - always in the construction of new multi-storey, multi-functional buildings. The tenants of these apartments can independently adjust the temperature, cover or completely close the supply valves on the heaters for comfort. Payment for the use of thermal energy carried out strictly by the meter. In addition, look useful video for heating in the apartment.





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