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Creating a soaring ceiling of plasterboard with lighting tench

Making repairs in their own home, often it comes to the ceiling, because it creates an overall picture of the interior apartments. It focuses on overall design or hides the flaws. Soaring ceiling with light stripes always makes the room appealing, light, spacious. Creating a "floating" ceiling should be familiar with the installation of equipment on his head, and select the backlight, and that creates a "floating effect".

Characteristics soaring ceiling

The soaring ceiling with lines there is another important factor - how to find the right illumination. It is correct mounting frame bases, as well as ceiling lights make a beautiful and well-kept.

Paryaschiy potolok s podsvetkoy
Soaring ceiling drywall in the bedroom over the bed

For reproduction of the soaring lines of the ceiling does not need large investments. He created with his own hands, should be careful and accurate in the calculation.

Paryaschiy potolok i pravilniy raschet
Hovering ceiling must be in the same plane

stands 3 kind of soaring ceilings:

  1. sibling - a niche for illumination mounted on rough grounds. LED strip is mounted to the ceiling of the plane of the perimeter.

    Odnourovneviy paryaschiy potolok
    One-level ceiling with lighting on the perimeter

  2. Duplex - the first tier of plasterboard sutured. In this tier creates a box for concealed lighting.

    Dvuhurovneviy potolok iz GKL
    Duplex soaring ceiling plasterboard

  3. multilevel - the third and fourth levels are curvilinear structure, as well as the following, squares.

    Mnogourovneviy potolok iz GKL
    Multilevel plasterboard

Distinctive features of the ceiling with the soaring lines:

  • Visually increases room;
  • If desired, the rounded surface angles;
  • The speed and simplicity of production.
  • The cost of materials is relatively low.
  • LED strip mounted in the ceiling quickly and easily.
Paryaschiy potolok iz gipsokartona
Soaring ceiling increases room

The disadvantages of a reduction in the height of the room, as well as the absurdity of the ceiling in a small room. Options soaring lines on the ceiling you can see in the attached photo.

Paryaschie linii na potolke
Floating lines on plasterboard ceilings
Paryaschie linii na potolke
Floating line on the ceiling create the illusion of soaring

The materials required to create a ceiling with light lines

  1. Plasterboard ceiling 9.5 mm.
  2. profiles: PNP, PP, Aluminum for LED strip.
  3. Suspensions for fixing ceiling profile.
  4. Dowel-nails and anchor-wedges 6*40,6*60.
  5. Screws for fastening profiles, suspensions 11 mm, drywall 3.5*25 mm.
  6. Electrical wires for wiring.
  7. For light strip at the ceiling: LED-band, plexiglas, plastic corners (the smallest).
  8. PVA glue.
  9. Priming mixture.
  10. Jointing materials for reinforcing seams, Tape-serpyanka.
  11. putties.
Materiali potolka
Materials for creating a floating ceiling
Materiali dlay osvescheniya
Materials required for the floating line

Materials are purchased based on 10 % more.

Fixtures for soaring ceiling

To make the effect of "floating" with a light stripe in the ceiling should be to choose the right lighting. Used fluorescent lamps, installed in a hidden illumination. better to use LED strip, a large selection of colors and the number of diodes 1 m.

LED Strip Light
Svetodiodnaya lenta
ICE-band coupled powerful

Now designers are offering ready-made solutions, use duct tape for LED, closed plexiglas. It is simple. To install LED strips in the ceiling there 2 method: makeshift design and using ready embedded boxes.

Korob dlya LED-lenti
Specially designed box for LED strip

In the center of the ceiling is usually hangs chandelier as the main lighting. Only in the flat ceiling chandelier should not be cumbersome. Big Beautiful chandeliers hang in high rooms with multilevel constructions. But, basically, when you create a "floating" lights in the center of the room there is no.

Sketch of creating a ceiling with light line

first, you need to do - draw a sketch of the ceiling. It is necessary to know exactly, how many levels will be, some light will be applied? Selecting light stripes on the ceiling, Get one or 2 level. If you provided a second level, then it will be an order of magnitude smaller than the first, let's, hovering in the center of the square.

For a single-level ceiling is drawn on paper a metal frame sketch. But, with a niche for backlighting. On create drawings marked all sizes, tie point, as well as places of fasteners. Compulsory drywall sheets are drawn. Joints are important sheets, because at this point should be crossbar profile. All dimensions are specified in the unit of measurement - Millimeters.

Chertej potolka
The drawing of the ceiling plasterboard

Attention. Specifying the unit - centimeters, you can lose in the calculations, that threatens to incorrect installation of the metal frame.

Separately, drawn up a plan for the wiring diagram. Pre-specified locations output wires for connecting the LED strip, sockets, switches. And also indicates the wiring connections to the junction box.

Elektroshema LED-lenta podkluchenie
Electric Wiring LED strip

Preparation of matter

The work carried out before mounting the metal frame will indicate the strength of the whole structure. Preliminary work include the following processes:

  1. room, which creates a soaring ceiling with light lines of plasterboard, freed from objects, hindering work (furniture, blinds, chandeliers).
  2. In the case of detecting cracks, required to carry out reinforcement and puttying.
  3. The entire ceiling surface is covered primer.
Podgotovka potolka i montaj
Preparing the ceiling and the installation of the guide profile

Not sealed the cracks in the ceiling in the future could have a negative impact on the plasterboard structures. If the ceiling is not coated with a primer, and the house (apartment on the top floor) cold, there fungus, which also negatively affect the hanging of drywall constructions.

Drawing on the rough ceiling

For classes in sketching lines for metal profiles need tools:

  • Laser level. The usual construction as needed, but the construction of straight lines on the ceiling will be difficult.
  • Pencil or crayon. Good, if there otbivochnogo cord. With it easier to leave the plane of the walls and the ceiling flat line for the frame.
  • Meter or measuring tape.
Instrumenti dlya razmetki
Tools for marking the soaring ceiling

initially, in the room you need to measure the height of all the angles. When finding the lowest point of a note. From rough ceiling made the indentation on the bottom 8 cm minimum. In the same corner on the ceiling is marked the same point with the indented 8 cm. What does it mean? On these points through the whole room held the line on the perimeter. Creates markup for niches under the floating line. The wider niche - the more lines. Here enters into force the rule - size of the room. Inside the small squaring ceiling wide strips of light is irrelevant.

Chertej potolka iz gipsokartona s podsvetkoy
Drawing of a soaring ceiling 1 level

On the ceiling in increments 60 See the band performed for the ceiling profile. At data point bands exhibited suspensions attachment - in each 50 cm. perpendicular lines on the ceiling marked the site of attachment for attaching drywall cross. They have the same step - 60 cm. You should get 60x60 cells.

The markup for the soaring ceiling of plasterboard ready.

Installation of drywall soaring ceiling with light lines

Creating a soaring ceiling with light lines requires care, time to check the accuracy of the job. All the work is divided into the steps of forming a ceiling structure. The first acts producing the metal frame. its features: the right choice of fasteners, check the accuracy of generated plane, strength, rigidity.

Karkasnaya osnova dlya potolka
Create a basis for framing soaring ceiling

The second step is plasterboard lining. There are rules, the omission of which would lead to fast deformation and cracks on the ceiling. The third step - installing the ceiling soaring lines. The effect of soaring ceiling depends on properly chosen lighting, and the accuracy of its installation.

Paryaschaya liniya
Floating line on the ceiling plasterboard

The fourth stage is the reinforcement joints, padding, luting. At this stage acts primarily material quality and correctness of the work performed.

Armirovanie stikov
Reinforcement of corners and joints

Finishing, the final stage of the process - the ceiling finish. It can be painted, pasting wallpaper monophonic, decorative trim.

Finishnaya otdelka potolka
Finishing soaring ceiling

Fastening profiles for metallic ceiling frame hovering

Metal carcass It is the basis for the floating stream. The correctness of its performance affects the whole ceiling with LED strips. When you create a frame fundamentals take into account such factors, as: new building shrinkage, age home (especially older homes), humidity percentage, temperature conditions. If soaring ceiling with LED strip is created in a warm apartment, and apartment building sustainable, then cross in the frame can be placed in locations GCR joints. But, if the building is unstable and subject to many external factors, the skeleton framework should be capital, durable. To enhance cross set with a certain step.

so, creating metal lathing begins with the installation of guide profiles. designations: TNG - Ceiling guide profile or the UD - European labeling.

Ustanovka profilya na potolke
Fixing profile on the ceiling

Ceiling profile fastens dowel-nails 6/40 the ceiling at the line. fixing step is as follows: retreat from the edge 15 cm. after every 25 cm. the last plug is also fixed on the profile of the edges on 15 cm. TNG is attached around the quadrangle on the ceiling.

Further needed cut pieces of ceiling profile PP (aka CD). The length of this segment is the distance from the line drawn by the ceiling on the wall (100 mm). Rack attached small screws to the guide profile on the ceiling. Step rack mounting - 30 cm. They create rigidity, structural strength.

By the uprights fixed one guiding profile which will be inserted ceiling profiles. Across the ceiling of the marked points on the anchor-wedges are mounted direct suspensions. Clamps are inserted into the "ears" of hangers and hammered with a hammer. To maintain the flatness and form a single plane over the entire surface of tensioned thread. Focusing on this thread, as well as by the level and inserted into the guide rails are attached to the suspensions ceiling profiles.

Vstavka potolochnogo profilya v napravlyauschiy
Ceiling profile is inserted into the guide
Shema ustanovki potolochnogo profilya
Schematic representation of the creation of the basis for the framing of the ceiling

Jumpers are made from PP. They are attached to the ceiling profile crabs. For hardness crabs are attached not only clasps, but also self-tapping screws.

Fiksaziya kraba
Using crabs

At the end of the entire metal lath is checked for stiffness, stability and evenness. This is an important point, because uneven and shaky frame does not create floating structures.

Metllicheskiy karkas
Finished steel structure

Attention. Conducting wires including metal profiles occurs only in a corrugated sleeve, otherwise in contact with a live conductor metal circuit occurs. In place of connecting the fixture to the wiring cable strands are exposed to 20 cm and insulated.

Sheathing metal substrate gypsum boards

The first step is to cut the height of the plasterboard ceiling structure. These segments are fastened to the outer side of the metal purlin. To do this, apply the screws size 3.5*25 mm.

Obshivka gipsokartonom
Sheathing niche for LED Strip gipsokratonom

After fixing the vertical segments GCR sheathed the entire ceiling gypsum boards. It should be familiar with the rules:

  1. Gypsum board is fixed only on profile. There should be no sagging corners.
  2. Fixing the screw is carried out in steps 15 cm and the end leaves 1 cm.
  3. Joints gypsum board should not coincide horizontally. Chess plating procedure creates the strength of the whole structure.
  4. The cap of the screw should not stick out above the surface, but too deep and twist the screw should not be, as it will damage the surface of the sheet.

When plasterboard cladding metal batten should check again the surface with a layer, regulations. There should be no differences in the place of CC-sheet joint.

Making a niche for the light line around the perimeter of the ceiling created with their own hands

Insofar as ceiling sibling, niche obtained from the rough base of the ceiling and walls. LED strips for the ceiling are created in this method without a profile-holder, which is made specifically for the lighting. Required profile for LED strip, the minimum amount of plastic corners, plexiglas.

Nisha dlya podsvetki
Recess for LED backlighting

To align the recess surface, should cover the whole interior of the primer mixture of, and after drying apply an even coat of putty and leave to dry. Dry the surface is treated with sandpaper.

According to the masters, should be put in the recess insulating material. This can be a foil or other foil material. Fastened it with the help of PVA. It is created to reflect the light and insulation.

Middle niche, fastened to the ceiling profile for LED-tape. As the tape heats, the profile, According to experts, It should not be fixed until the end of the niche. retained 3-5 mm. The choice of individual LED strip. Many kinds of diode bars: different numbers of diodes 1 meter, Colour, manufacturer.

Profil diya LED-lenti
Profile, designed for LED strip

Fixation LED strip and installation of glass

The ceiling with soaring lines LED strip for proper operation of the dimmer is connected to. This should be considered when preparing to mount the tape. LEDs are placed on a special fabric, the back side having an adhesive layer. This layer should be fixed on the profile strip. To connect to the dimmer, controller, as well as to connect the tapes need to be familiar with the installation and operating instructions.

Shema dlya LED-ltnti
Wiring LED strip

After connecting the lighting element, voltage switched network and verified correct installation.

The next step is fixing plexiglas. To do this, you need to act on the plan:

  1. Sold plastic corner minimum size 20x10, glue, small screws with countersunk head.
  2. With the corner side portions are cut so, To get the strips. These plastic strips are fixed to inner sides of the recess thereby, that the edges coincide with the outer corners. Are used to secure the brace.
  3. By glued strips are fixed with screws, plastic corners, looking inward. Cap screws "utoplyayutsya" - after, as it will be made self-tapping hole, at this point an empty bat to do 2-3 Revolution. Will recess for the cap. shelves, which will be held plexiglass ready.

    Polochki dlya orgstekla
    A possible embodiment of an apparatus for ceiling opening parts PVC. In further inserted into the opening matt Plexiglas.

The design turns collapsible. If you want to repair or installation of additional lighting light strips, then one side rises, Starts glass and screwed back.

Svetovaya polosa v rabote
Light strip on the ceiling in a niche

clearances, left at the junction at the bottom of plastic and drywall, sealed with putty or acrylic sealant.

Installing the LED strip and ceiling finishes

The strip is glued to the profile mounted in a niche. After that connects to wiring, dimmer, Fitting according to Scheme tape.

Attention. You should not glue the tape to the end niche. As it is heated, It is an extension. At the ends of the niche left a gap in Atleast 5 mm.

When the LED-strip will be installed, it should be checked for correct connection. For this purpose, the switch, as well as remote control.

The entire surface of the ceiling plasterboard coated with a primer. In the joints GCR primer mixture is applied with a brush. All seams are covered with reinforced tape and putty "Knauf Fugen". The same mixture closed all places of fasteners.

Further, the ceiling gets off depending on the planned design - paint, wallpaper, decorative coatings.

Light strips in the ceiling - a design idea to the unusual ceiling light, which makes the whole room light, well-groomed, unusual.



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