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Balcony and a loggia

Balcony and a loggia
Balcony and a loggia
Author: Yevgeny Simonov
price: 49.00 rub.

Balcony and loggia have long ceased to be a warehouse of useless things and empty cans. Today, they attract attention of designers, because these few steps you can create a cozy study, a children's playroom and a spacious dressing room.

How to do it quickly, cheap and well, read the pages of the book.

- Legal registration of redevelopment.

- Glazing and insulation.

- Boarding the balcony of modern materials.

- Electricity and heated floors in the balconies and loggias.

- Secrets of design and styling.

- Features of creating a winter garden.

Quite possibly, After such repair the balcony or loggia become a favorite place in your home!

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