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Secrets when working with plasterboard and the profile

Drywall - one of the most common building materials, which allows you to speed up the repair process, make it easier and more affordable. Using it, you can align the wall easily, ceiling, make arch even cover the floor. But we must remember, it is a very fragile material, and so working with him to care. Learn about the important secret fast plasterboard work will help this article.

The types and names of the profiles

Key recommendations when dealing with plasterboard

This product is great for leveling large uneven, setting falshsten, other large-scale structures. If you use it for wall cladding, as "drywall", then you need to understand, drywall that takes some room space, which sometimes can be very unprofitable for the landlord.

The sheets can be attached to the adhesive

The adhesive mixture was applied a thick layer on the back side of drywall vertical bars with a spatula. When the surface roughness of the composition placed on komkami 15 cm along the edges and in the middle of the sheet. Important to remember, the glue remains serviceable for 30 minutes after manufacturing, therefore delay the laying of the sheets is not necessary. Panelists must sheets prostukat rubber hammer.

No additional zasverlovka for fastening sheets to metal profiles with screws

 Errors when dealing with plasterboard
Errors when dealing with plasterboard

It is true, Only it is not necessary to do this work manually, it uses a screwdriver or a drill. Screws - with fine thread and countersunk head.

Installation frame has its own characteristics

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To connect the metal framework elements used tongs, for fixing the beams. But here the builders often use self-tapping screws, what is wrong and unreliable and does not allow the sheet tightly against the frame. Fastening may eventually become loose and lose stability, which entails unintended consequences in the form of cracks. To learn more about, how to deal with cracks and why they occur.

Drill or screwdriver

Screwing screws drill requires no special skills, and it is not very convenient, especially when it comes to large-scale fastening sheets. For ease of use, you can use a special tip - bit with limiter, which controls the rate of drowning in the screw surface. For quick attachment of profiles suitable pneumatic fastening tool for concrete.

The edges of the drywall have some form of quality smoothing joints

list of conditionsYes, semicircular beveled edge facilitates putty joints, It can also be placed at the edges of sheet reinforcement tape, and it will not cause bulges on the grounds. But what about the transverse joints?

  1. Sutures should be placed on the adjacent panels.
  2. For fixing the inside of horizontal edges to hem across the junction piece Profile, about 20 cm. On one sheet of need 2 PC.
  3. It is also necessary to remove the cardboard shell width, which will be replaced by reinforcing tape.
  4. The joints are sealed with putty or Fugenfyuller Uniflot.

Location fasteners per sheet

errors in the

Along the edge of the screws are placed at a distance 125 mm about 20 mm from the sheet end. The middle profile material fixed at 250 mm, on the front side of the need to apply labels to denote the location of screws fixing. In the corners of the screws have to be fixed away from the edge, where there is a higher strength.

Drywall must not rest on the floor

To avoid necessarily need to leave a gap of about sagging construction 1 mm between the floor and the sheet of plasterboard. It must be placed on the liner, using scraps from the same products.

The frame suspended ceiling structure and walls vary between a.Error when working with drywall

In order to avoid errors when mounting the sheets on the roof frame structure to meet high requirements. The product is installed with a pitch 400 mm, each sheet clings 4 profile. I save on this should not be, so that with time the platform does not sag. For fixing the ceiling hangers to the basic need to use metal dowels, wedges and anchor bolts, but not plastic. Use hangers Nonius by Knauf, or attach firmly to the ceiling pieces Profile.

Stiffness plasterboard partitions

Save on this should not be! To quickly and reliably assemble the frame you want to use for the profile of drywall Prosekatel, which leaves dents when connecting, does not require the marking of holes, It makes the edges of the product even and smooth. There is no need to apply the fastening means.

The frame is sheathed with plasterboard on both sides, and the inner part is filled soundproofing material.


  • The profile should not be less than 6 mm, for better durability and reliability.
  • The screws should be used galvanized or stainless steel. They should be included on the sheet depth of not less than 10 mm, in the tree - around 20 mm. Hat it is better to cover the spirit varnish to avoid corrosion.
  • Profile type is selected depending on the height of the room, and the load on the frame. For 50 kg frame structures need to put a thickness 15 mm.

How to avoid the most flagrant violations and damage to materials

Not correct connection profile It is impossible to use lightweight ceiling sheet thickness 9 mm for the formation of partitions. Even when used for their intended purpose to do the right profile of step, no different magnifications (need is to save the fastener).

It is forbidden to abandon a sound-proof tape during the construction of partition walls. As well as saving on glass fiber or mineral wool, forming the inner part of the profile.

Attach the drywall screwdriver with better function adjust drilling depth.

It can not be right next to sheathe the walls of concrete or brick plasterboard. The walls should "breathe", but, that is, must leave a gap between the materials to 2 mm. It can glue or tape to fill with silicone.

Secrets of drywall are that, that when you select should pay attention to the special marking:

  • GH13 - Standard;
  • GN113 - waterproof;
  • GEK13 - high strength;
  • GTS9 - moisture- and windproof;
  • GN6 - for renovations.

For optimum wall thickness will sheet 12 mm, Ceiling - 9,5 mm ( on the ceiling in order to avoid cracks in the applied plasterboard 2 layer). The two layer design for efficient use under severe loads.

Extras for work

ticks the breakdown. Prosekatelʹ.

To work with a profile for gypsum board was more effective, You can use a special rack for fastening the sheet to the structure. For transfer of large sheets from one place to use building grab, which leaves no dents and very easy to use.

Cutting sheets suitable conventional paint knife, which cut off the edges of the material. To fix plasterboard shelves should be used dowels, umbrellas or butterfly, if the design is very heavy, it is important to select the appropriate length screws, for durable goods fixing. But for quick work with gipsokortonnym profile needed mites Prosekatel.

How to remove a scratch from the sheet

You can use reinforced paper tape, before this knife and extend the damage filler hole to lubricate. Top stick tape and a spatula to press it in plaster. This method will help keep the damaged sheet of building material.

What should be done, to properly fold a sheet of drywall or damaging the product

Secrets fast plasterboard work consists of the following stages:

  1. On the outer side of the sheet to produce deep notches knife, then put a sheet on the edge and bend.
  2. On the inner side of the fabric to produce a spiked roller with a plurality of small holes. After the water and moisten the leaf after a while bend.

After the breaking of the surface need to be polished bar or a plane.

To get the drywall, better to use circular cutter.

Profiles for arches

These profiles help to build any door arch of different architectural solutions. To do this, you need to make construction profiles knife cuts in increments 6 mm. Further, put it on drywall, circle pencil structure, then cut the outline. Profile attach the screws using the screwdriver.

How to facilitate work with plasterboard

If the base, which is mounted on the sheet - smooth, easily bored, eg, the inside of the wooden house, it is possible to fix the drywall without housing, directly. In this case, the fixing screws, screws, dowels must have a length corresponding.

If the house is new, it is important to use an aluminum frame in order to avoid the construction of landing, complex shapes is better to collect under the supervision of a specialist.

Attach the sheets with a solution of, which will help to remove voids and create a smooth surface.

Putty plaster better to mix in small portions - for ease of use. No need to use a high speed punch, thus damaging the quality of the composition. Before zaveshivaniem another portion of the mixture must be thoroughly cleaned old solution.

For stronger structures outside corners should be applied corner protection profile, which is fastened with screws at a distance 15 mm. To strengthen the internal angles used gypsum plaster, after the surface is leveled with a spatula construction. In details an arrangement ugov.

To attach the vertical quality facilities and extend their service life it is important to screw the screws on the edges of the sheet at a distance 20 mm, but at the center - the 30 mm.

Here such simple secrets drywall installation professional advice. They will not only reduce the time of installation of gypsum products, but to do the job quickly, securely and efficiently. But it is difficult to mount anything of this building material and no?

See the following video "Secrets drywall" and create a beautiful and reliable architectural masterpieces.
Good luck to you.






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One comment on the record "Secrets when working with plasterboard and the profile

  1. Well written article, all laid out on shelves, one can see that the article prepares specialists in their field,it is possible to find some supplements that can help in the work. Thank you so much for the article.

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