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Concrete volume calculator

Quickly find out how much will need to produce concrete cubes and volume calculation will help online calculator. Due to the fast calculation you will find the number of cubes, you need only specify the data and the thickness of the concrete slab and get the finished result. The calculator calculates the cubes of concrete for floor screed.

To construction work were efficiently and without delays, necessary to provide the required amount of building material. If floor screed implementation need to know, how much concrete needed for the job.

How to make a calculation of the amount of concrete cubes correctly, in order to avoid unnecessary cost and availability of low-quality material? Calculations can be done very simply, using the online - calculator concrete cubing.

How to calculate the volume of concrete for laying the floor?

With the help of concrete volume calculator can be a few minutes to make the most accurate count of the necessary materials for the construction. To do this, you need to enter into the prepared table geometrical the size of the floor area, using the formula learn area m2 and stores this value. We measure the average thickness of the screed and stores this value into the table.

With this plate height

After you click "Calculate" and in the online mode to get ready data, in order not to have problems with the final result of the figures, should be increased by 10-15% final evidence.

In this way, the calculation of the cubic capacity of concrete calculator in a matter of minutes, now you know, how much concrete mix you will need to purchase. note, the thickness of the concrete in the calculator table in meters specified defaults!

Enter the plate area m2.
Type plate thickness m.

Features of use of the solution for floor screed

The end result estimated volume of concrete for the construction work on the floor screed is not radically changed, you need to consider several factors such work:

  • room space, where the planned repairs;
  • initial amount of floor; the thickness of such indicator pouring concrete layer will depend;
  • brand of cement and sand quality.

How to make a calculation of the required amount of concrete by hand?

If you want to verify the data by calculating the cubic capacity of the concrete calculator online, it needs to take the data on the area of ​​the room for floor screed and multiply by the desired thickness of the layer.

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Square formula

But in fact it is not so simple, complicating circumstance in this case is to determine the required thickness of the screed, as well as for the different types of buildings it will be different.

Features are in the expected load on the floor, eg, in a residential area, these figures - to 5 cm, for the strength of the coating, and non-residential - less than half the.

In this way, if the area of ​​the room 20 m2, the thickness at 5 see the final figures will be as follows: 20m2*0,05m = 1 m3, That's how much a mixture of need for floor screed.

Which part is best to take the floor screed

Before you make a calculation of the amount of concrete screed, you need to decide, which solution to choose brand. The optimal solution for this is labeled M 150 or M 200, receive such a mixture can be from cement M400, if you mix it with sand in a ratio of 1:3, or to two parts.

Now we need to calculate the volume of concrete calculator:

  • room 29 m2;
  • screed thickness - 5 cm;
  • the required volume - 1m3;
  • cement will 0,24 m3 (Total 4 parts);
  • sand - 0, 75 m3.

Given the weight of a cube of each component units individually, we obtain the following information: if we take the average - 1300 kg of cement and 1625 sand, it turns out 325 and 1220 kg each component respectively.
In preparing the materials you need to take into account the shrinkage of the solution, gives a result which is often less than expected for 10%. It is necessary to make appropriate safety, so then separately does not make a new batch.

Professional advice

Making concrete volume calculation calculator or by hand, you need to carefully re-check data, but only after making a purchase of the finish materials. And in this situation it is not even about the money, and as the work performed, how the floor will be reliable and durable.

If you use for the calculation of floor screed calculator, the pre-need to decide what brand do screed, than strengthen it, how economically you want to approach this matter.

To save on the concrete floor, you can pour half the coarse fraction, eg, gravel or slag.

If we talk about a lot of ties, it can be done independently, We use the following proportion: to one part cement put the two parts sand and three parts gravel, or dropouts. You can also make part only of sand and cement, each master their techniques, taking into account the characteristics of the original state space for installing the floor. More quickly calculate the right amount of sand and cement calculator.

In order to strengthen ties, use reinforcing mesh, fibroma, a material attached to the base, fiber and interferes with concrete screed.

What tools are used for the screed

Before you calculate the cubic capacity of concrete calculator online is necessary to prepare a set of tools, that will be needed for high-quality and fast installation:

  • for a large number of the batch will need a cement mixer, and using shovels this process will be long and laborious;
  • beacons to ensure smooth ties;
  • laser and ordinary level, the more precisely the upper floor will be determined by a point, the better and more economical operation will be performed;
  • as well as the need trowels, shovel, building cars, buckets, etc..

It must be remembered, that high-quality tie will depend on the drying floor after the work, Good ventilation will help remove excess moisture, which will manifest itself when working with cement mortar. detailed Video of an independent floor screed.

The base when laying cement mix should be dry and clean, and best of all primed special penetrating compositions, which will provide a good coupling function with a mixture of the laying.

There is an option more economical and fast. it dry floor screed. This method is suitable for apartments and houses, where it is required as soon as possible to repair.

Now you know, how to calculate the cubic capacity of concrete calculator online or do it manually with the help of simple mathematical calculations. You fast and high quality repair, Be careful and follow safety rules when working with cement mortar!

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