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Calculator power light bulbs

Not to overpay for the extra watts and correctly placed on the house light sources need to be defined in advance with the type of light bulbs and its power. It is extremely important to choose a lighting illumination, that person would be comfortable in a particular room. This value is measured in lux, It is equal to the luminous flux, that falls on the surface in the area.
There are three types of dimming:
• dim, applicable for the bedroom;
• average - for bathrooms and office;
• Bright - Living Room, food, Hall.
Calculate the level of illumination is extremely important, about this can be done in the formula P = p S / N, where P is the power, S- square, N- the number of fixtures. Naturally, This process has an error, and the results are approximate.

We compute the power to quickly and accurately

Given these features efficiently using energy calculator online to make calculations of the recommended power. To do this, you need to enter in data space program, the length and width of the room, and the number of lamps used and its form. The last line choose the type of room and click on "Calculate". In just a few seconds will result wattage given prespecified minimum error dannyh.Veroyatnost, the main thing, correctly specify the necessary parameters for the calculation online.

When using power calculator should be taken into account, that coverage is divided into aboutlamp selectionSIC and local, the main light and additional sources (floor lamps, sconce, fixtures). A light intensity in different artificial light sources differ from each other.

room Dimensions
The length of the room m
The width of the room m
Number of lamps PC
lamp type
type of lodging
The calculation results
lamp power W

Subject to all the nuances of lighting installations can achieve accurate results, lighting calculations using the online calculator.

bulb choice

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