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plasterboard work. secrets of the master

plasterboard work. secrets of the master
plasterboard work. secrets of the master
Author: Ivan Nikitko
price: 86.00 rub.

I think, you know all the charm of drywall, as it is convenient and practical. It does not burn, remarkably absorbs sound, It does not contain toxic substances, and to work with him, not too hard. If you decide, that the repair will be using drywall, then this free e-book that, what you need! It has everything and more! Starting from ceiling walls ending multistage, and even the, how you can use drywall in the creation of the original compact furniture with their hands! Download an e-book in any format right now for free, without registration in fb2 and learn about all the secrets of working with plasterboard! Has expanded its electronic library of useful e-book!

Plasterboard has excellent design characteristics, eco-friendly and easy vobrabotke. It does not contain toxic substances, does not burn, perfectly absorbs sound, It regulates the humidity in the room, easy to attach, sawn, bends and even glued!

In our e-book contains the rules of competent cutting drywall, highlights bending tricks preparations for the construction of complex curved structures, as well as the steps described technology wall coverings, tiered ceiling assembly, Your arches, niches and columns. Besides, here you will find tips on making the original compact furniture from drywall and diverse examples of interiors, that will help realize your own fantasies.

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