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Modern holiday electrician

Modern holiday electrician
Modern holiday electrician
Author: Victor Pestrikov
price: 151.00 rub.

In a country house everything must be perfect, as well, as well as in the house where you live permanently, special, when it comes to electrics! Download a free book and learn the use of modern technologies, equipment and materials in the electrical supply of a country house. The e-book is a lot of recommendations for Serviced electrical equipment, that operate on engines of different type. As well, after reading the e-book you are able to perform the required welding work, choose the right modern equipment for the garden. Download for free without registration book format- fb2 and read, get useful, but free knowledge!

Application of modern technologies, materials and equipment in the electrical supply of a country house. Recommendations on the cart and electricity wiring arrangement. The usage of the autonomous power supply device: diesel and petrol generators, vetrogeneratorы, solar panels, etc.. Variants of home heating, creation of water supply and pumping station. The recommendations for maintenance of electrical equipment, working of various types of electric motors. The necessary information for the independent exercise of welding. Attention is paid to the choice and operation of modern garden Electrical: electric trimmer, power tools for cutting hedges, etc..

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