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All of the tile. Laying his hands

All of the tile. Laying his hands
All of the tile. Laying his hands
Author: Ivan Nikitko, Yevgeny Simonov
price: 102.00 rub.

Repair in a house without tiles? It can not be, because it is so practical, that is used almost everywhere, and also enjoys great popularity in the midst of facing materials. It can be used for walls, gender, ceiling, facades. Tile is not finicky and will fit in each apartment, After serving at the same time for many years does not spoil, The main thing to work with her, but as, you can find out right now, a book to read is completely free. In the e-book you will find all the answers to questions, o tom, how to lay tile, what kind is best to choose, what additional materials are needed to work with it, how to prepare the surface wall. Free download the book available right now on Windows, iOS, Android, Reader, choose any desired format- fb2, txt, pdf, rtf, epub, mobi or read for free without registration.

making repairs, especially in the bathroom, many owners often want to lay out the floor and wall tiles. This process is not so complicated and inaccessible to mere mortals, as it might seem at first glance. In the e-book which can be downloaded in a convenient format, It provides a complete overview of all of the necessary materials, and the process steps described and illustrated with numerous diagrams and photographs. Through this book you will learn how to quickly and efficiently laid tile with their own hands!

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