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Autonomous power supply of private homes with their own hands

Autonomous power supply of private homes with their own hands
Autonomous power supply of private homes with their own hands
Author: Andrei Kashkarov
price: 79.99 rub.

power outage (blekauty), local, man-made and large-scale disasters can at the moment to bring down the entire power supply system streamlined, communication and comfort in your home, no matter how "smart" it may be. This danger are present not only in the countryside (where electricity is still switched off with astonishing frequency), but also in major cities, metropolitan areas, Where, how many do not wish - there is no possibility to establish their own "replacement" source of electricity in the form of a diesel generator in the basement of an apartment building. However, we are not deprived of a simple way to use alternative modes of power using an uninterruptible power supply and industrial power generators; their simple refinement will be discussed in the book, clarifying questions of independent power supply.

For a wide range of readers.

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