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How to change the gasket in a faucet mixer two lever

Laying - an element of rubber in the mixer, provides reliable locking of the water. It is consumable, and eventually wear out under the influence of the physical. Therefore, you need to know, how to change the gasket at the tap, because sooner or later it will have to make. It can be purchased at the respective store or do it yourself, by cutting to size of sheet reziny.Prichina wear seal is a strong tightening the tap handles.

diagnosing damage

Before, How to change the gasket in a mixer, be diagnosed, the problem is that the culprit was she. And also you need to know, what kind of pad change. The main feature - the leak.

  • If the water flows directly from the tap, it is necessary to change the valve gasket. Most often, there is exactly this kind of repair;
  • If the water flows from the tap valve, it is necessary to change the gasket, which is located between the housing and the gate head.

crane device
crane device.

Remember, that if you have a single lever mixer flows, then it does not have a rubber gasket. This problem is solved by replacing the cartridge. Change the gasket can be used only cranes.


What you need to replace the

Before, How to change the gasket in a mixer, make sure you have the following items:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • Otvёrtka;
  • Cardboard or other soft material;
  • New gasket replacement;

If there is no wrench, you can do the usual flat spanner of suitable size. At the worst, you can use hand-held vise (hamstring gate and head jewelry with precision unscrew / tighten).

replacement process

  1. Replace the gasket in the mixer should start with the ceiling of water. If you forget to turn off the water, you can pour the floors and neighbors, since after removal from the mixer tap water under pressure goes;
  2. Lay cardboard or soft sheet material of the tub bottom (shell). This will help save the plumbing from shocks, if suddenly accidentally drop tools, as well as keep small parts from falling into the drain;
  3. Remove the faucet handle. Kinds of pens is a lot, and all are removed in different ways. Most often, you just need a screwdriver to unscrew one bolt, which is hidden under a decorative cap. There are also pens, that simply dress up and are not fixed by bolts;
  4. Unscrew the faucet head. To do this, use an adjustable wrench or spanner.
Loosening of key crane
With the key must be removed from the mixer tap.

When the valve is separated from mixer, better to move the entire studio in a comfortable and well-lighted place.

  1. The next step - removing the damaged gasket. it is possible to remove, by prying with a screwdriver. In place of the old gasket set new. It must be carefully put on;
Rubber gasket
It looks like gasket, withdrawn from the tap.
  1. If you want to change the gasket at the tap, which is located between the housing and the gate head, the analysis should continue. Must be separated from the coupling of the upper part and then prostrate gasket is easily accessible and it can be changed;
  2. When the gasket replaced, Crane should be collected back and you can turn the water on again.
Withdrawal from the mixer tap
Withdrawal from the mixer tap

It may be useful to make repair switch in mixers.


  • Sometimes you can not change the eraser, and use the old. For this purpose it is necessary to remove, wash and refit, turned. This is not the best option, but it is suitable, as a temporary measure, if minutely no new pads hand;
  • When collecting the crane should not tighten it too much. This can lead to the disruption of the thread, and then the flow will be as long, until the new crane will be installed;
  • Strainer, installed in the water, will help extend the life of the gasket at the tap;
  • After collecting crane, include water should gradually and in parallel to observe the behavior of the mixer - whether it takes place;
  • If the internal parts of the crane there is a raid, it must be removed with a warm vinegar. Plaque negatively affect the properties of the metal.

If the crane is replaced recommend replacing the shut-off valve on the ceramic with low speed, They are durable and reliable than conventional rubber.

When replacing pay attention to the number of faces, they are different
When replacing pay attention to the number of faces, they are different

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