Elektrodolbezhnik - a machine for grooving wooden details, a cutting tool which is an endless saw chain cutter or swinging multiblade.
Purpose elektrodolbezhnika

Designed for sampling timber under rectangular slot for the purpose of fastening parts. The main part of this tool - slotting circuit, It consists of small cutters, bonded joints.
It is needed for different purposes:
- To obtain a slots of different sizes, should only change the plate, which is attached slotting circuit.
- To mount the socket edges were smooth, before the beginning of work it is necessary to clean and sharpen the blades, then possible to prepare the machine to work.
- The next stage of the use elektrodolbezhnika - fastening parts or boards on the bench, Installation on her machine and its inclusion.
Working with elektrodobezhnikom
Before you get started, billet or bar is fixed in a vise and simple solid pencil markings are applied on the wood surface, and then with a knife makes the risks. If the hole should be large and deep, we must first choose a wood chisel and only after that a chisel to smooth out the surface.
Before the beginning of work it is necessary to pay attention to the sample timber located near the transverse edges of the fibers.
Big blind holes are made as follows::
- By using chisel blade pierce mallets, then slightly tilted to the opposite edge of the beveled side of the blade and lift up.
- Nadlamyvayutsya timber and separated from the array of several pieces.
- Then, at 2-3 mm from the back to make a hole and all repeat. Important to remember, that the finishing edge recesses each time by 1-2 mm back from it, and chamfer bit put her. When, when it is possible to raise the canvas bit by the party, where are blunted, should raise unstripped wood surface fabric.
- If necessary to make the through hole, sample timber should be carried out simultaneously on both sides, gradually reducing intermediate layer.
- Then, at the edges sanded opened braid straight narrow chisel.
Safety regulations
While working with elektrodolbezhnikom very important to follow some precautions. K it, in particular, relate:
- Ensuring the health of wiring.
- Proper mounting slotting circuit.
- Proper supply timber using fixed machine.
- In that case, if the machine is not fixed, It is necessary to ensure reliable fastening bar.
- You can not start work with ungrounded machine - it's your safety first.
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