the main / building materials / Instruments / Vibrophyta gasoline straight -income: Purpose and rules of use

Vibrophyta gasoline straight -income: Purpose and rules of use

A gasoline straight -flow vibro -flower is a powerful and compact equipment, intended for sealing various materials, Such as sand, gravel, Crushed stone and asphalt. It is widely used in construction, landscape design and road works. Due to its mobility and high performance, The vibration plate has become an indispensable tool for performing tasks, related to soil seal or other bulk materials. Consider the purpose of the gasoline straight -by -income vibrating plate, Its main characteristics, а также эффективность использования строительного оборудования

The purpose of the gasoline straight -by -income vibrating plate

The gasoline straight -flow vibro -flower is designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Soil compaction — используется при подготовке оснований под фундаменты, paths, sites and other construction facilities.
  • Laying and sealing asphalt — применяется для ремонта дорожного покрытия или создания небольших асфальтированных участков.
  • Landscaping — помогает уплотнять песок или гравий при создании садовых дорожек, terraces or sports grounds.
  • Trench compaction — используется для обратной засыпки и уплотнения грунта после прокладки коммуникаций.

The main advantage of gasoline vibration plate is its autonomy. It does not require connection to the mains, What makes her ideal for working at remote facilities or in conditions, where there is no access to electricity.

The main characteristics of the gasoline straight -by -income vibrating plate

The gasoline vibroe has a number of characteristics, which determine its effectiveness and scope:

  • Engine power — влияет на производительность и способность уплотнять материалы различной плотности.
  • The weight of the plate — определяет силу уплотнения. The heavier the slab, the deeper it can compact the soil.
  • The frequency of vibration — измеряется в ударах в минуту и влияет на качество уплотнения.
  • The amplitude of vibration — определяет глубину воздействия на материал.
  • The size of the working stove — влияет на площадь, which can be processed in one pass.

Rules for the use of gasoline direct -income vibrating plate

For safe and efficient work with a gasoline vibration plate, certain rules must be followed. Consider the main stages and recommendations.

Getting Started

  • Equipment checking — перед началом работы убедитесь, that all the elements of the vibration fuel are in good condition. Check the oil level in the engine and the presence of fuel.
  • Inspection of the work surface — удалите с участка крупные камни, garbage or other objects, which can damage the plate.
  • Vibrooper tuning — в зависимости от типа материала, which needs to be compacted, Set up the frequency of vibration (If such a function is provided).

Launch and work

  • Engine launch — установите виброплиту на ровную поверхность и запустите двигатель в соответствии с инструкцией производителя.
  • Beginning of work — медленно направьте виброплиту на участок, which needs to be compacted. Do not attach Excessive Force, since the plate moves independently thanks to vibration.
  • Process control — следите за равномерностью уплотнения. If there are bumps on the surface, Perform several passes.

Completion of work

  • Engine stop — после завершения работы выключите двигатель и дайте виброплите остыть.
  • Equipment cleaning — удалите остатки грунта, sand or asphalt from the workplane and other elements of the vibration plate.
  • Storage — храните виброплиту в сухом месте, moisture and direct sunlight.

Security measures when working with a vibration plate

Working with a gasoline vibro -fuel requires compliance with safety measures, To avoid injuries and equipment damage. The main recommendations include:

  • Using protective equipment — надевайте перчатки, Protective glasses and shoes with non -slip soles.
  • Movement control — не допускайте присутствия посторонних людей в зоне работы виброплиты.
  • Avoiding overheating — делайте перерывы в работе, so that the engine does not overheat.
  • Proper storage of fuel — храните бензин в специальной таре вдали от источников огня.


Gasoline vibro -plate has a number of advantages, who make it popular among professionals and lovers:

  • Autonomy — не требует подключения к электросети, which allows you to use it in any conditions.
  • High performance — быстро и эффективно уплотняет различные материалы.
  • density — легко транспортируется и хранится.
  • Ease of use — не требует специальных навыков для управления.


A gasoline straight -flow vibro -flower is universal and powerful equipment, which is indispensable for soil compaction, asphalt and other materials. Its autonomy, High performance and ease of use make it an ideal choice for construction, road and landscape work. Compliance with operating rules and safety measures allows not only to extend the service life of equipment, but also ensure the effective performance of tasks.

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