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Tools for planing wood

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How to choose good tools for the repair of the house with his own hands. Tools for planing wood

Planed timber after sawing. Used for this purpose or conventional knife, or different types of planers, consisting of a wooden hull and fixed knife wedge, and besides having pasting hardwood, protects against rapid wear on the sole of the planer. so,

Tools with which planed timber


This type planer used for primary rough machining wood. Having an oval shape of the knife blade is able to run for a 1-3, if necessary. mm.

Plane with a single knife

Tool used for planing wood and treated sherhebelem initial planing of wood materials. direct tool knife, about 1 mm projecting beyond the housing. In the planer with a single knife is not a device for chip breaking, whereby the chips out of the whole. For this reason, on the treated surface appear uneven and teaser.

Plane with a double knife

The tool is intended for finishing wood (obstrugivaniya ends, elimination of various irregularities), due to the presence therein chipbreaker.


Jointer is used for final finish polishing surfaces. This tool smoothes irregularities and aligns with large surface dimensions. Jointer longer than usual in the planer 3 fold, from, which they easily shave long boards.

jointer knife has a length 180 mm and a width 65 mm. Front he device is arranged, designed, to remove the knife from the taphole using a mallet.


This instrument is suitable for processing small size surfaces. The length of its body - 530 mm, knife - 180 mm, width - 50 mm.


It is a plane with a shortened housing. It is designed for trimming and stripping with swirls and teaser surfaces. Due to the narrow gap he removes the upper layer of the treated surface as a thin chip.

Tools for planing profiled rebate plane

This tool has a soleplate in the form of steps and is used for treatment, and stripping quarters.


Designed for sampling and stripping folds, quarters. In the tool body are arranged in the form of knives and blades lateral opening, intended for chip discharge.


This tool prbmenyayut to smooth the edges of parts.

Renovated apartment in the home. Thanks for attention.

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