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Tools for sawing and cutting materials

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What are the tools for sawing and cutting materials

Saw tool Purpose

Saws for cutting metal and wood materials. We saw there the metal strip (disk) with teeth. Pitch is the distance between the vertices of two adjacent teeth of, tooth height - the gap between the base and apex of the tooth. The teeth of the saw are 2 the side and 1 the front cutting edges. We designed for longitudinal sawing lumber saw teeth are formed in the shape of a triangle, and have direct sharpening, through which it is possible to produce sawing in only one direction. The front cutting edge cuts the fiber such saws, and two side separated from each other.

I intended to cross-cutting saw teeth are mostly made in the form of an isosceles triangle, and have a double-sided sharpening. At a front blade sharpening separates fibers, and their side edges are cut.

types of saws

there are manual, electric saws and vykruzhnye. Electrical and designed for cross, and longitudinal cutting materials, in particular boards, bars. In addition, they can be used to perform certain kinds of carpentry work, such as sawing a certain angle. The convenience of these saws is, that the work does not require significant time and physical effort with them. Widely used such saws, as EP-5km, EP-K6, K-5M, IE-5107. Saws EP-5km, EP-K6, K-5M need for sawing logs planed, boards, ridges, beams. Cutting saws part - which consists of bonded joints between a saw chain teeth. In the process of working with these saws is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules:

Do not operate a chain saw in a damp room at a voltage higher 36 AT;

to move the saw, it should be placed in a bag;

Upon completion, the saw must be removed in a specially designated place for it, for example in the closet.

Saw IE-5107 due to the high speed (49 s-1) can saw wood materials, having a thickness 65 mm. It is also possible to use it as a stationary machine with the pre-installation on a workbench. In order to best protect the job with a saw, must be checked, how well sharpened and divorced her teeth, how the disc is seated on the spindle, it for any cracks or other damage. Checking the condition of the gear is carried out rotating the disk. In that case, if the rotation of the disk is difficult, liquefy grease, on 60 with tools including idling.

How to use a saw

Once all faults are eliminated, the left hand should grab the front handle, and right - back, and set the saw blade part to a pre-fastened on a workbench material. The saw should be directed strictly along the marked lines, without jerks, smoothly, disc as tools with sharp and fast movements can jam, provoking a breakdown of the electric motor.

Provided that if the disc is still stuck, and he stopped, electric saw slightly retracted, facilitating the release of the disc and set the required speed, and then continue sawing. If the drive does not reach the required speed, work with a saw stop. Upon completion of a cutting saw is switched off, wipe soaked in kerosene rags and cleaned for storage.

Allocate hacksaw hand saws (hacksaw), transverse and luchkovye. The former are used for cutting small bars.

In conventional manual hacksaw, there are two (left and right Half Frame), finger clip. The handle is located on the right side of Half Frame. Handsaw web is placed in the gap of the rod and the clamping screw, after which the locking pin. The web is then tensioned tool lamb.

Cloths hacksaw can have a length 320 and 370 mm. The width of the hacksaw - 15 mm, and thickness - max. 0,75 mm. Handsaw tooth profile height is 55-60 mm. Selection of the number of teeth for the hacksaw blade dictated by the particular metal. In particular, webs 16 teeth only suitable for use with soft metals, paintings, having 19 teeth, used for manufacturing of hard metal, and the webs 22 teeth are designed to work with Hardmetal.

For cutting rod with a hacksaw, it should be placed in a vice and tighten so, to the cut line located near the jaws. When cutting parts, having a greater width, position hacksaw - Horizontal. In that case, if the cut strip or from steel corner parts, position hacksaw - oblique.

For optimal results, you need to perform a minute 40-50 hacksaw movements. When the tool moves forward, pressing is carried out, in the reverse direction no pressure. The pressing force due to the properties of the metal, you are working. In particular, the pressing force when cutting soft metals must be substantially less than, product than when cutting hard metal. During operation with manual hacksaw, to the web tool is not cracked and not to injure your hands, Avoid sudden movements, accompanied by considerable pressure. In addition to manual nozhovok, shall also apply to electrical and. When working with a hacksaw blade are periodically necessary to moisten the tool liquid emulsion avoid overheating.

saws designed for cross-cutting and perform carpentry work. Saw teeth resemble isosceles triangles and have an oblique sharpening. The angle at the apex of the tooth is typically about 42-45 °. Saw blade may have a thickness 1,1 and 1,4 mm.

Bow saws It consists of manufactured hardwood onion, paintings, having a length of 785-800 mm, as well as the bowstring, manufactured having a thickness of 3.4 mm woven hemp or flax cord. They may be longitudinal and transverse. In transverse luchkovye saws web width is 22-25 mm, wedge angle - 70-79 °, and the distance between the teeth is equal to 4.5-5 mm. In longitudinal luchkovye saw blade has a width of 50-55 mm, thickness - 0.5-0.7 mm, the distance between the teeth is 5 mm, a wedge angle is 45-50 °.

Vykruzhnye saws used for curve sawing material. The web has a length of these saws 500 mm, width - 5-15 mm, the distance between the teeth is 5 mm, a wedge angle is 55-60 °. Sharpening the saw teeth straight.

In order to reduce the frictional force, which can lead to, that the painting tool stuck in the cut, teeth bred. Canvas for this should be placed in a vice and tighten. Then you need to take a universal wiring and bend the tops of the teeth of at least the base on 2/3 their height. Even teeth deflect to one side, and the odd - in another.

For work with hardwood saw teeth diluted to 0.25-0.5 mm. If necessary, sawed materials of softwood saw teeth are bred for 1 mm. To verify the performance of a divorce used template.

To string does not stretch for a long time, Upon completion, the saw should spin slightly loosen.

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