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Reviews of dry screed Knauf

When a person is populated into a new apartment and decided to make repairs in the room, it immediately raises the question of, which screed is best done. If you have no experience in this area, the original is best to visit significant resources on the Internet and see, What are the reviews from users. A lot of information can bring forums and blogs. But even here it is necessary to treat everything with a grain of salt, as each person may have a different take for such an option, as dry screed Knauf.


Originally standing at all determine the order, what is the floor screed Knauf, which can be done without difficulty on their own. Technology, applied for, Knauf to dry screed floor has been performed qualitatively, It provides the initial laying of expanded clay sand, fraction which does not exceed 5 mm, and has laid on him, e.g. GOLS sheets, which act as sub-floor version. data sheets, are floor elements, are joined together with screws, and further the joints are coated with white glue. The result is a great option sex, which has its own advantages and disadvantages, which may vary depending on the consumer.

With years of operation, dry screed Knauf floor creates the impression of yourself, shows what, as it can be applied depending upon certain conditions. Reviews say only, that some of the myths in general can not be in reality, and some also still remain in almost every room.

Characteristics dry floors

Before, how to start studying the positive and negative aspects of using dry screed floor, you need to understand all the technical data of such material. Their main difference is that, that all kinds of work carried out in the shortest possible time, but this gives a really high-quality basis for "finishing" gender variant. With it can be hidden all possible communication, electrical wires, even floor heating.

The minimum thickness of the floor must be 20mm. But usually it all goes to 8-10 cm. Much will depend on the evenness of the floor, customer requirements, compaction device and floor. This immediately will impact on the cost of the, when to buy some more backfilling.

When the need arises, you can dismantle the sheets and make the dry screed Knauf again. Sheets subsequently mounted very quickly and easily, as in the original papers. Dry screed characteristics has a generally positive, due to which it is gaining tremendous popularity among consumers.

negative reviews

Among the numerous reviews of the owners of dry floor can be found the following:

  • When used as a linoleum floor covering, GVL is pressed through sheets of female heels, as well as the legs of heavy furniture. dry floor Knauf
  • in zatoplenii, Drying time is approximately 20 days, Yes and no fact, that all will be able to dry. The duration of some and confuse.
  • dust formation in the course of work. But it does not interfere, should stock up on respirators and special glasses.

Another is to pay attention, that the dry screed Knauf feedback is negative due to the fact, which reduces the height of the room. After all, if it is so low, the order to remove more 6-10 cm is not appropriate. But it's more like not a flaw, and a technical point, where it is not always possible to apply it.

Positive features

Never one can not ignore those features, inherent dry screed and secrete it with better hand. Make a dry floor screed Knauf and can be independently, but when there is not even a minimal representation of all events, then it is better to avoid. If done efficiently and correctly, you can hear about the owners of a dry screed reviews only the good side. Among them are:

  • Paul gives a very smooth and can withstand point loads and distributed equally 200 and 500 kg, respectively, per square meter.
  • A high level of fire resistance.
  • Excellent quality not only of sound insulation, but also insulation.
  • Side passes the "wet" installation activities.
  • After the installation, the floor is ready to operate at full strength.
  • It is possible to set the partition, plasterboard e.g..

    dry floor knauf
    Advantages of dry screed

  • Rapid execution of work.
  • The level remains one, even if the work is carried out in stages in different rooms of an apartment or house.
  • The use of any finished floor options, regardless of the material: tile, carpeting, granite and other.
dry screed priimuschestva
The advantage of dry screed

The destruction of the myths

Not all comments can be taken as a basis and to listen to them. Particular attention should be paid not novices in the construction industry, and specialists, a variety of applications on the device dry screed team for a long time. Constantly meet people's opinions are not always valid and truthful, what should carefully understand.

  1. floor fragility. It is very important, It was used to do the brand elements Knauf floor. They are responsible for quality and reliability requirements, very strong and will help to break down under any circumstances. Of course, when a person enjoys even ordinary plasterboard, the high quality to achieve not work. And with the passage of time the coating will start to crumble. dry floor knauf It is worth to pay attention to, that the same drywall is more suitable for the walls, and not to lay it at your feet. Enough and videos, that indicate, that this fact should put aside. Dry screed knauf using qualitative material lasts for a long time.
  2. Over time, there is mold. No problems will arise, when dry screed knauf used in dry areas. If we use it in rooms with high humidity, then very often there is mold over time, from which it is very difficult to get rid. Prevent mold can be even after the flooding disaster. The most important thing - to dry the floor and all flooring. Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid problems with the appearance of mold. For other coatings, all these steps can lead to the formation of fungus, if you do not follow the steps of drying.
  3. High price. If you take the price of all materials, they are not much different from doing a concrete screed. In this dry screed knauf reviews have about, that some work is performed, even for 2 day. After that you can start as early as floor covering. Unlike concrete screed, Knauf floor leveling can be performed several times, perestilali, remade. Problems with the precise will not have any. dry floor knauf
  4. Subsidence of the floor during operation. There are also reviews of the dry floor screed Knauf mislead people. If you look at all the same time,, what concrete block Knauf dry screed and what it meant, which has parameters, then we can get a result: the floor will remain the same. Subsidence can occur only in the event, if not implemented quality preparations and filling of dry screed. With a uniform distribution of the filling, expanded clay is here to stay, because from all its sides are walls, the floor and sub-floor plates themselves. Dry screed negative feedback is largely due to the fact, that people do not always properly perform all kinds of work. To avoid all this,, better to entrust this work to professionals.


Among the many owners of opinion can be found on the dry floor screed pros and cons. Some of them confirm the actual state of affairs, and some are simply added to the amount of. Still true are the following:

Align floor I managed in a few days. At the same time I was doing it all yourself. As a result, after mounting the floor covering, it could accommodate a heavy sofa, closet with lots of furniture, as well as various household appliances, part of which shall be entered four. And the floor is not anything scary, He regularly serves more than five years. Michael, 32 of the year, Tula.

It has a dry floor screed Knauf pros and cons. But then the most important thing to understand the technology of the device itself, as well as the necessary requirements. When strict compliance of each of the conditions, disadvantages can be avoided and to reduce them to almost zero. This is a very convenient option not only floor leveling, but the device is really high quality "rough" version. Sergei, 43 of the year, Kemerovo.

It is easy to say and not very easy to do. You can spoil everything, without exception,, If this approach is illiterate. Due to this andhooting screed Knauf negative feedback is for certain users. If you have already taken and to do everything on their own, it is necessary to examine the technology itself, potential pitfalls. Only then can you start to work. There is no doubt, that to get a really decent option. Kirill, 38 years old, Moscow.

For dry floor screed feedback on the forums should be taken with criticism. After all, the result will depend on the quality of work performed. So I decided to try it with her husband. On the whole apartment was sorry for the money, to buy stuff from the German manufacturer. But this is how it turned out and not have to. such premises, as the bathroom and the kitchen is quite different ways, as the level of humidity is fairly high. Plates for dry screed Knauf perfectly approached for a child's room, hall. The surface also has become much warmer, than before. Kristina, 28 years old, Vladimir.

This all suggests that, that the dry floor screed Knauf pros and cons should be taken with caution. It is best to independently verify all actually, and then express an opinion. the main thing, that technology is respected from the beginning to the very end.





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