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Types of sound-insulating materials

With each passing day more and more acute question provide comfort indoors. And the main enemy becomes noise in its decision. It is therefore vitally important factor is the insulation in the apartment. To ensure that it is necessary to examine what are the sound-proofing materials, their properties, advantages and disadvantages. And only after that think about the choice of what modern materials make a noise insulation wall in the apartment. And besides, you need to determine, what noise should be eliminated.

Types of noise and its sources

To begin, it should be noted, that there are only two kinds of noise:

  1. Air, which is carried directly by air. It may be cries, loud noises, music, etc.. Typically, such a noise is able to penetrate through any cracks and crevices, and in addition, and through the windows. Mainly with regard to airborne noise, it becomes a storm of office and living rooms.
  2. Structural (shock). Distributed through a medium solids. Structure-borne noise is largely a problem of industrial premises. It represents sound waves, that move on solids, overlaps, walls. Examples of such noise can be a tramp, jumping, the sounds of working tools, the vibration from the speakers.

And depending on the type of noise, It depends on the selection of the required isolation. The correct choice is determined by, on what exactly you are going to protect the noise. In general the following types of buildings are in need of protection: industrial premises, office and Living spaces.

insulation of walls
The spread of noise

Besides, the choice will affect directly and noise, you want to measure. It will have to purchase special equipment, or call a specialist at home.

Speaking of the statutory noise performance, note the following:

  1. In accordance with the GOST snip daytime acceptable noise value equals 40 decibel, by volume inaudible to humans it can be compared with the usual conversation. At the same time, the volume should not exceed 55 dB, which equates to a weak slap on the table.
  2. Speaking about the time of day night, here the recommended volume 20 dB, extreme threshold, established by the legislation of 40dB ( for violation of administrative responsibility).

Thus the choice of materials is required to approach responsibly, because it depends also on the type of noise, and the required level of insulation. Each material has its own index of noise reduction, ie. indicator, which fall comprehend and goes beyond the volume of the room.

full soundproofing

Directly on insulation measures still need to take care in the design process. It can achieve an appropriate arrangement of partitions and rooms. But this possibility is not always available, because, We most of the time devoted to examining materials, which do not require an additional arrangement of sound insulation for walls and partitions, as well as the dismantling of structural elements.

Sound-proofing materials

Fully considering this category, it may be noted about twenty kinds of such materials, and try to determine what insulation for walls is best suited. Because pay attention only to the highest-quality and most popular options of sound-absorbing materials.


The first material, which we will consider becoming shumoplast. This unique material, which is made of elastic granules, acrylic pigment and rubber additives.

Used such sound insulation for floating floors base, and at the same time cope with the tasks at all 100%. Recognized as the best material for use in areas of non-standard forms, and in addition it is indispensable when working with large areas.şumoplast

Depending on the index mark has reducing impact noise to 32 dB.

among the advantages of:

  1. It has waterproofing properties, which allows not to provide additional material for protection against moisture.
  2. When the load on the surface 5 kPa sits no more than 5% from the original dimensions.
  3. When installing allow for the possibility of small deviations of the base to 1,5 cm.
  4. The material is fully harmless.
  5. Fast and fit without the hassle.
  6. When the operation does not lose its properties.
  7. It has a relatively long operating period.

The main disadvantage of the material becomes dry period, which equals 24 sometimes.

insulating foam

A good option becomes a special form of polyurethane foam.

Use this form if, when you need to completely seal the room, ie. exclude penetration, and noise output of the premises.

Often used for soundproofing recording studios or theater. Such material is mounted on the surface of the walls and the ceiling by means of special adhesive (in some cases, pre-adhesive film is provided on sheets).


  1. Sound absorption up 95%
  2. Outdoor installation method.
  3. The high level of flexibility and elasticity.
  4. Maximum efficiency.


  1. When ignited melts and forms a poisonous smoke.
  2. When heated or exposed to ultraviolet rays is destroyed.
  3. Can not withstand the mechanical loads, and therefore it requires the most careful operation.

insulating foam


Mineral soundproof material. Presented in the form of sound insulation roll, when it has a high level of strength.

It helps to reduce the impact noise to 28 dB


  1. The small thickness of the material (0,4 cm), it can be used on any surface.
  2. Not subject to decay.
  3. Installation is fairly quick and easy.
  4. Readily flammable and is self-extinguishing.
  5. Flexible and elastic, moreover it does not lose its characteristics during operation.


  1. The high cost of the product.
  2. While laying on the concrete base is necessary to provide a special substrate.

soundproofing teksound

Acoustic decorative plates

Represent perforated panels, perfect balance in one person as the noise insulation, and a decorative surface finish. The outer side is made using veneer, which can be matched to the design of the room.

Mainly used for interior insulation space.

among the advantages of:

  1. Efficiency and environmental friendliness.
  2. The simplicity of arrangement.

Among the deficiencies noted the high cost of.

acoustic decorative plates


This material is made of special softwood. Along with the, it provides the reduction of noise to 27dB, and also provides thermal insulation effect.


  1. Material eco-friendly.
  2. Easy to install and operate.
  3. Allows decorative finish plaster.


  1. High price.
  2. Flammability material.

soundproofing Izoplast

An important step is the correct floor insulation.

Mineral wool

As one of the best representatives of the overwhelming sound materials, you can see stone wool. Its absorption coefficient reaches 99%. It is also used for insulation from outside noise, virtually all types of premises. Besides, stone wool is widely used in reinforced concrete or Wooden.

With all of these aircraft noise gates cope well. If there is a question of solving the problem of absorption of impact noise, the system is used or the design of "floating floor". The insulating material is used as the base of the structure. Already it is placed coating. Often, when you create a "floating floor" system is often used stone wool.


  1. Withstand temperature extremes, and furthermore does not collapse when exposed to temperatures up to 550 degrees.
  2. In its composition does not contain resins.
  3. There is no need to perform the installation lathing.
  4. Material durable and environmentally friendly.
  5. It has ustochivostyu shrinkage.


  1. Strongly absorbs moisture, because necessarily require additional waterproofing.

mineral wool

In detail about the properties and calculation calculator.

Sound-proof membrane

Roller coating of mineral substances in combination with a polymeric binder. Presented in the form of special film, so you can use it on any surface. Mounting is carried out using glue mixture.


  1. The working temperature of the film ranges from -60 to +180 degrees, making it suitable for both inside, and outdoors.
  2. The coating is resistant to mechanical stress and rupture.
  3. Eco-friendly and resilient.
  4. Not elomaetsya in bending in the case of freezing.
  5. Long service life.

Among the disadvantages there is a high price.

special plaster

Also disclosed in a number of such materials and a special mixture of granules reflecting sound. Thus obtained perform in one face and the decoration, at the same time than a full sound insulation. The coating does not transmit sound both inside, and outward.

Important! An effective method for such insulation is considered only at a coating thickness of not less than 2-3 centimeters.


  1. It helps in repairing and greatly accelerates it.
  2. It serves as a decorative trim, or used to align walls.
  3. The composition of the eco-friendly.
  4. It can be operated in a large range of temperature without loss of quality.


  1. Covering though suppresses external noise, but it is not considered effective against him (except for insulation with both internal, and the outer side).
  2. It requires application in 2-3 layer.
  3. It has a sufficiently high value.

Acoustic plaster


Represented as a two-layer web material. In its structure there is a nonwoven substrate and a layer of bitumen.

It has good insulating abilities, moreover resistant to compression, at the same time it can be used when aligning the chassis walls without plasterboard.

In itself, except for the noise reduction cover, also it combines the properties and waterproofing. Furthermore the material is sufficiently flexible and elastic.

Mark stands and a vast range of operating temperature, which ranges from -25 to +85 degrees. The coating does not lose its characteristics and can be used for a long time. The only drawback becomes a high price for the purchase of materials.



Another material - cork, created from a unique cork. Produced such insulator in various forms, and it can be represented as a panel or plate, and as the web material.

When the thickness of layer 0,3 centimeter noise reduction index reaches 18dB, with increasing thickness, increases accordingly.

Also of note, the material is easy to install and operate, It does not absorb moisture, It has good aesthetic qualities, durable, eco-friendly and efficient. Besides it combines the properties of sound and thermal insulation.

But this kind of expensive, and besides, It requires careful installation, because the chips may fall apart, and the material can be torn.

cork soundproofing


This type is represented as a roll, made of bitumen and polyethylene foam. It has an index of noise reduction to 23 dB.

among the advantages of:

  1. Combines sound and waterproofing.
  2. Elastic and flexible.
  3. environmentally friendly.
  4. fairly cheap, while durable.
  5. It allowed to work at a temperature of -25 to +85.

Shortcomings to date have not revealed material.



With regard to quality sound-proof materials, must first be noted fiberboard. It is used in almost all varieties of premises. Fiber mat is made from wood fibers and cement. They can also be used synthetic fiber. In order to create the acoustic ceiling, use acoustic fiberboard. It is characterized by excellent sound absorption coefficient (is approximately forty percent).


Special types of materials

Do not forget, it's not all materials, wherein, some of them are only allowed under certain conditions, in that all the others are universal. For example, these are machine insulators, which can be used in the construction industry.

But sound insulation of ceilings, walls and floor a little. It is extremely important to pay attention to doors and windows. As a solution to the problems with windows you can consider this option, as the installation of PVC windows profile. Sound insulation characteristics has a very high. Normally the space between the two windows filled with inert gas. The most common and frequently used gas - argon.

As for the doors, there is usually used a multilayered structure, which consists of chipboard, MDF and laminate. The space between the door and door frame sealed by special gaskets for sealing. Types of modern sound-proof materials are full of variety, but you need to pomnitt, that only comprehensive measures turn out to achieve a high level of isolation from external noise.


Thus, we learned, that a huge amount of noise insulation materials, and besides dismantled the highest quality and popular ones. Each fits in its own terms, and how to choose, can be found in a separate article. And finally, we offer watch a few videos, by category, which will help you to understand more about the topic.





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