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plaster – advantages, properties

Штукатурка гипсом стен, преимущества, свойстваBefore wallpapering or painted ceiling and walls, the use of this material will provide an opportunity to smooth the differences in the levels of a mask opening, simply put, After finishing the material you glue wallpaper on a flat surface.

Advantages of plaster

Suitable plaster for initial alignment surfaces. Due to the thick layer during application it will help you fix a very noticeable irregularities, as well as help to mask almost any wall defects. To select the level of the wall surface must be applied gypsum plaster at the same time to pay special attention to those places, where the wall collapses ago.

gypsum plaster is the purest product even from an environmental point of view, This mixture is made in a fully natural gypsum material. From this comes the conclusion, that the plaster does not emit any harmful substances or, which could harm human health or environmental damage.

The main advantage of this material is its porosity.

Gypsum has an advantage over cement especially as a basis for plaster, and all, because the plaster has pores. This property helps it breathe walls, and through these pores goes steam and moisture. If everything is as it should, the natural ventilation provided in your home will be a balanced microclimate.

Reveal yet another of the unique properties of porosity of gypsum plaster. Introducing the situation, your neighbors, who live on top, have flooded. usually people, which detects this immediately runs to him to swear. If you have a plaster on the wall, you after a couple of days and do not tell, that there was a wet spot. That quarrel with his neighbor will not have to. For more information about different types of plaster can be found in the article how to choose the plaster.

Among porous structure improves gypsum şumovuju izoljaцiju and thermal conductivity of these qualities are of particular importance in the application of the panel type homes. It should be noted further very important advantage of the enormous number of pores, walls, which is finished with this mixture, and a wall after a certain time does not lose its original form.

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One comment on the record "plaster – advantages, properties

  1. Thank you for the article, very useful information. My house is still under construction, so long as that collect information on finishing works. But I tend to, that furnish the best right for plaster, because I have seen how it behaves after flooding from above. Brother recently to make repairs in the building 90 squares, and a plaster used in the entire apartment. And soon after the completion of the renovation of his flooded neighbors. The strange thing was that, that after drying the wet spots disappeared, as if they had never been. Therefore, it seems to me, that plaster – It is the best option for finishing.

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