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Soundproofing a ceiling in the apartment with his hands, materials

Звукоизоляция потолка в квартире своими руками ИзоверNot a secret, that good sound is not a fad modern prefabricated buildings. If you are reading these lines, then surely you are familiar with the situation, when the neighbors above personal life interfere with your personal life, unless you are the proud occupant of the top floor (and unhappy - if not a lift), and you want to get rid of this situation,. Site renovated apartment with his hands help determine the, that you can help.

Noises in the room are of two types: Air and structural.

first - a noise, who created man in conversation or sound from the TV speakers or radio. These noises are caused by air fluctuations, which are capable of overcoming the walls provided sufficient power source.

second, structural noise - due to the mechanical action directly on the separation walls, such as the fall of the heavy (or not) subject of sex, nailing, drilling and so on. As the sound waves occur in solids, wherein the speed of sound higher than for air in 12 time, such that audible noise very well and transmitted at a sufficiently large distance - e.g., the sound of hammer nails in one apartment can listen to all the inhabitants of the entrance.

They are the two most effective method of suppressing unwanted noise:

1) Reduced power source of sound - this method is complicated and is not always possible, as your neighbors can not agree with your arguments as to, that they somehow prevent you from their actions.

2) An extra sound insulation, reducing the amplitude of the sound waves, you reach the top.

As you might guess, below we will focus on the second solution to the problem.

Simple sound insulation of the ceiling

You can reduce the noise from above in two ways:

1) Full sound insulation - in addition to the ceiling, you also insulate the walls and floor. The method is very effective, but, respectively, quite expensive, as it affects a large number of additional construction work.

2) Partial soundproofing ceiling

The best level of mechanical noise insulation achieved by the installation of soundproof panels mark "Penoplex". In order to effectively extinguished aircraft noise, the most commonly used "Isover" plate, or all the same "Penoplex".

It is also necessary to remember, that the sound insulation of the ceiling is not a full guarantee of eliminating noise. Besides, should be considered, that the insulation will inevitably fall ceiling level (7-10 centimeters). You can be stuck on the ceiling sound insulating wallpaper, this will increase the noise absorption.

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