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Possible options for the door in the opening fixture

Each artist is faced with the problem, how and what to fix assembled doors. To install the finished door unit may use various installation methods. knowing, These mounting options you can easily select the best for you. You will need a small set of tools is a drill, drill, level, a screwdriver and a hammer. Also for the direct fastening of the box in the opening, necessary fasteners and foam. Depending on where you want to mount a door unit may need screws, dowel, anchor.

The main stages of the installation of the door block

At the beginning of the dismantling of the old held the door frame. It can carry out, using a claw hammer (fomku), making pre-cuts on both sides of each vertical bar, then to overcome this structure from the opening. If anchor bolts have been used when installing the old box, nails, which it is not possible to unscrew them can be cut down with the help of "Bulgarian".

Before installing the box interior doors, check the vertical walls and to take into account differences of the level of the walls and the floor. Door frames must be positioned so, so if there are irregularities, wall box is not deepened in the opening. This is necessary to fit the door trim. In order competent location doorframe, to use builder's level and take into account all the errors of the opening.

first installation assembled door unit rigidly fixed in an aperture, to reach the level of initial stiffness, use wedges. After completion of the fixation, should re-check the location of the correct level, that the box was even with the door.

Working with assembly foam

It is important to know the foam, which is under the gun, much better and more convenient in view of the fact, it is more dosage and has a small coefficient of expansion, it hardens much faster. Foam, which is served with a straw plenty, it will grow longer. Before working best to close the door leaf masking tape and film, because it is difficult to wash the lather. It is important to know, zapenivat need to start with fixing some small uchastkov.Cherez 30 minutes later you can go through the entire perimeter. All the cracks are filled with foam (on 50% of the total volume). It is impossible to fill in a lot of foam, because during the expansion of the foam will be squeezed into the box. Recommended use professional foam.

Because wood shrinks and expands because of the effect of high humidity expansion, It is the deformation of the door unit. The door simply- It ceases to be closed for that reason.

Video door on possible installation methods

There are several ways of fixing the door frame in the doorway, each of which involves the use of a special type of fastening. Various embodiments provide a certain level of mounting reliability and durability of the fixed structure. We hope, video stories on options for installation of wooden door frames to help you.


Hidden way to install doors on the foam

The door frame is fixed in the opening used for fixing wooden wedges, and the correct positioning is checked at the construction level. Foaming with foam must be done gradually, sections and with breaks to avoid deformation. Keeps door frame almost alone through the foam.

To keep the gap between the frame and the door, use small spacers on 3 mm, which are inserted between the door and the frame. They can be removed, Only when dry foam. Normally, the door is left overnight.

This method is useful if you do not need to go into the room, it is fast and does not require much effort. It is important not to overdo it with foam so you can open the door.

Installation of doors with the help of clamps or braces

Installation principle is that we use internally for temporary fastening the door unit in the opening spacers. It can be as simple wooden river, and special adjustable device.

These two methods are very good for the lungs and small doors.


Fixing the doors with Knauf Suspensions

For these purposes, it is the best fit straight hangers company Knauf, which is used in suspended ceilings.

  • Pre should fasten the plate to the box.
  • Insert the door in the doorway.
  • adjustable urovnem.
  • Marks the place under the hole in the wall.
  • Making the sample under plate.

Then we set the level and effect a locking plate. To adjust use shimming wooden bars.

It is also necessary to take into account, that in this way the box mounted on the outer part of the wall, place deepening necessarily need to hide under a layer of plaster. That is why this method is good only if, when there is no finishing.


New mounting options

This video will let you know, how to fix the door frame in the doorway. This kind of fastening is a setup box interior door, by putting the box in a head self-tapping screws screwed, which are located at the ends of the opening. This happens with the help of metal plates with a hole, are bolted to the outer side of the box.

To achieve the final fixation of the box at the doorway, using conventional means of adjustment.

With this method, door unit rack moving freely in the opening.

The clear advantage of this method is the possibility of complete adjustment while rigid fixation with preserving the original appearance of the box and exterior walls.


secretive installation, fixing the hinge

Usually, structure for stiffness using screws or anchors, which are hidden under the loops. To do this in a loop between the screw and make a hole through it is attached to the wall. On the side of the castle under a decorative plate is secured yet another attachment. As a result, we get 3 fixation point.

After the direct fixing, spacer put on the bottom of the door, because the bottom is loose and fill any gaps with foam.

A significant advantage of this method is the relative rigidity, preservation appearance.


Fastening means on the through screws or anchors

This is the most common variant of the standard installation of interior doors. For this option, mount, first drilled holes for anchors in the right places racks, then secure the door in the opening.


  • markings on 4 anchor on each side.
  • drilling pen 14 mm depth 10 mm (place under cover).
  • Drill a through hole 10 mm pen (place for fixing anchor).

After that, the box is exposed and drilled 10 mm concrete drill the anchor. When the box stands on the anchors, it is securely held and does not require any spacers. Attachment points can be hidden, installing decorative plugs right color, size (14 mm). Instead, you can use the anchor screws is reduced in diameter cap. This option is the most reliable for heavy doors . Using it can align (stretch) curve rail. Doors can use almost immediately. It is possible to adjust the gap. The downside is the presence of plugs .


Tricks with installation of door transoms



There are a variety of interior doors of the box installation options, but worth it to choose the, which is the easiest, convenient and reliable, or the fastest. The selection can be done by any method door installation, but these methods can affect what goes aperture setting, take into account the intensity and other factors.

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