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Tools for sampling and stripping different orifices

types of chisels

Инструменты для выборки и зачистки различных отверстий фотоWorking with the chisel and chisel

Drill bits are carpentry and joinery. The bit as well, like a chisel, consists of:

  • pens, done, usually, of hard wood or plastic having high strength;
  • and manufactured from stainless steel blade.

For the selected timber handles, where there are no traces of mold and rot, wormholes and cracks. Cloth made from having a one-sided blade sharpening.

bit destination - gouging nests. When working with it should be observed carefully and sensibly. Therefore, there are a few rules of working with him:

  1. Place it inside a facet in the planned risks and mallet blows to it.
  2. For the purpose of sampling and stripping holes, thorns, slots, nests, and chamfering applied flat chisels.

Semicircular chisels used for the sample having rounded spikes and work with irregular surfaces:

  • concave;
  • Hockey.

Safety work

In the process of working with chisels important to observe the following safety rules:

  • direct chisel from himself, and not the;
  • not cut chisel on weight;
  • it is impossible to put the cutting part on the knees;
  • the fingers of the left hand should be placed behind the tool blade.

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