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Getting rid of mildew on the ceiling

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The formation of mold on the walls

Fungus on the ceiling may be dangerous to human health and unaesthetic look in the interior space. If nothing is done, over time it will only increase. Usually, the cause is a fungus moisture, accumulated in the walls. But to cope with this problem can, to put into practice some simple tips.

To get rid of mold on the ceiling you need:

  • anigribkovoe means;
  • brush;
  • kitchen sponge;
  • old newspapers;
  • duct tape;
  • protective film;
  • gloves.

The reason for the formation of mold on the ceiling usually is damp and bad room ventilation. Consider ways to deal with black walls.

1. Regularly ventilate the room. It is this procedure will help for the prevention of breeding such entities. In this way, in your room will not stagnate moist air.

2. Remove the existing ceiling cover, possibly, it is a fertile environment for breeding and growth of fungus. This must be done not only for aesthetic reasons, such education may harm your health.

3. Clean the area of ​​defeat special antifungals. Before starting work, be sure to wear rubber gloves, avoid contact sprays. Not affected by fungus plot protect polyethylene, fixing its special adhesive tape. sex, under the site of the proposed treatment, Spread newspaper unnecessary (paper). ceiling, zarazhennыy fungus, Liberally apply an antifungal agent, using a kitchen sponge. Leave this on the liquid surface 10-15 minutes, so it is well soaked. With the help of a stiff brush, thoroughly clean the ceiling of the fungus. Warm up this place with warm air. To do this, you can use the usual hairdryer. Prior to application of new paint or coating is required zahruntuyte this place.

4. During the cleaning of the surface, try to limit the presence of children in the room, since most of these tools contain chemicals. After processing a walk outdoors. The room during the day, try not to ventilate.

5. For the prevention of fungal attack on the ceiling treat the surface with a spray, containing fungicidal and bactericidal nutrients. This means you can buy in a specialty store.

helpful hints

If the composition of the antifungal agent include chlorine, surface treatment is required after the wet wipe cloth.

Good help and folk remedies which you can get rid of mold and mildew. A detailed article on how to clean the surface of the foam, detailed account of methods of getting rid of the dried foam.



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