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Sheathing siding balcony, advantages

Most of the balconies, in particular differ in quite a frightening view of old buildings. And the only solution is often ennobling, ie. balcony decoration. And there are a lot of variants, and considering the more economical it should be noted siding. It siding siding balcony outside with his hands becomes the best option. But for its implementation should take into account a number of factors, which play an important role in the final result.

Balcony paneling siding yourself

types of material

The first is to deal with the kinds of material, and there are not too many. More specifically, only two:

  1. vinyl
  2. Metal.

Vinyl siding has a high level of resistance to temperature extremes, namely -70 to +60 degrees. Besides, the material does not fade when exposed to sunlight. It should be noted and mass coloring variations, and the possibility of both vertical, and horizontal fixing.

The second embodiment becomes metal siding, which is made of steel, further processing the polymer coating. Such material is easy to install, moreover it has good protection from the weather, and are durable and resistant to fire.

Note, vinyl material that is used mostly for decoration.

Benefits skin

Now, it is worth noting the advantages of this type of finish, among which:

  1. It does not require special training base, Besides, the state of the wall does not matter.
  2. Itself directly assembling can be executed on any type of base.
  3. Panel material attached lock, The result is a monolithic coating.
  4. Siding is not subjected to mechanical damage from exposure to natural conditions and environment.
  5. Withstand high temperature fluctuations, it was pointed out earlier.
  6. It provides a reliable soundproofing balcony.
  7. Allows warm balcony.
  8. The coating does not require special care, painting, etc.. To preserve the attractive appearance is sometimes enough to wash the surface with plain water.
  9. Balcony paneling siding can be done at any time of the year.
  10. Besides, All work can be done to, though, that the material cost is low enough.

siding benefits

In this basic number of advantages in use over coatings saydingovyh.

Facing your own balcony

Now it's time to consider, how to trim the balcony outside siding with their own hands. To begin to prepare for work, this requires:

  1. prepare tools.
  2. purchase materials.
  3. Carry out preparatory work on the balcony.

Tool for the job

Immediately following tools are required for work:

  1. Building level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Set of screwdrivers.
  4. building a knife.
  5. Drill, or punch.
  6. screwdriver.
  7. Monofilament thread or thick.
  8. Magnetic head for the screwdriver and a metal brush.


To carry out the work will need to purchase the following materials:

  1. Directly himself siding.
  2. All the necessary accessories for installation, namely: straps for attaching, profile, angles.
  3. bars, which will be used for sheathing, size 30*30 or 60*60.
  4. Galvanized steel Screws.
  5. If necessary, the grout and the primer for metal.

preparation balcony

Directly preparatory work carried out in several stages, namely:

  1. Cleaning of the area and the removal of all things. Full dismantling of cladding and handrail.
  2. cementation, in the presence of chips and cracks.
  3. While maintaining the metal railing held their sanding and priming.

note, that the result of the work to a greater extent depends precisely on the quality of training, as well as the correctness of their performance.

Immediately the first phase involves a thorough study of the state of the balcony, and its coverage. When, If railings are in poor condition, they necessarily must be removed. If they are made of metal, and are in good condition, it will be enough to strengthen them, Apply anti-corrosive composition.

preparation of a balcony under the siding

The lower part must be cleaned of debris, eliminate the cracked parts of concrete, if necessary, to cement. This is especially important if you have large cracks on the surface. In the presence of significant damage, should perform crate, and then carry out the work.


And now proceed directly to the skin siding balconies with their hands. And here it is worth noting a number of stages, who need to pay maximum attention. Next, we look at each of them in turn-based instruction.

installation lathing

The first stage is the installation of lathing. Provision vertical strips around the perimeter of the balcony set with a pitch 30-35 centimeters. Sheathing is performed using wooden beams treated with special antiseptics against mold and mildew.

Particular attention should be paid to the top of the mount, It is performed using metal rods, by means of screws one end fixed to the crate, second, in turn, to the wall.

note, that the thickness of the bars must not be less than, than the thickness of insulation, which is planned to be used.

balcony paneling siding installation of racks with their own hands

After installing the beams, underneath is placed insulation, also allowed improvement of utilities. Additionally, insulating material on the installation may be provided a protective membrane, which is also secured with screws. When the concrete base is mandatory sheathing boards are fixed to the floor of the special construction adhesive.

Mounting a horizontal belt

Next, install the lower and upper horizontal belt, which will serve as cladding boundaries.

The first step is set lower. Side planks nailed, and then around the perimeter of the belt is attached to the silicone adhesive. In some cases, at a steady basis may be provided dowel compound. Then balcony inside blown foam. The height of the belt 7,6 centimeters.preparation installation of siding

The next step is install the upper belt. Here, you first need to calculate the height of the finish, then fastening the belt carried thereby, his tip was higher trim edges on 1 centimeter.

Making the corner joints

All the necessary accessories for work on facing balcony is usually attached to the siding. Here we need a casing segment, which are cut triangles (they will serve glides).

To create a casing edges are heated and cut small triangles at an angle 90 degrees. Subsequently the lower edges of the corner members will be installed in their.lining the balcony outside siding

Further thrust bearing mount screws to the lower belt in place of the angular compound.

Installation of siding strips

The next step proceed directly to the installation of siding.

  1. The first starting set top belt strap. Fastens it lock down. Directly in the details of prepared grooves, in which will be inserted into Siding, to prevent damage in the future.sheathing under siding
  2. With the nail, or a special marking pen in the slot of a note for the screw, which subsequently twisted screwdriver.
  3. Next, begin to consolidate itself siding, bar to omit the base. Insert the lock into the slot until it clicks, then fasten softwood. At the same time, we note, it must first be completely clamp screw, subsequently a screwdriver to unscrew it a quarter turn. This is done, the material can "breathe", since it can expand or shrink the contrary when the temperature drops, respectively, for coating rigid attachment disappear.
  4. Thus the installation is carried out each subsequent strip. Planck is lowered until it clicks into the lock, and then screwed into the groove of the screw and is weakened by a quarter turn.Fixing the siding to the final lathing

Tips and tricks

For, all work all the recommendations made have been implemented correctly observe the installation, namely:

  1. Before, you start installation work material should be held for several hours on the street. This will help him to take his size in a natural environment, which subsequently helps to avoid deformations.
  2. When, if your local wind strong currents, the distance between the lath bars desirable to reduce up to 5 centimeters.
  3. Can not provide for additional fasteners directly into the panel, for that purpose the openings, previously made. Otherwise, additional elements prevent expansion of the material, because of, the surface can crack or even fall.
  4. When fixing the panel can not pull, as this may lead to deformation.
  5. In the absence of experience of similar works, balcony paneling siding on the outside above the third floor is best left to professionals.
  6. She must start facing sides, that will help and train (if the work is performed for the first time).
  7. All materials and the number of elements should be calculated in advance, while all the calculations should be carried out with maximum accuracy.
  8. Besides, it is desirable to use insurance, what will help climbing belt. This will protect against falling from the balcony and injuries.
  9. Immediately before a Fence off the area under the balcony, to avoid herbs bystanders.

Also pay attention to the most common errors in:

  1. Beginners often secure the material is not in the center of the hole, or at all in a convenient location, but not in the hole, don'ts.
  2. Also, the panel is attached tightly, is unacceptable. Required minimum clearance 1 millimeters.
  3. Also, many ignore the gap between the ends of the panel and mount, which shall not be less than 1 cm.

Such seemingly minor error may cause deformation and destruction of the material.


Now you know, how to sheathe balcony outside siding yourself, Also see the articles on glazing and balcony insulation. But this is only a theory, you want to fix the practical actions. Because we offer you to get acquainted with a few videos, and then try and carry yourself like skin.



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