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How to choose the right tile for the bathroom and calculate the required number of

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Choose a good tile for the bathroom.

Bathroom can rightly be considered separate room in the apartments. Even, despite its, often small in size, repair it is one of the most costly and time-consuming operations. The best material, used in the decoration of bathrooms, always considered to be ceramic tile. Choosing material for the interior decoration you need to be sure to take into account all its characteristics. Each manufacturer produces various ceramics collection for floors and walls, and this material is different to the performance indicators. Recall, We've already covered in detail how Technology installation of ceramic tiles on the floor and walls of the bathroom, read, if you put yourself, and video instructions will help to grasp details. so, Facing materials must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimal moisture absorptivity;
  • high resistance to household chemicals;
  • resistance of the surface;
  • tolerance to temperature fluctuations and the effects of steam.

To the floor covering further number of requirements:

  • resistance to surface abrasion;
  • increased resistance to bending;
  • resistance to abrasive substances.

The best material for floors is considered granite, but it often has a higher price. If you wish to save on finishing bath, can help the sale of ceramic tiles, where you can easily find quality material at an affordable price. Another factor for the choice of cladding material for bathroom - is its color scheme. Materials for walls and floors can be identical in color and texture, or contrasting. The same color, they complement each other well, but not many differences in the shades. If you prefer a contrasting solutions, they are something to be supported, eg, colors ceiling cover, furniture and sanitary ware. When choosing a place, which will be operated tiles, also necessary to consider the thickness of the material. Oblitsovyvaya wall thickness can be chosen material 6 – 10 mm, and on the floor you need to choose a thicker tile 10 – 12 mm. And we must not forget, that you have selected the ceramic must be of high quality, otherwise the surface very quickly undergo destruction.

How to calculate the required number of tiles for the bathroom

It is extremely important to make a correct calculation of the amount of materials needed for facing. During the installation material, it is often necessary to cut, so it is better to acquire stock. This margin will guarantee, that the material will suffice for lining surfaces, and even during the repair you will not need to buy more of its. Calculating the number of tiles needed for tiling carried out very simply, online calculator.

To begin calculated total surface area of, to be veneered. This area is measured by the formula, which is known to everyone else on the school curriculum - the floor perimeter multiplied by the height of the walls, and then the result obtained vychetaetsya area of ​​all the openings of the room. floor area can be calculated, multiplying the length by the width.

Further, the calculation is made based on the size of your chosen material. It is first computed the area of ​​one element unit, corresponding to the specified format. For example, in tile format 0.25 * 33m area of ​​the 0,082 m. Then calculated the number of elements required for one square meter. Figures vary only on the material format. The resulting number of elements in 1 square meter multiplied by the entire surface area.

Length Height Square
wall 1
wall 2
wall 3
wall 4
a door
Number of tiles:

The calculation can be considered fully complete. You just have to calculate the borders. To do this, take the perimeter of the room and divide by the length of the 1st border. You should always take into account all the architectural features of the space. Experts always suggest adding to the result 8 – 10%. It will be useful to know how many need to buy tile adhesive and zatirku. Do not forget also about ventilation of the bathroom. We wish you a correct choice of high-quality ceramic tiles and paving.



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One comment on the record "How to choose the right tile for the bathroom and calculate the required number of

  1. Very nice service for the calculation of the required number of tiles. must be considered, that the tiles on the floor ceiling and walls, possibly, It will be different. therefore, when you use the calculator, calculate the number of tiles for walls only, then only for the ceiling and therefore further only for sex. It will not let you get lost in the results of the calculation.

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