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How to furnish / equip a small room 15 a photo

A small room is always associated with a lack of space. Unsuccessful planning can cause tightness and cluttered species. But it's easy to fix. Even the smallest room can be uncomfortable and make a comfortable and functional with the help of these simple tips and photo examples. Besides, you have a great opportunity to experiment and create your own unique interior. A room for favorite children read how to arrange the children's room, even if it is small.

9 tips on how to build a small room

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1. Colour.The right choice of color can visually increase the space, so try to pick up a paint for walls and ceilings in light colors (white, beige, Gray, blue, lime). This rule also applies to wallpaper. Designers recommend to choose wallpaper with fine patterns, and abandon large figures. The floor covering should be slightly darker, but not too much, otherwise the room will seem low. Try to stick to black in the room: a variety of home furnishings (upholstery, table and chairs), made in one color, visually expand the space, iridescence creates the opposite effect. See our article what colors are combined in the interior of the room it is better.

2. blinds. If in a small room with large windows, it is better to hang curtains at the edges, then they

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The design of the apartment with his hands. How to furnish / equip a small room nice and compact with photo examples.

will seem even more. Choose a long (halfway) curtains and blinds in the same color range, and that the wall. Prefer light flowing fabrics, that do not aggravate the space and do not emphasize on the attention. If there is a possibility, replace the thick curtains on the gas tulle. So the room will penetrate maximum light.

3. Make the most of the space. Each piece of furniture, especially in a small room, must have a purpose. Try to use it to the max. for example, furniture wall - a great option for those, who lives in a studio apartment. It does not take much space and combines several kinds of furniture: wardrobe, bookcase, chest of drawers, Cabinet for TV, mini bar, shelves for souvenirs, photos and other details.

4. multifunctional furniture. Not necessarily a radical approach to the issue - to acquire bed, which turns into a wall, or table, which develops in the coffee table, especially, Such innovative ideas of designers are not cheap. The most common and affordable way to save space - a sofa bed. At night, it is a comfortable double bed, which is going in the morning, a full sofa, where you can receive guests. Besides, usually, under the cover of the sofa is placed a place for linen, blankets and pillows.

5. Reflective transparent surface and. Mirrors and other reflective elements of the interior may also increase the visual space and make room lighter due to the reflected light. it's desirable, that the mirror was opposite the window. Cupboard doors with large mirror with a mirror or wall tiles visually increase the room twice. Transparent interior items, done, of durable plastic, less glass, (eg, Table, chairs) allow to expand the space visually. Furniture with transparent legs create the effect of lightness and floating. These simple techniques can effectively furnish a small room in an apartment or a house.

6. zoning space. For, room to become more functional, divide it into zones. for example, you have to separate the work area from the bed. Use different combinations of colors, Separate space with the help screens, curtains and bookshelves. Use different light sources, to create the illusion of two different rooms. Arrange the furniture in the room so, to be accessible, and you can freely move around the room. Remember: The more floor space will be free, the spacious room will seem.

7. Avoid clutter. This is especially noticeable in a small space. Not "clutter up" the room with unnecessary things. Determine your priorities: get rid of, you do not need, hide the, someday come in handy in cabinets and drawers, and for those things, which you use constantly, determine the most accessible places.

8. More light. Natural and artificial light have the ability to expand the space. Even if a large window, Try not to close his curtains. If the room is not located on the sunny side, You can use the built-in lights on the perimeter of the room. Choose a small chandelier, most will look ridiculous. Ceiling chandelier clear - the best option. See article how to choose the lighting in the interior rooms, this will help to achieve visual increasing the space and better equip the small room, Photo examples below demonstrate this.

9. Small furniture for small room. Discard bulky interior, special, if they do not bear the functional load. From large armchairs can be waived, replacing them at least comfortable chairs. A small folding table is suitable for receiving guests, and home office. Luxury sofa replaced by more modest in size. It is no less comfortable and takes up much less space.

Now our site repair of apartments with their own hands clearly recommend view design projects for the arrangement of rooms. Thanks to the recommendations of the compact arrangement is not big rooms you can arrange cozy apartment.

How to furnish a small room photo

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Table in a small room near the window

Table in a small room 1

Compact furniture in the apartment


Do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed no less exotic and beautiful, like these 15 photo examples!



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7 Comments to the post "How to furnish / equip a small room 15 a photo

  1. Found here bed + wardrobe + desk (On the second floor of the bed with table, beneath all these big wardrobe) whether it is possible to find somewhere this furniture, and order??? Very small room, the only thing like, on this site, a lot of climbs sites,I can not seem to find(((
    You do not help((((

  2. Unfortunately, the selection of furniture are not engaged. Try to go to Ikea,there there are great ideas.

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